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Validation Board - FREE tool for testing your startup idea, stop wasting time and money. Experiment Board by Javelin - Test your startup idea without wasting time or money. Business Model Canvas Optimized for Lean Startup. The Platform Design Canvas: a tool for Business Design. (The Italian translation follows / In Italiano in fondo al post) In just a few days from now, from the 2nd to the 4th of July, I will be back in Barcelona, ​​at the Escuela Superior de Ingeniería de Diseño and Barcelona – ELISAVA to hold, for the first time – on the 3rd of July – a workshop I’m working on since a while.

The Platform Design Canvas: a tool for Business Design

I will have the possibility to repeat the Workshop also in October, in Italy, during Frontiers of Interaction 2013, an established conference about innovation in Italy. I’m saying back *again* in Barcelona since just a few days ago I spent some wonderful days there: in fact I attended the third Ouishare Summit, during which I had the opportunity and duty to moderate the global barcamp with more than 60 participants. It was a unique opportunity that made ​​the pair with the experience I had in New York for the Open Source Hardware Documentation Jam. But let’s come back to the workshop. How does the target change then? You should follow me on twitter here! Like this: Bmcanvas_v4.indd - business_model_canvas_poster.pdf.

Business Model Canvas Explained. Relations presse APCE – Agence pour la Création d’Entreprise. L’APCE souhaite faire connaître en France une nouvelle démarche d’accompagnement à la création d’entreprise développée par Claude Ananou, chargé de formation au service de l’enseignement du management à HEC Montréal.

Relations presse APCE – Agence pour la Création d’Entreprise

Ayant fait ses preuves au Canada, l’approche SynOpp® place l’action au cœur du projet. Véritable alternative au business plan, elle amène l’entrepreneur à apprivoiser l’incertitude et à s’investir dans un projet à son image, cohérent avec son environnement. Alors que le business plan est généralisé en France, on peut remettre en question son rôle prépondérant dans la réussite d’une entreprise.

Crafting the business model – a key task for start-ups. The sharing economy is ready to take over MRI machines, now that it has conquered bikes, cars and apartments.

Crafting the business model – a key task for start-ups

Berlin-based medneo is offering physicians and hospitals clinical MRI images on a pay-by-case basis, letting them skip buying the expensive machines. And it dramatically improves customer satisfaction by reducing the wait time for MRI scans from several weeks to few days. All this because they crafted an innovative business model in a mature industry. Startups are ideas looking for a business When it comes to looking at business models and especially new, innovative business models, there is no better place to look than at start-ups. Medneo is intent on shaking up the health care industry with a new way of doing business in the mature diagnostic imaging industry (see also my former blog on Lady Gaga disrupting the music industry).

Le meilleur du web gratuit pour votre entreprise. Créateur ou chef d’entreprise, il existe un nombre incroyable de sites gratuits régulièrement mis à jour et fiables pour vous conseiller au quotidien.

Le meilleur du web gratuit pour votre entreprise

Outre au sein des billets En 20 Lignes, vous trouverez ici une proposition de classement des pépites du web, bonne navigation! Créer sa boîte sans business plan : une nouvelle méthode débarque en France. L'Agence pour la création d'entreprise (APCE) présente une méthodologie en vogue au Canada pour faciliter la création d'entreprise.

Créer sa boîte sans business plan : une nouvelle méthode débarque en France

Objectif : supprimer l'étape souvent dissuasive du "business plan". Trop complexe, trop fastidieux, trop rigide… Au placard le bon vieux "business plan". "Ce document né dans les années 70 retarde les projets et bride la créativité des entrepreneurs", assure Claude Ananou, enseignant à HEC Montréal et créateur d'une méthode alternative, nommée SynOpp. Déjà utilisée depuis deux ans au Québec, cette technique a déjà permis à 30.000 porteurs de projet canadiens de se lancer. Dans la même veine, le " lean start up " (démarrage agile) se développe, notamment aux Etats-Unis ou en Suisse. [Juridique] Focus sur 6 statuts juridiques spécifiques auxquels on ne pense pas forcément.

Business Model Canvas Explained. Achieve Product-Market Fit with our Brand-New Value Proposition Designer Canvas. I’m a big fan of the Lean Startup movement and love the underlying principle of testing, learning, and pivoting by experimenting with the most basic product prototypes imaginable - so-called Minimal Viable Products (MVP) – during the search for product-market fit.

Achieve Product-Market Fit with our Brand-New Value Proposition Designer Canvas

It helps companies avoid building stuff that customers don’t want. Yet, there is no underlying conceptual tool that accompanies this process. There is no practical tool that helps business people map, think through, discuss, test, and pivot their company’s value proposition in relationship to their customers’ needs. So I came up with the Value Proposition Designer Canvas together with Yves Pigneur and Alan Smith.

The Value Proposition Designer Canvas is like a plug-in tool to the Business Model Canvas. The Canvas with its 9 building blocks focuses on the big picture. In this post I’ll explain the conceptual tool. The Value Proposition Designer Canvas Achieving Fit Customer Jobs Ask yourself: Customer Pains Customer Gains.