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Job Search Fundamentals Part 1, LinkedIn Job Search Webinar Part 1 on November 14, 2012 linkedin_it on USTREAM. Tecnología. The 10 San Francisco Tech Companies You Wish You Worked For. How To Market Yourself For A Job - Ivy Exec Blog  This article comes from Ramon Greenwood, an Ivy Exec contributor.

How To Market Yourself For A Job - Ivy Exec Blog 

If you are looking for a job, think of yourself as a product to be sold…for example, a box of cereal or a new service from a bank. Think of employers as buyers. You need a marketing plan to make the sale. Such a plan contains three elements: (1) what you have to sell; (2) where to sell it; and (3) how to communicate the selling message to prospective buyers. Six Steps To Marketing Yourself Your personal marketing plan for career success should include six basic steps. First, define what assets your “product” has to offer which are better to solve the needs of the buyer than the field of competitors. Second, create a list of prospective buyers where your “product” makes the best fit. Third, screen and prioritize the list of prospective buyers according to how they match with what you have to sell and your goals. “Much of my education and experience points me toward building an engineering career in widgets.

The 10 San Francisco Tech Companies You Wish You Worked For. "Narrate your own adventure. My life doesn’t look like I thought it would.

"Narrate your own adventure

I was supposed to celebrate my one-year wedding anniversary last month. I was supposed to have quit acting and gotten a real job. I was supposed to stop trying to figure “it” out and start behaving like a responsible grown up. Fortunately, I didn’t do any of those things. I chose to rewrite my story instead. The adventures we choose often lead us to chapters greater than we imagined. After I called off my wedding six weeks prior to the Big Day, I went on a search. Though I loved to travel I hadn’t dusted off my passport since moving to New York almost a decade ago. The experience was incredible but upon return to New York, I still felt something was missing. Having worked in restaurants and bars since I was 16, the thought of doing so again to make ends meet made me feel sick to my stomach. Since I do love a good story, I started by asking myself: “What about my story is unique?” Bingo! Some days the choices are easy. Consulting Jobs Q&A: Showing Leadership and People Skills 

Contact Us for Resume Help: Ivy Exec’s Sr.

Consulting Jobs Q&A: Showing Leadership and People Skills 

Resume Specialist Staci Collins explains how carefully chosen words and focusing on the solution, not the problem, are the keys to getting the interview and Showing Evidence of Leadership & People Skills on Your Resume: Adding proof of Leadership & People skills into your resume, while of crucial importance, can be some of the trickiest bullets. First, it’s often hard to quantify people results. Not every intervention results in a promotion, performance grade improvement, increased returns, etc.

So, no one wants to write that his or her last boss threw screaming tantrums in front of clients, or reamed out team members with customers in the room, or was so involved in politics that they ignored operations. What’s Google Telling Employers About You? - Ivy Exec Blog  This article is provided by The Voice of Job Seekers’s contributor Sandra Tedfordis and Ivy Exec.

What’s Google Telling Employers About You? - Ivy Exec Blog 

Sandra is the founder of and she addresses and teaches how to effectively use social media. Do you remember the last time you Googled your name? Can’t remember? Resume help. HOW TO: Land a Job at Google. Google is having a big hiring year — its biggest ever, in fact.

HOW TO: Land a Job at Google

This week we spoke with Bryan Power, a people operations manager at Google, for advice on getting hired by the tech giant. Power oversees sales hiring in the North and South America regions. Previously, he led recruiting for the product management and engineering groups, giving him familiarity with hiring practices in multiple areas of the company. Paint a Picture, Concisely Power suggests job seekers — at Google and elsewhere — begin by presenting a picture of what they've done in their careers as concisely and precisely as possible. Too often Power receives resumes that describe their previous roles, but don't talk about what they did in those roles that would distinguish them from the 10,000 other people in a similar role. "Too often [applicants] leave out the numbers because they're worried they are too low, but without those specifics you don't stand out; you look like everyone else," he explains.

Talents, Not Skill Sets. Seven people you should know to connect with almost anyone.