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Companion Planting. Marigolds + Melons Certain marigold varieties control nematodes in the roots of melon as effectively as chemical treatments. Tomatoes + Cabbage Tomatoes are repellent to diamondback moth larvae, which are caterpillars that chew large holes in cabbage leaves. Cucumbers + Nasturtiums The nasturtium's vining stems make them a great companion rambling among your growing cucumbers and squash plants, suggests Sally Jean Cunningham, master gardener and author of Great Garden Companions. Nasturtiums "are reputed to repel cucumber beetles, but I depend on them more as habitat for predatory insects," such as spiders and ground beetles.

Peppers + Pigweed Leafminers preferred both pigweed and ragweed to pepper plants in a study at the Coastal Plains Experiment Station in Tifton, Georgia. Just be careful to remove the flowers before the weeds set seed. Cabbage + Dill "Dill is a great companion for cabbage family plants, such as broccoli and brussels sprouts," Cunningham says. Permaculture topics. Untitled. Raised by 31 People in 2 days Share Video We are funding to buy a lot of hectares of forest, living space and many clean water springs in Perú to create a self sustainable eco village.

We focus on: Living off the grid Permaculture and growing 100% of the food A vegan and/or raw vegan lifestyle, healthy nutrition, no animal cruelty Home- and no-schooling Building and living with natural materials A so called "moneyless society", creating a mentality of giving With this land we will ensure a save and natural living for many families.

Each of our future neighbors will get one hectare for free **yes for free! ** to build their home and garden on. That means every donator is possibly investing in his own future! Your donation creates.. - Together, we will protect virgin rainforest, rare animals and plants and - so important - pure and clean water springs, that are directly heading to the Amazone. - With your help, we create a role-model of an autarkic, free life. Stephane Amore. Help spread the permaculture word... If there is one message that we, at Permaculture magazine, would like to share with the world is that we can regenerate whole regions of the earth with handtools and human endeavour if we collectively choose to do so. We humans have an understanding of how to do this and it has already been done over many thousands of hectares in Zimbabwe, the Sahel region in Africa and in China on the Loess Plateau.

We can reverse the damage we have done to our planet and it is the voice of the people that will create this change. Let's raise our voices and tell this story everywhere where we can bring our influence to bear. This is a presentation from John D. Liu with additional film clips that explains how this has been done and why these methods have been tested out in many places. This is what John calls the 'Great Work of our Time' and it will recreate biodiversity, economic development linked with ecological function, and lock up carbon in the soil. This is the solution. Summary John D. Stories from the Energy Revolution. The energy revolution is already underway as people around the world embrace renewable energy in their communities. People around the world are coming together as communities to make this happen.

Telling success stories from energy pioneers in the UK, America, Europe, Asia and Africa, Howard Johns, author of Energy Revolution - your guide to repowering the energy system will tell you why it is happening and why there is no alternative. Hearing about climate change and global energy issues is a often very disempowering and worrying thing, but right now there is an opportunity to transform the energy system and fix the problem at the same time.

So from the challenge comes a story of hope, about how it is possible to achieve a wholesale transformation in our energy system in a short space of time, and one that not only benefits the planet but becomes an engine of well being in our communities. About Howard A pay bar will be available. Can't attend? Quelles plantes aromatiques planter en octobre ? Développement durable : l'Irlande vise les 100% de sa production d'ici 2016. Lancé en Irlande en 2012, le plan Origin Green rassemble le gouvernement, le secteur privé et les producteurs agroalimentaires. Pour ce programme d’ampleur en matière de développement durable, l’objectif est que la totalité des exportations agroalimentaires du pays soit issue d’exploitations agricoles durables en 2016. Et… les Irlandais semblent bien partis pour y parvenir. Avec Origin Green, les agriculteurs doivent réduire leur impact sur l’environnement, tout en servant au mieux les communautés locales et en protégeant les ressources naturelles du pays : un plan ambitieux à l’échelle nationale, que l’Irlande entend bien mener à son terme.

C’est Bord Bia, l’office de promotion des produits agroalimentaires irlandais, qui a lancé en juin 2012 le projet Origin Green, pour favoriser le développement durable dans toutes les filières agroalimentaires. Une charte nationale et un plan détaillé sur 5 ans Vers le 100% développement durable Un programme exemplaire Sources : Geoff Lawton Pty Ltd - Free Permaculture Videos. Permaculture certification design courses | Panya Project, Organic Farming, Thailand. The Culture of Permaculture | [R]evolutionize the Future! After eight years of work that enlisted a small army of contributors, Sustainable [R]evolution: Permaculture in Ecovillages, Urban Farms, and Communities Worldwide, is now in print! It looks gorgeous, thanks to the high-quality recycled matte paper the press used to showcase Erika Rand‘s incredible design, and includes thousands of color photos of inspiring sites all around the globe.

We are also very honored to have had environmentalist Paul Hawken write the book’s compelling foreword, and to have included work by luminaries such as David Holmgren (co-founder of the permaculture concept), Starhawk, and Dr.Vandana Shiva. Get the book! (But if you are ordering from outside the U.S., please contact us for international shipping prices before ordering below) Or alternatively, Get the eBook!

To order an inscribed copy at list price of $34.95 To order a regular copy at discounted price of $24.95Please contact us to arrange overseas shipping. Sustainable Revolution Permaculture in Ecovillages. Links to Permaculture Sites around the world | The Culture of Permaculture. Not all of the sites below identify as permaculture sites, but we felt that each of them demonstrate permaculture principles in action in some way. The best place to find an up to date database and interactive map of permaculture projects is at the Worldwide Permaculture Network, a project of our fiscal sponsor, the Permaculture Research Institute.Ashaninka Forest Wisdom School, Brazil Since the 70s and 80s, a group of indigenous peoples, with the leadership of Ashaninka Apiwtxa village, have been developing methods of regenerating Amazon forest areas depleted by years of colonial occupation, and more recently, by the illegal actions of loggers.

Strategies have included replanting degraded forest areas, re-introducing native species who were becoming endangered, and the creation of fruit orchards and medicinal herb gardens. The school is a center for education about sustainable techniques, in an effort to share and build alliances with neighboring communities. Auroville, South India. Permacultureglobal.