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Milky Way Brownies Recipe. I began the day yesterday with a desire to create some sort of candy bar-infused brownie.

Milky Way Brownies Recipe

‘Snickers‘ first came to mind. The thought of all of that caramel oozing its way through a mass of fudgy brownie sounded like a good idea to me. 34 Insanely Simple Two-Ingredient Recipes. Nutella Mug Cake. Bring Your Child's Favorite Characters to Life with These Disney-Themed Lunches Healthy Mickey-Shaped PB&J Muffins: A Breakfast the Whole Family with Love A Yummy Instant Pot Chicken and Rice Recipe Even the Pickiest Eaters Will Love.

Nutella Mug Cake

A brownie by any other name… Love brownies.

A brownie by any other name…

Love their shiny, flaky top that shatters into micro-thin shards that shower onto your fingers as you eat. Love their dark, gooey center. How to Make Brownie in a Mug. Apple Rings. With the hot summer months upon us, I have found myself buying container after container of fruit.

Apple Rings

Whether it be strawberries, blueberries or even apples, when it comes to summer I love to sit down with a big bowl of fruit and satisfy my sweet tooth. The best future sister-in-law ever went berry picking the other day while I was out of town. She came home with an over abundance of raspberries and cherries. My husband had to stop by their house to drop something off and upon his return home, he showed up at the door with plastic containers full of sweet berries and cherries.

My jaw dropped and I immediately began thinking of ways to use up these delicious treats. Honeyed Pears in Puff Pastry. Poaching fruit is one of my favorite things to do when cold weather arrives.

Honeyed Pears in Puff Pastry

It's so warming to stand over a boiling pot of fragrant spices and lose yourself in thought. When I made these, I couldn't help but daydream as I stirred; if I were a pear... I wouldn't want to spend my days on the shelf of a cold produce department. How to make Oreo lasagna. Colin Joliat Oreo lasagna is a perfect alternative to cake, or lasagna, or pretty much any food.

How to make Oreo lasagna

It’s easy enough that even I could figure out how to make it. Step your food game up with this dish fit for the internet. I come across a lot of things that make me say, “I should definitely try that.” Whether it’s a recipe for something ridiculous like Oreo lasagna or a new way to sneak alcohol into a game, there are brilliant ideas floating around on which none of us capitalize. Let the fun begin. Layer 2 is a crazy concoction of cream cheese, milk, sugar, and cool whip. The third layer is where things started to go wrong. The penultimate layer is fancy talk for next-to-last. Finally, just add chocolate chips.

Throw the whole thing in the freezer for an hour, have a few cocktails, and in no time you’re ready for the finest Oreo lasagna the internet has to offer. The one question you’ll probably have is, “What aisle is Cool Whip in?” DIRECTIONS 1. - StumbleUpon. Cinnamon Sugar Pull-Apart Bread. I’m sorry.

Cinnamon Sugar Pull-Apart Bread

I know it’s Monday morning and you probably came here for some pretty pictures of food that you could glance at, and then move on with your day… and here I go thrusting warm, soft cinnamon sugar bread in your face. It’s not fair. I know it’s not fair. I know that now you’re craving cinnamon rolls, and cream cheese frosting and chili fries and hot dogs. I am too… and I already ate half of this warm bread. You don’t deserve this sort of torture.

This bread hits all the comfort spots in my soul. Cinnamon Roll Pancakes. Updated 9/22/11 to Add: If you’re coming here to sample these delicious Cinnamon Roll Pancakes, you just might like the latest recipe that I’ve posted for Pumpkin Cinnamon Roll Pancakes too.

Cinnamon Roll Pancakes

And Gingerbread- Cinnamon Roll Pancakes too. Enjoy! How to Make Crêpes Without a Crêperie. A brief tutorial on how to make crêpes at home, no crêperie required.

How to Make Crêpes Without a Crêperie

Just you, your stove and a bit of batter and you’ll have a plate full of thin pancakes in no time at all. I’ve always wanted to live abroad, even if just for a short time. While the dream of leaving and exploring was there, the reality was and is that I remain fully rooted in the Midwest.In college I was a single parent. In order to declare my Spanish major, I had to get the mandatory study abroad waived. Rather than live somewhere new and explore, I sat in my apartment and cooked, dreaming of leaving. To the eggs and milk, add in flour, melted butter and a bit of salt. When it’s time to cook, heat a pan with rounded edges over medium-high heat. How to Make Peanut Butter S'Mores Turnovers. Peanut Butter- S’Mores Turnovers I’m not much of a camper.

How to Make Peanut Butter S'Mores Turnovers

My husband often takes my son on camping trips, and I happily stay behind and thank the gods for our bug-free house, cozy bed and well-stocked kitchen. I always send them off in comfort… marinate a little meat for them to throw on the grill, pack up some convenience foods and bake a few goodies too. When they return from their camping weekends, I hear mostly about the evenings sitting around the campfire. Crème brûlée french toasts. Filed under the very large category of Things Pretty Much Every New Yorker Already Knew About But Was News To Me (don’t bother trying to hail a cab after noon on a Friday, filthy stoops are irresistible for the chill-minded set, etc.), the City Bakery on 18th Street has some astoundingly good French toast on Sunday mornings.

It’s also astoundingly expensive, as things will go at a bakery with sweets like you can’t find anywhere else and an iron grip on its original recipes. Their version is a ridiculously thick wedge of battered bread with a caramelized lid that requires no syrup or other accompaniment — well, except maybe some crispy salty strips of bacon — to make it sing. Of course, I’m not trying to make their French toast, I would leave that to their expertise. The snafu me and my poor little middle fingertip — leading to countless, “Look what I hurt today!” Crème Brûlée French Toasts. Oreo and Peanut Butter Brownie Cakes. So, after being gone all last week, this has been catch up on the house week. Mostly laundry actually. Man, who knew that a weeks worth of laundry from 5 people could be so daunting.

Yikes!! But I am kind of behind on my cooking and baking as well since I've been gone and cleaning. Nutella-Mallow Pillow Pockets. When I tell you this, take me very seriously…, don’t walk to your nearest grocery store and make these today! I knew I wanted to make a Nutella treat the other day and when this simple idea came to mind I had no idea how crazy good it would be! The pastry with the gooey disappearing marshmallow and nutella make for a treat that you just must try for yourself!

Easy Single Serving Dessert Recipes. Single-Serving Peanut Turtle Blondies David Bowers This rich and buttery blondie, topped with so many good things, can be ready in less than three minutes. It’s almost dangerously easy to mix up.