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Musician, Martial Artist, Health Counselor, Crossfit Coach, Foodie, Runner | Best Acoustic Guitar Songs, Good Acoustic Music. Sphere (Color Theory Visualizer) Download free songs - The Songs! Gym Guide. 7 Effective Strategies To Get Your Music Noticed — Echoes - Insight for Independent Artists. In some music business schools, they still give students assignments that go like this: “Assume that you have one million dollars. Make up a marketing plan on how to promote a band.” Here’s a realistic assignment: “Go to MySpace. Pick a band. You have zero dollars. Now go promote them.” Although most bands would like to have the kind of budget to promote their latest album on TV, radio, and billboards, they are more likely to have just enough to print up posters for the next gig. And yet indies can get the kind of attention that major label acts get. Here are seven effective strategies to get you and your music noticed. You have one thing to do before you get started, though.

Once you know your audience, dig in. SEVEN EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES 1. 1. Don’t start there. The competition for attention in music publications and sites is overwhelming. Instead of focusing on music publications and media, think in terms of audiences. 2. But piggybacking isn’t always about how to get publicity. 3. 4. Free Piano Sheet Music, Lessons & Resources. Plato's "The Allegory of the Cave". "In fact, you get pretty good at understanding how the patterns in the show work, and everyone else chained up is like, 'Holy shit bro, how did you know that that tree was going to fall on that guy?

' and you're like, 'It's because I fucking pay attention and I'm smart as shit.' You're the smartest of the chained, and they all revere you. " Glaucon: "But Socrates, a tree didn't really hit a guy. It's all shadows. " Socrates: "No shit, Glaucon, but you don't know that. You think the shadows are real things. Everyone does. "So eventually, someone comes and unchains you and drags you out of the cave.

"Slowly, as your eyes got better, you'd see more and more shit. "Finally you'd want to go down and tell everyone about everything you've discovered. "Philosophy, same thing. Home. Bad Martial Arts. 50 Ways To Boost Your Brain Power | 4 Mind 4 Life: Good Health Tips. 1) Meditate — Meditation has been known to increase IQ, relieve stress, and promotes higher levels of brain functioning.

Meditation also activates the “prefrontal cortex” of the brain, an area responsible for advanced thinking ability and performance. 2) Draw A Picture — Drawing stimulates the right-hemisphere of the brain and inspires creativity. Get out the colored pencils and begin drawing your way to a powerful brain. 3) Exercise — Long-term exercise has been proven to increase brain power and even create new neurons in the brain. Go out and get a natural high off of your own brain chemistry through exercise!

4) Brainwave Entrainment — Brainwave entrainment is a safe, innovative way to stimulate and shape the brain and it’s functioning. 5) Avoid Junk Food — Junk food has been proven to decrease energy in the body and promotes “brain fog.” 7) Learn A New Language — Learning adds more structure to the brain and improves the brain’s speech centers. 98 Comments » McSweeney's Internet Tendency: What Your Favorite Classic Rock Band Says About You. Nutritionflowchart. Vic Firth Presents: The 40 Essential Rudiments.

Dr. John Wooton is the director of percussion studies at The University of Southern Mississippi. He is well versed in many percussion instruments but has specialized in rudimental snare drum, drum set, marimba, vibraphone and steel pans. Dr. Wooton directs the Percussion Ensemble, Steel Pan Orchestra, Graduate Percussion Ensemble and the Samba Band. He also performs regularly on steel pans as a soloist or with his band, KAISO!

, and plays vibes for the USM Jazz Quintet. From 1988 to 1992, he served as percussion coordinator/pep band director for the University of Iowa bands. Since joining the faculty at Southern Miss, Dr. Sexy!! Music video for UK band LEATHER HANDS new release, 'Vertical Lines' Personal Training Programs - Free custom weight training programs. Training Programs for Fitness, Weight Loss. Traditional Style Swords, Functional, Sharp -Kris Cutlery. The Secrets of Jujitsu: A Complete Course in Self Defense, by Allan Corstorphin Smith. PUSHUP CHALLENGE. It might surprise you to know that the pushup wasn’t invented in the U.S. We can’t say for sure, but we’re guessing it comes from India, since it’s really a classic yoga exercise.

