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Konkret No och Teknik

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Kökets och matens naturkunskap. Med hjälp av livsmedel och matlagning kan naturkunskapen göras konkret och intresseväckande för elever på restaurang- och livsmedelsprogrammet.

Kökets och matens naturkunskap

Samtidigt kan naturkunskapens utforskande karaktär väcka elevernas experimentlust och vilja att granska påståenden om kost, hälsa och hållbar utveckling i media. I det här materialet förenas naturkunskapens undersökande karaktär med restaurang- och livsmedelsprogrammets yrkesämnen. För att eleverna ska ges möjlighet att se helheter kan undervisningen i naturkunskap möta kurser som livsmedels- och näringskunskap 1 och matlagning 3. Materialet syftar till att ge stöd och inspiration för att planera, genomföra och utvärdera arbetsområden som utmanar elevernas tankar och idéer. Vad är matlagning? Vid matlagning och bakning använder man värme, kyla, syror, baser med mera för att påverka proteiner, fetter och kolhydrater. Laborera med livsmedel Laborera med livsmedel Vilket vatten väljer du? Under rubriken ”Vilket vatten väljer du?” Algodoo, a great physics education program! « Scientix blog.

Image: Shutterstock/Kletr Algodoo is a 2D physics engine for iPads and computers.

Algodoo, a great physics education program! « Scientix blog

It´s created by a Swede named Emil Ernerfeldt. With Algodoo you can let your creativity flow! When I first saw Algodoo a couple of years ago it looked promising and useful but I didn´t really understand how to get started in the first place. I put Algodoo on a wish list of what I would like to learn and be able to use in the classroom. Today I have used it with my students to explore contents like friction, density, gears and optics. Algodoo is a very creative program and the best way to explore it is to do the first 2 beginners tutorials and then just play around and build things with all the tools available.

I will show you in a video how you can get started with Algodoo with the beginner’s tutorials. In the videos I use Algodoo on a computer but you can also use it on an iPad. Science Teaching Resources. Welcome to the Science File Cabinet.

Science Teaching Resources

Here you'll find dozens of free printables and helpful website links for the upper elementary or middle school science classroom. The resources and links on this page are organized into the follow categories. Click each heading to jump directly to a topic. If you have problems viewing or printing the files below, please read the Helpful Hints on my Adobe Acrobat Reader Help Page. Featured General Science Freebies More General Science Resources Featured Environmental Science Freebies More Environmental Science Resources Force, Motion, and Simple Machines.

Dokumentation-Kreativ-och-inspirerande-Matte-NO.pdf. Teknik & Natur. 20+ Home Science Projects for Kids. 52.6k Shares Here are 20+ awesome and FUN Home Science Projects for Kids!

20+ Home Science Projects for Kids

These have ALL been tried and tested by ourselves and our kids – we hope you will enjoy them all as much as we have! Learn How Plants Absorb Water – a FUN way for kids to witness how plants absorb water and nutrients! DIY Lava Lamp Experiment – this was so much bubbly FUN! Make your own Magic Aqua Sand! Bubbling Quicksand – a bubbly sensory experiment that gives quick results – great for all ages.Dragon Sand Volcano – create your own erupting volcano! If you want to become a Fellow Fun Mum Member & receive all of our fun craft, recipes & activities as well as special offers & promotions – click the button on our home page : ) Science Is Fun Home Experiments.

Välkommen till Ingenjör Lundströms experimentverkstad ! Konkret och kreativ NO. Fysikaliska Leksaker. Skapa och upptäck - Unga Fakta. Science project: Food-dye Color Wheel. Every year about this time I start to really, REALLY crave color.

Science project: Food-dye Color Wheel

Like clockwork, every January I start scheming about decorating with yellow or orange or something bright just to liven things up a bit. It's been a little better this year because my kitchen is south-facing and everything is white and light blue, so it feels nice and light and airy. That being said, I still think more color this time of year is great. So, the kids and I made this fun food-dye color wheel the other day. It was a great little science and art project. It was such fun, and I couldn't believe how patient the kids were (ages 3 and 5), just staring at the colored water move slowly up the paper towels and mixing together.

Here's what you need to make this fun color wheel: 6 clear cups 6 paper towels red food dye blue food dye yellow food dye Here's what you do to make the color wheel: 1) Fill 3 cups with water and mix in red food dye into one, blue food dye into the second and yellow food dye into the third. Experimentskafferiet.