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Managing Your Emotions. By Julie Fuimano, Personal & Career Coach Every day it happens.

Managing Your Emotions

You experience emotions. We all do. But how good are you at managing them? How do you deal with anger, hurt, disappointment, frustration and fear? Like everyone else, you probably learned about emotions from watching others, like your parents. Until the last 15 years, that is. Self-awareness. You searched for women - Blisstree.

Must-know Ways About How to get him to Pay More Attention to you. This sounds symbolic of the typical attention deficit disorder that many girls suffer from.

Must-know Ways About How to get him to Pay More Attention to you

However, it is very much in the nature of girls and they can’t help it. They want attention and crave for the company of their boyfriend. Even when it is about a mature relationship like that of a husband and wife, the fairer sex demands attention. Well, women are very different from men. Women. Love yourself, stress less, be happy and live better. How To Handle Rejection From The One You Love. One thing to remember?

How To Handle Rejection From The One You Love

Healthy Lifestyle - Lifestyle Tips for Women. Living. Seven2success. St-Laurent Centre outlines how to achieve big, bold eyebrows. Ok, it’s time to get comfortable with it: big, bold eyebrows are here to stay.

St-Laurent Centre outlines how to achieve big, bold eyebrows

They’ve been popular for over two years now and show no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Bushy brows aren’t for everybody, but if you’re brave enough to jump on the bandwagon, you’re going to need some pro tips to get you through that awkward growing-out stage. Overtweezing is a common problem that most people have. How To Fill in Your Brows. Hello classy Makeup Geeks!

How To Fill in Your Brows

:) (I can’t call you beautiful EVERY time or you may get too big headed ;) jk!) I’ve been trying to tape this brow video for years. Yes, years. HOW TO: Perfect Eyebrows. It's all about the brows!

HOW TO: Perfect Eyebrows

Grooming your eyebrows can be a major pain in the bum. Not to mention as complicated and as difficult as rocket science. Well, er...not that hard, but pretty close! Scope below to get amazing ways and tips to keep your brows in shape! Anastasia Stencils, $20. How To Shape The Perfect Eyebrows - Marie Claire Magazine. When it comes to eyebrow shaping, there's a very fine line between perfection and over-plucking.

How To Shape The Perfect Eyebrows - Marie Claire Magazine

Here's how to get the best shape for your brows either at home or in the salon. Perfectly groomed eyebrows do wonders to enhance a face – they balance features, frame your eyes and signal to the world that you’re polished and poised. But when it comes to eyebrow maintenance, there’s a very fine line between the perfect shape and that oh-so-easy, over-plucked look. Sometimes, a few seconds of well-intentioned, zealous tweezing can lead to a few agonising months of re-growth. If you decide to employ the shaping skills of a professional, there are a number of options you can try: tweezing, waxing, threading and even laser treatment are just some of the hair removal methods on the market today. How To Deal With Fair-Weather Friends. If you’re lucky, you have an awesome group of girlfriends.

How To Deal With Fair-Weather Friends

Our friends keep us sane and happy … most of the time. What about the friends who aren’t always true blue? How To Deal With Fair-Weather Friends. All Nurture Articles. Motivational Message Of The Wee: How To Deal With Jealous Friends - Jealousy can be defined as a feeling of resentment against someone because of that person’s success, rivalry or advantage.

Motivational Message Of The Wee: How To Deal With Jealous Friends -

Jealousy is destructive to both the person harbouring the feeling and the one at the receiving end. As human beings, we are surrounded by jealous people of which some are even our ‘good friends’ or family members. Spotting jealous friends or people around you is not that difficult. Jealous of your FB friends? We have all felt it.

Jealous of your FB friends?

That twinge of jealousy when we chance upon someone having what seems to be the perfect life on Facebook. We dissect that unsettling feeling. It was one of those rare long weekends. Most of my friends were busy updating their Facebook status—some were taking off on a short holiday, while others were simply planning to loll about at home. I wasn’t so lucky; I had no holiday. The Difference Between Stress & Burnout - And Tips On Prevention! Since I named this blog "Avoiding Working Mom Burnout", I thought it was a bit overdue that I actually talk about burnout and what it is. So far, the majority of my posts have been about the chronicles of motherhood, marriage, relationships and women's issues. I think we use the term "burnout" very loosely in today's day and age - I catch myself saying "OMG, I'm so burnt out" quite often (maybe more so on Fridays).