And it’s not the only version of the pushup that comes form foreign soil. Strength coach Martin Rooney traveled the world and found all “new” variations, including the knee-to-opposite elbow pushup (Thailand), the triangle pushup (Brazil), the uchi mata pushup (Japan), and the staggered hands, single-leg pushup (England). You can see them all in the video, but better yet, take Rooney’s pushup challenge for a workout that’ll blast your upper body. Directions: Challenge 1. Challenge 2. Your goal: Try to complete this routine in less than 5 minutes. Time Management Training from MindTools. Spike Jonze captures Yo-Yo Ma & Lil Buck performance | Mixing Reality. Whitaker Blackall – Music and Sound FX for Video Games » Music Theory for Beginners: Part I. Find part two of this article here WARNING: This is a long post. But if you can get through it, you will know a lot of important basics about music theory and production.

As some of you know, I’ve been having a blast with my foray into gamedev. I had never programmed a day in my life before October, and now I’m up to making an iPhone Pong clone so I’m pretty excited about that! More to come in future blog posts. While obviously I’d prefer every game developer out there to come to me for music, I think some people want to make their own game soundtracks, and would if they only knew how. Scales, and why you need to understand themChords, and how to form themChord progressions, and how to make themMelodies, and how to write themExtra effects and plugins that fill out your sound I’m going to be using GarageBand in this post, so feel free to follow along.

Scales, and why you need to understand them Most beginners really hate scales because they’re boring and don’t seem to do anything. The Official Website of Kevin Olusola | Home. Musiciansnews. How to construct chords - Piano Clues: Free tips and lessons for playing piano, organ and electronic keyboard. You don’t need a “1000 Chords Dictionary” to be able to read and play chords. You can learn how to form chords on your own, because chords are built using simple formulas. A chord is three or more notes played at the same time. It’s as simple as that. Of course, the trick is to know which three notes… Obviously, not all combinations of notes sound good.

Particular combinations each have their own name: there are “major” chords, “minor” chords, “dominant-7″ chords, “diminished chords”, and so on. Of each chord type, there are 12 possible chords: one for each note. The note that names the chord is called the root note. What’s the difference between all these chord types? Chord formulas To form a chord you simply apply a formula to the major scale named by the root tone. So to build any type of chord, you need to know: the major scale for the root tone of that chord, andthe formula for that chord. I am assuming that you already can play the 12 major scales. The chart Major chords: Minor chords: Master Muscle List Home Page. 202 Motown Songs: The Complete No. 1s by Various Artists - Download 202 Motown Songs: The Complete No. 1s. The Official Site of Vince Guaraldi Welcome.

Cajon-schematic. Christopher McDougall: Are we born to run? Rachael Price - Jazz Vocalist. Line2 - A new phone line with calling, texting, and business features. for iPhone, iPod touch (2nd generation), iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), and iPad on the iTunes App Store. Guitar Mode Charts. How To Rank on Google’s First Page for Free. Edit: A Lot of Information in This Post Is Outdated.

The question of ranking high on Google search and other search engines is probably the most asked question when it comes to internet marketing or simple website development. Back in 2008 I wrote a post on this blog; Dominate Google’s First Page for Free and although it got a lot of interest and 50 or so comments, the Internet has evolved a lot in the past 3 years and I feel it’s about time I updated the post with the new and the fresh. I am still an active member at The Wealthy Affiliate and many other Internet Marketing communities, I am growing my online business every day so I stay updated on what works and what doesn’t. Check Out the FREE Course And Start Building Your Success Online! So… Google has been playing a lot with page rankings and its search algorithm. The most recent Google’s update targeted so called “link farms”. Are you ready to get your site ranking high BY the Google’s rules? Keyword Research 1. Get a Good Domain Name. Early Blues. Join ClassicsOnline - Get 5 Free Tracks, Classical 101 at 85% off plus Free Streaming.

Slow Motion Dancing for Japan. This completely mesmerizing dance video was created by the music/dance group World Order which is led by former martial artist Genki Sudo. Intended as a message of hope, you can find Genki Sudo’s message to the Japanese and the world in these trying times below the video. “The unprecedented disasters unfolding in Japan; earthquakes, tsunami, and nuclear explosions, will somehow change things to come. And to send my message about this, I have expressed it here with WORLD ORDER. These disasters can be interpreted as a turning point for civilization. I think that we have arrived at a time of revolution, shared with all the people of the world, in today’s society, economy, and political systems. Incidents themselves are neutral. I believe that every single one of us, wandering through this deep darkness, can overcome anything, if only we let go of our fear, and face the it all in a positive light.

