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To speak another language isn't just cultured, it's a blow against stupidity. In 2004, the Labour government removed modern languages from the "core curriculum".

To speak another language isn't just cultured, it's a blow against stupidity

That must be "core" as in "apple core". For it meant the study of a foreign language is no longer compulsory at schools past age 14. Theoretically, primary schools are supposed to introduce languages instead, but that's like the road sign with the big black arrow pointing one way and the skinny little red arrow going the other.

George Orwell Explains How "Newspeak" Works, the Official Language of His Totalitarian Dystopia in 1984. Ian McKellen Reads a Passionate Speech by William Shakespeare, Written in Defense of Immigrants. The identity of William Shakespeare has been a literary mystery for four hundred years, inspiring theory after theory, book after book.

Ian McKellen Reads a Passionate Speech by William Shakespeare, Written in Defense of Immigrants

There has been, indeed, little biographical evidence to work with, though paleographer and “literary detective” Heather Wolfe has very recently filled in some critical gaps. Teachingliterature / Chapter 1  Why Teach Literature. Literary Periods Timeline. Literature Periods & Movements. Literary History.

45 Great Sourced Quotes about Books. The best quotes about books, from some of the most famous writers in the world Here is a list of our favourite quotes about books from various writers, some famous, some not so famous.

45 Great Sourced Quotes about Books

We’ve only included those quotations for which we’ve managed to track down a source, whether in print or online, so you know these are authentic quotes about books, rather than of the amusing-but-apocryphal kind. When I was a child I read books far too old for me and sometimes far too young for me. Every reading child is different. Shakespeare. Literature Map - The Tourist Map of Literature. Exploring English: Shakespeare - British Council. Shakespeare Library Digital Image Collection. The British Library's Photostream. Scientific Speed Reading: How to Read 300% Faster in 20 Minutes.

(Photo: Dustin Diaz) How much more could you get done if you completed all of your required reading in 1/3 or 1/5 the time?

Scientific Speed Reading: How to Read 300% Faster in 20 Minutes

Increasing reading speed is a process of controlling fine motor movement—period. Reader's Advisory. MacBeth. Overlooked classics: The Member Of The Wedding by Carson McCullers. Carson McCullers only wrote four novels, but that's hardly surprisingly; outside writing, she had a fair bit to contend with.

Overlooked classics: The Member Of The Wedding by Carson McCullers

She contracted rheumatic fever at 15 and then suffered two severe strokes before reaching 30, which left her paralysed in her left arm. In her 40s, she had operations on her arm and wrist, underwent a mastectomy and broke her hip; in 1967, at the age of 50, she died. Her love life was no less turbulent. Teaching Literature. 2nd Edition Information In November, 2010, a new, extensively-revised 2nd edition of Teaching Literature to Adolescents was published by Routledge Press: click below for further information and ordering information.

Teaching Literature

Teaching Literature to Adolescents This new edition contains: more attention to the use of digital texts from use of online literature to digital storytelling to uses of online discussion and writing tools incorporated throughout new chapter on teaching young adult literature new chapter on teaching reading strategies essential to interpreting literature more references to examples of teaching multicultural literature. The new edition also has a new wiki website with all new links, activities, and resources that also includes links from this original site.

96 Incredibly Useful Links for Teaching and Studying Shakespeare. The idea of tackling Shakespeare in school has sometimes sent chills down both students’ and teachers’ spines, but the truth is that studying Shakespeare doesn’t have to be so daunting.

96 Incredibly Useful Links for Teaching and Studying Shakespeare

His plays and sonnets are filled with themes that are relevant even today, are humorous, lyrical, and provide important historical content. Most importantly, Shakespeare knew how to tell a good story. Whether you are teaching or learning Shakespeare in a traditional classroom, in an online course, in high school, or college, there are resources below that will make teaching and learning about Shakespeare and fun and engaging experience.

Comprehensive Resources These resources offer a wealth of information about Shakespeare and his works. How Shakespeare’s great escape from the plague changed theatre. In late July 1606, in the midst of a theatrical season that included what may well be the finest group of new plays ever staged – Shakespeare’s King Lear and Macbeth, Ben Jonson’s Volpone, and Thomas Middleton’s The Revenger’s Tragedy – Shakespeare’s company, the King’s Men, lowered their flag at the Globe theatre and locked their playhouse doors.

How Shakespeare’s great escape from the plague changed theatre

Plague had returned. Two years earlier, after an outbreak in which more than 30,000 Londoners had died, the privy council decreed that public playing should cease once the number of those who died every week of plague rose “above the number of 30”. In practice, though, there seems to have been some leeway, with players intent on earning a living occasionally bending the rules, resuming performances when plague deaths dipped under 40 or so. Renaissance Literature - Literature Periods & Movements. Literature Network » Literary Periods » Renaissance Literature The Renaissance in Europe was in one sense an awakening from the long slumber of the Dark Ages.

Renaissance Literature - Literature Periods & Movements

What had been a stagnant, even backsliding kind of society re-invested in the promise of material and spiritual gain. There was the sincerely held belief that humanity was making progress towards a noble summit of perfect existence. How this rebirth – for Renaissance literally means rebirth – came to fruition is a matter of debate among historians. Literature-Map - The tourist map of literature.