I definitely have some weeks where I'm way more tired than others and everything seems to take a little more effort. This is one of those weeks (maybe because of last weekend's getaway to Ottawa which was all play, no rest). We all have those days where the juggling act of the modern woman's life becomes overwhelming and we feel overloaded. According to the Helpguide organization, stress and burnout are two different things. Health, Nutrition, Wellness, Fitness & Dieting - Page 21. 6 Tips for women's brain health. Exercise your body for a strong mind Twenty percent – that’s the proportion of blood flowing from the heart that goes to our brains. Exercise increases heart health, which in turn ensures your brain gets the oxygen and nutrients it needs. Perform exercises that increase cardiovascular health, such as aerobics, yoga and brisk walking. Eat right Our brains consume a great deal of our bodies' overall resources.

Think supplements Even the best diet may not provide the brain with the right amounts of vitamins and nutrients. How to get noticed at work: Five strategies for recognition. The glass ceiling still exists in corporate Australia. We have been discussing it for decades, so what actions can we take to get more recognition, secure pay rises and climb the corporate ladder? There are many reasons why women still struggle to get noticed by senior management. Factors like unconscious bias, women not putting themselves forward, underestimating their performance and also differences in the way men and women communicate all contribute to why women get overlooked for promotion and pay rises.

Build a Healthier Plate: Health. Feeling Overwhelmed? Four Tips for Women to Find Peace of Mind - ASPIREMAG.NET. I had lunch yesterday with my dear friend Judy, a marketing manager for a real estate company. Judy, who has a year-old daughter, often travels on business. Two minutes into our lunch, she shared the following: her nanny unexpectedly quit, she’s negotiating a complex business deal, she’s building a house, she’s selling her condo, and her administrative assistant recently crossed over. She also felt that her husband did not understand the time commitment involved in mothering. And she was worried about losing weight and looking beautiful. Thanks to today’s pace of life, women, whose instincts seem to require them to nurture everyone else, often feel overwhelmed by responsibilities at work and home. . Tip #1: Take Charge of Your Behavior.

Passive-aggressive Behavior Destroys Relationships. Passive-aggressive Behavior Destroys Relationships Corporate Wellness on January 29, 2014 - 12:08 pm in Focused Much stress in life comes from interactions with colleagues, family, and friends who are less-than-direct. Particularly stressful is being on the receiving end of a passive-aggressive person. Passive-aggressive behavior, in my opinion, is the most destructive to the health of a relationship. It is a form of manipulation. Cleaning. Leen Nolan: So guilty about breastfeeding - Coleen Nolan. Our Guide For Growth. How To Make a Good Impression - Networking Skills. How To Make a Good Impression - Networking Skills.

How to get motivated. Diet failing? So happy for you - not. More than any other emotion, jealousy can seriously undermine your sanity, as you obsess over a person's every gesture, seeing them all as 'proof' that they are doing you wrong. 5 Things you don't know about women's magazines. Your self-esteem can take a hit Exposure to images of too-thin, too-perfect air-brushed female bodies in the women’s magazines are linked to depression, loss of self-esteem and the development of unhealthy eating habits in women and girls.

15 Things You Shouldn’t Say or Do to Your Single Friends - Modern Reject. Today’s post is from Ally Spotts, who has a rockin’ blog where she discusses faith, relationships, and life in general. Xorin Balbes Teaches How to Create a Sanctuary In the Home. Here, he discusses his eight-step design “personalizing” technique, which he writes about his book SoulSpace: Transform Your Home, Transform Your Life — Creating a Home That Is Free of Clutter, Full of Beauty and Inspired by You. Balbes is an award-winning architectural conservator, designer and philanthropist well known for his restorations in the Los Angeles area. 7 Powerful Insights for Marketing to Women. Why Natural Makeup Makes You A Better Feminist. 8 Effective Ways to Let Go and Move On. Email “Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. How To “Breakup” With Dieting In 5 Easy Steps — Body Love Wellness. 6 Simple home updates for the busy mom.

5 Ways to make your home a sanctuary (on a budget) Best 27 Feminine Hobbies for Women. Xorin Balbes Teaches How to Create a Sanctuary In the Home. What Is Life Coaching - Bliss Broyard on Life Coaching. Style Archives : Page 6 of 59 : Advice from a Twenty Something. Turn Your Home into a Spa Sanctuary. 7 Habits of Highly Successful Women.