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GLOBALA MÅLEN - Globala målen. 4 maps that will change how you see migration in Europe. Did you know that Polish people represent the highest percentage of the foreign-born population in Norway? Or that the largest proportion of immigrants to the Republic of Ireland hail from the UK? These four maps, created by Jakub Marian, a Czech linguist, mathematician and artist, are based on a 2015 study by the United Nations on international migration.

They show European migration split into various numbers: 1. The percentage of the population of each country that is made up of foreign-born migrants 2. 3. 4. 1. In light of the Brexit vote, some might expect the UK to figure highly on this map, but it does not appear in the top five. Percentage of immigrant (foreign-born) population The population with the highest percentage of foreign-born people is Luxembourg (45.9%), followed by Switzerland (29.6%), Sweden (18.5%), Austria (17.4%), Estonia (15.8%) and Germany (14.5%). The UK comes in at 13.4%. 2. Most common country of origin of foreign-born populations 3. 4. Share. Breathingearth - CO2, birth & death rates by country, simulated real-time.

Demografi - Befolkningsutveckling. Jordens befolkning idag Den 31 oktober 2011 var datumet då jordens befolkning passerade 7 miljarder människor och jordens. - ppt ladda ner. Sustainable development goals - United Nations. All the World's Immigration Visualized in 1 Map. This map shows the estimated net immigration (inflows minus outflows) by origin and destination country between 2010 and 2015. Blue circles = positive net migration (more inflows).

Red circles = negative net migration (more outflows). Each yellow dot represents 1,000 people. Hover over a circle to see that country’s total net migration between 2010 and 2015. Click a circle (or tap the circle twice on mobile) to view only the migration flows in and out of that country. Country-to-country net migration (2010-2015) The data for this map comes from the U.N.

Full screen version / Youtube video Immigration: the new Godwin’s Law If you’re not familiar with Godwin’s law, it is an old internet adage that states, “As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazism or Hitler approaches 1.” Lately, I’ve found a similar principle applies to immigration. Immigration has always been an important and frequently debated issue. Who is migrating from where to where? Syria Syria. Here's Everyone Who's Immigrated to the U.S. Since 1820. From 1820 to 2013, 79 million people obtained lawful permanent resident status in the United States. The interactive map below visualizes all of them based on their prior country of residence. The brightness of a country corresponds to its total migration to the U.S. at the given time. Use the controls at the bottom to stop / resume the animation or to move back and forth in time.

Two Centuries of U.S. Over time, the sources of immigration trace a clear path across the world. Through most of the 1800’s, immigration came predominantly from Western Europe (Ireland, Germany, the U.K.). Here are the largest immigration “waves” charted over time, showing the progression. While it may seem that immigration over the last few decades has been higher than ever before, the picture looks very different when viewed relative to the size of the U.S. population. Here is the same chart, with the immigration shown as a percentage of the U.S. population. Credit: Embed as HD video: Follow Metrocosm Related Credit: Watch as the world's cities appear one-by-one over 6,000 years.

Watch the rise of human cities, beginning with [arguably] the world’s first city in 3700 BC and continuing up to the present. Use the controls at the bottom to pause/resume the map and to move back and forth in time. The history of urbanization, 3700 BC – 2000 AD (full-screen version) full screen / videoFor each city, this map shows the date of the earliest recorded population figure, which is not necessarily the date when the city was founded.

The size of each dot corresponds to its population at that time. By 2030, 75 percent of the world’s population is expected to be living in cities. Today, about 54 percent of us do. Urbanization didn’t begin in the 1960’s. The researchers compiled the data by digitizing, geocoding, and standardizing information from past research published about historical urban populations. As the authors of acknowledge, the data has a number of limitations and is “far from comprehensive.” Credit Follow Metrocosm Related Here's Everyone Who's Immigrated to the U.S. Hållbart Samhälle. Landguiden - länder i fickformat. 30 Photos That Prove the World Is Ending | Warped Speed - Part 6. Haven behöver vår hjälp! Rädda haven - WWF | WWF Havskampen. Till Maria. Jordbävningen i Haiti: "Det mest obehagliga jag sett" - Nyhetsmorgon (TV4)

Så minns vi tsunamin i Japan och Fukushima-katastrofen - Streama TV4 Play.


Comments. Jacob Wilson I love that these numbers are small enough for Trump supporters to understand but even that is a little high of an expectation! 260 · Yesterday at 3:37am Anthony Alapaki Ahkoi I feel like so many Americans are confused by this statistic, as if speaking your language is un-American. Speaking your indigenous language is pretty much in the definition of being American 67 · Yesterday at 3:39am Marcello Fieramosca Here's my question...if atheists are the third largest group why are they last on the graph?? 47 · Yesterday at 3:44am Vicki Nellis My children and myself are college educated, we counted on my layman husband to bring in the cash to pay for it and support us, because we didn't expect to be entitled to it! Christopher Bernardi The face I make when Occupy Democrats starts talking shit about Trump supporters. 1 · 2 hours ago James Sadowski 2 · Yesterday at 9:38am Sue Berzonski Into which categories would Hillary Clinton fall?

Stay poor. 5 · 8 hours ago David Rivera 1 · 10 hours ago. Geografi - Upload Loading... Working... ► Play all Geografi - Studi.se16 videos22,776 viewsLast updated on Oct 1, 2015 Play all Sign in to YouTube Sign in History Sign in to add this to Watch Later Add to Loading playlists...