Mrs. Dalloway / Virginia Woolf. Mrs.

Mrs. Dalloway / Virginia Woolf

Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself. "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" by T.S. Eliot. Film Education. Reading Focus Skills. Spies by Michael Frayn. What is a plot? For the reader, it is the discovery of concealed connections between events in a narrative. Michael Frayn's Spies is a novel with a carefully engineered plot, and a story whose two main characters are determined to uncover the sinister logic of apparently ordinary events. They are themselves looking for a plot. During the second world war, Stephen and his friend Keith live in a suburban cul-de-sac on the edge of the countryside. The Project Gutenberg E-text of Major Barbara, by George Bernard Shaw. Mrs Warren's Profession, by George Bernard Shaw. Faustus. The Gospel of Wealth. "Savage Wealth",[2] more commonly known as "The Gospel of Wealth",[3] is an article written by Andrew Carnegie in 1889[4] that describes the responsibility of philanthropy by the new upper class of self-made rich.

Carnegie proposed that the best way of dealing with the new phenomenon of wealth inequality was for the wealthy to redistribute their surplus means in a responsible and thoughtful manner. This approach was contrasted with traditional bequest (patrimony), where wealth is handed down to heirs, and other forms of bequest e.g. where wealth is willed to the state for public purposes.

Carnegie argued that surplus wealth is put to best use (i.e. produces the greatest net benefit to society) when it is administered carefully by the wealthy. Andrew Carnegie. Andrew Carnegie (/kɑrˈneɪɡi/ kar-NAY-gee, but commonly /ˈkɑrnɨɡi/ KAR-nə-gee or /kɑrˈnɛɡi/ kar-NEG-ee;[2] November 25, 1835 – August 11, 1919) was a Scottish American industrialist who led the enormous expansion of the American steel industry in the late 19th century. He was also one of the highest profile philanthropists of his era and had given away almost 90 percent – amounting to, in 1919, $350 million[3] (in 2014, $4.76 billion) – of his fortune to charities and foundations by the time of his death. His 1889 article proclaiming "The Gospel of Wealth" called on the rich to use their wealth to improve society, and stimulated a wave of philanthropy. Carnegie was born in Dunfermline, Scotland, and emigrated to the United States with his very poor parents in 1848. Carnegie started as a telegrapher and by the 1860s had investments in railroads, railroad sleeping cars, bridges and oil derricks.

Biography Early life. Major Barbara (1941) -【ENG SUB】Wendy Hiller, Rex Harrison. Major%20Barbara. Fabian Society. Originally, the Fabian society was committed to the establishment of a socialist economy, alongside a commitment to British imperialism as a progressive and modernizing force.[3] Organisational history[edit] Establishment[edit] Blue plaque at 17 Osnaburgh St, where the Society was founded in 1884. In Memory of W. B. Yeats. Wystan Hugh Auden was born in York, England, on February 21, 1907. British History. King Lear: Entire Play. Dover Beach by Matthew Arnold. Tennyson, In Memoriam (secs. 54-56) Open Source Shakespeare: search Shakespeare's works, read the texts. Teaching Literature (OIB) Literatuurwetenschap. TS Eliot's The Waste Land describes a sickness, without a prescription. Poem of the week: In the Trenches. Poem of the week: Returning, We Hear Larks by Isaac Rosenberg.

Nature returns... A poppy field. Eliot, T. S. 1922. The Waste Land. The Scholar-Gipsy by Matthew Arnold. Matthew Arnold: Poems Study Guide : Summary and Analysis of "The Scholar-Gipsy" (1853) James Thomson. ‘The City of Dreadful Night’ Proem–IV. The Project Gutenberg eBook of Bleak House, by Charles Dickens.

Social concerns North & South vs London

Portrait_of_Keats,_listening_to_a_nightingale_on_Hampstead_Heath. Andrews. Portrait-of-heneage-lloyd-and-his-sister-lucy. Poem of the week: The Deserted Village by Oliver Goldsmith. The Village (poem by Crabbe) Poem of the week: Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard by Thomas Gray. Oliver Goldsmith The Deserted Village vs. George C. But028. Town Eclogues: Saturday; The Small-Pox by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu.

University of Virginia, English Department » Blog Archive » Satire and Misogyny in Swift’s “The Lady’s Dressing Room” Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Best known as a letter writer, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu wrote verses all her life and frequently referred to herself as a "poet. " Lady Mary Wortley Montagu and the Women’s Coffee-House. The Reasons That Induced Dr Swift To Write A Poem Call'd The Lady's Dressing Room, a poem by Mary Wortley Montagu. A Modest Proposal: Analysis. The Lady’s Dressing Room by Jonathan Swift.

Pope's Poems and Prose Study Guide : Summary and Analysis of An Essay on Man: Epistle IV. The Garden: Andrew Marvell - Summary and Critical Analysis. Andrew Marvell: Poems Study Guide : Summary and Analysis of "The Mower Against Gardens" Lycidas: John Milton - Summary and Critical Analysis. A Midsummer Night's Dream. A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Themes, Symbols, & Motifs.