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Parallel Universe on MSN: Across the Universe: From Here to Hogwarts. From Here to Hogwarts.

Parallel Universe on MSN: Across the Universe: From Here to Hogwarts

What I Learned from Harry Potter. Harry Potter has been a part of my life since I was in high school.

What I Learned from Harry Potter

I've read the books, seen the movies too many times to count and my daughter is a huge fan. It's become part of who I am. I was sad to see it end. I cried at the beginning of the movie. I cried at the end of the movie. I felt like a part of childhood had died. As I reflect on that moment I realize that as it was such an important part of my life, there are so many lessons I took away from Harry Potter. Lessons I Learned from Dumbledore: "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that.

" I have that number that I want, the goal that I seek, but if I focus too much on it, I lose sight of today. "It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. " I don't have to be a marathon runner or fitness guru. "We must try not to sink beneath our anguish, Harry, but battle on. " Giving up isn't an option. "Dark and difficult times lie ahead. Harry Potter: the story of a global ... - Susan Gunelius. Harry Potter Comic 07 by ~Loleia on deviantART. The World's #1 Harry Potter Site - Deathly Hallows Movie, The Wizarding World, JK Rowling, and much more. A sneak peek and review by Eric Scull This report is the first of three chronicling a trip taken by representatives of top Harry Potter web-sites to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park in Universal Studios, Orlando, FL.

The trip just took place and we are going to be releasing details (in the form of reports) in cooperation with Universal's wishes and often at the same time that those reports will be backed up by details directly from Universal. What we have witnessed has been awesome and what can be said in all three reports will be very exciting to read, no doubt. First, the release date. It was confirmed to us that the grand opening for the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios will take place on June 18, 2010. Also confirmed by a Universal representative, the notion of a "soft open" or a preliminary period of the park being open to the public before the grand opening of June 18th is sound, but no specific dates are known at this time.

Mr. At one point, Mr. 20 Facts You May Not Know About Harry Potter. It all ends this Friday.

20 Facts You May Not Know About Harry Potter

Culture Warrior: The Past and (Possible) Future of Harry Potter. A Harry/Ginny Fanfic and Fanart Archive. Top 6 Reasons Harry Potter Isn't For Kids. With Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix due soon in theaters and the book release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows imminent, children, pre-teens and functionally retarded adults across America can sigh with relief: Their favorite boy wizard is back.

Top 6 Reasons Harry Potter Isn't For Kids

But are kids, young adults and the mentally stupid Potter's target audience anymore? Both the films and their source material, J.K. Rowling's book series, have increasingly started to incorporate dark, violent subject matter. In the place of fantastical creatures, childhood wish fulfillment fantasy and schools of fatherly wizards, we now have hideously deformed and fanged dark lords, soul-stealing wraiths and parents murdered on-screen. Was it always like this, and we just didn't notice? Moaning Myrtle: Creepy and Depressing She's so adorable, in fact, that it's easy to forget that we're talking about the tormented specter of a child who's doomed to exclusively haunt middle school bathrooms. from 6 Baffling Attempts to Ride Harry Potters Coattails. The kind of success J.K. Rowling has seen with the Harry Potter saga comes along maybe once in a generation. Lord of the Rings spawned an entire fantasy movement, Star Wars ushered in a new era of space opera and Harry Potter has brought the concept of magic out of the nerd closet and into the mainstream. Obviously, there will be some people looking to ride those sparkly robetails. Some of them do it a little more gracefully than others, however ... Larry Potter and His Best Friend Lilly Nancy Stouffer, an unpublished fantasy author from New England, came forward in the year 2000 to claim Rowling stole the idea for Harry Potter. Rhyming is illegal, right? Off to Azkaban she goes. However, Stouffer claimed to have more compelling evidence: She invented the term "muggles" years earlier in her novel Rah, for example, and that book included several similar themes and motifs later used in the Harry Potter series.

Via GoodReads.comFor instance, both books contained white males. Woops! Confused? Mental_floss Blog & The Quick 10: 10 Things You Probably Didn't... With Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince coming out in the U.S. later this week, it's time to out myself as a Slytherin Supporter. Maybe you already knew that. Nothing against Gryffindors - I'm no Voldemort or anything - but I always tend to like the villains a little more than the do-gooders. To celebrate Harry and Co.'s sixth movie (and sixth book), here are a few facts that you may not have known about the gang in gold and red (and maybe a couple about the set in silver and green). 1.

It has a sour tone to it, doesn't it? 3. 4. Essays « The Harry Potter Companion. Evolution by ~maisou on deviantART. Emma Watson & Guillermo del Toro Team Up For ‘Beauty & the Beast. Alcoholic Drinks with Recipes Inspired by the Harry Potter Movie Series (PHOTO) HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS – PART 2: PARSELTONGUE TRANSLATOR.