Genki Sudo. Running music, the best workout songs, and exercise playlists - Untitled Document. Tibetan Eye Chart Give your body and your EYES the nutrition they need! For generations the people of Tibet have used natural methods to correct visual weakness and improve their eyesight. Chief among the methods employed has been the use of certain exercises which have proved useful over long periods of time.

The figure on this chart was designed by Tibetan Lama Monks to give the necessary corrective exercises and stimulation to the muscles and nerves of the optical system. The eye Muscles focus similar to a camera shutter. The purpose of these exercises is to strengthen the eye muscles to improve vision. A few minutes practice morning and evening will bring immediate effects and over a period of months a most definite improvement will result. How to Use the Chart These exercises are to be done without eyeglasses or contacts. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) Repeat exercises as desired being careful to avoid strain.

Keeping Score: Revolutions in Music. 1901 to World War II. My Major Company UK | Discover Artists - Invest In Music. The 100 Best Books of All Time. Many publishers have lists of 100 best books, defined by their own criteria. This article enumerates some lists of "100 best" books for which there are fuller articles. Among them, Science Fiction: The 100 Best Novels (Xanadu, 1985) and Modern Fantasy: The 100 Best Novels (Grafton, 1988) are collections of 100 short essays by a single author, David Pringle, with moderately long critical introductory chapters also by Pringle. For publisher Xanadu, Science Fiction was the first of four "100 Best" books published from 1985 to 1988.

The sequels covered crime & mystery, horror, and fantasy. Lists[edit] See also[edit] References[edit] Cover Song Archive. Lightnin' Hopkins. The world would be better if everyone watched this. Guitar Modes Series with Backing Tracks - Learn Modes on Guitar. ScaleFinder | Visual guide to scales and modes for guitar. Family tree of the Greek gods. Key: The essential Olympians' names are given in bold font. See also List of Greek mythological figures Notes External links Media related to Family trees of Greek mythology at Wikimedia Commons. Alternate Sleep Cycles. Most people only think that there is one way to sleep: Go to sleep at night for 6-8 hours, wake up in the morning, stay awake for 16-18 hours and then repeat. Actually, that is called a monophasic sleep cycle, which is only 1 of 5 major sleep cycles that have been used successfully throughout history.

The other 4 are considered polyphasic sleep cycles due to the multiple number of naps they require each day. How is this possible? How is this healthy? Well the most important of every sleep cycle is the Stage 4 REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, which has been shown to provide the benefits of sleep to the brain above all other stages of sleep. When changing over to a polyphasic cycle, the lack of sleep tricks the body into entering REM sleep immediately instead of 45 to 75 minutes into sleep like in the monophasic sleep. This way, you still get the benefits of 8 hours of sleep without wasting all of the time it takes to get to REM cycles, resulting in a much more efficient sleep cycle. Amusing Ourselves to Death: Huxley vs Orwell. A clever comic over on the accuracy of George Orwell’s predictions about future society over that of Aldous Huxley. It’s informative and scary at the same time.

“In short, Orwell feared that what we hate would ruin us. Huxley that what we love will ruin us.” It’s unfortunate that Huxley got it right because the latter is much less obvious. American Blues Scene | Your daily reliable source for blues & music news, interviews and blues album reviews from all corners of the globe. Tablature, Chords, Sheet music. The Guitar ReRanch. Tips and downloads for getting things done. Groove Salad on SomaFM: A nicely chilled plate of ambient beats and grooves. - Commercial-free Ambient/Electronica Radio from San Francisco. Marcodi Musical Products: Makers of the harpejji. Фото и рисунки, арт и креативная реклама. Alumni Weekly: A grand unified theory of music. Bruce Lee - Lost Interview. Top 200 Foods | Food Sources of Nutrients. Videos. Lyric Writing Exercises: a 5-Day Workshop. Moogaloop. ChordSpace Playa Home. Krishnamurti San Diego 1970 Talk 3 (English Subtitles)

MUSIC RESEARCH AND MUSIC THEORY. 10 Ways to Play the Most Beautiful Open Chord Shapes. Showing all quotes that contain 'bukowski'. - Professional online profiles. How to Become a Music Mogul in 3 Easy Steps. Watch. The Labrinth of Genre. Chord Chart Wizard. Print - The 75 Books Every Man Should Read. Led Zeppelin. Famous Films Compressed into Barcodes. :: musikame dj player 1.0 beta :: the easiest way to dj your soundcloud tracks :: Not_available.


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