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Distinction Romande d'Architecture 2014. HIC Arquitectura. Boiteaoutils. Your connection with architecture: stories, projects, products, materials, companies, people, 3D Models. + MOOD: architecture + design + interior. ArchDaily | Broadcasting Architecture Worldwide.

Books on architecture and landscape. Online bookshop - Editorial Gustavo Gili (WD) Un didi. /////////// ArcStreet ////////// ARCHITECTURE ART DESIGN FASHION MUSIC & CO /////////////////////////////////////////// Vatnsmýri. While urban planning is always an exciting and enjoyable task, developing plans for capitals and key areas inside them is more than just exciting and enjoyable – it is an exceptionally demanding challenge for any ambitious society.

Reykjavík is certainly an ambitious city comprised of an equally ambitious society, striving to ensure that its built environment be organised so as to provide the inhabitants with a high quality of life. In addition, residents are characterised by a strong general interest in urban and regional development. Most everyone living in Reykjavík would no doubt agree that Vatnsmýri is one of our dear city’s key areas. Whether we are of the opinion that this area should continue serving as an airport or not, we can all agree that this important tract of land, situated so centrally, ought to be shown special consideration and must be planned as a whole that can contribute even further to the community. Hanna Birna Kristjánsdóttir City councilor. Super Colossal. Détours d’architecture.

Dans une tribune adressée au Moniteur, Cristina Conrad (architecte, urbaniste) et Denis Dessus (architecte et expert en marchés publics), dénoncent le recours massif aux partenariats public-privé, un outil « désastreux » pour les finances publiques, utilisé au profit de quelques-uns, au détriment de l’intérêt général et de l’architecture. Le contrat de partenariat public privé (PPP) permet de confier en un seul marché, conception, construction, entretien, maintenance et gestion d’un équipement public. Celui-ci est financé par le groupement privé attributaire du contrat, et payé par l’Etat ou la collectivité sous forme de loyer (sorte de « leasing ») sur des durées de 15, 30, voire 40 ans. Les règles de la comptabilité publique ont été adaptées pour que la majeure partie du montant du marché, n’apparaisse pas en investissement, mais en fonctionnement, masquant ainsi à l'Europe, la réalité de la dette contractée.

Service public ou produit financier ? Actu-Architecture. A Weekly Dose of Architecture. AnArchitecture. BLDGBLOG. Les architectures. Architecture. Top 100 Architecture Blogs | International Listings Blog. Posted in Features on October 17, 2007 If Modernism was the twentieth-century architectural trend that developed a new way of thinking, then Urbanism appears to be the twenty-first century architectural mindset.

This trend is breeding urban explorers (urbex), the greening of major metropolitan areas, and a focus on merging habitats and commercial structures with politics, culture, history and the arts. Public discourse and scholarly research have found meeting grounds in this global landscape, and the results are evolving. But, this evolution has affected how individuals and partnerships present their materials on Weblogs and Photoblogs.To that end, we’re treating you to the top 100 bloggers who focus on everything from architectural news to urbanism and from the junction of design and technology to the landscape. Top Ten The following ten sites were plucked from this list’s topics as the ‘best of the best’ of the blogs that were chosen for this list. Topics Covered In This List Landscape. Un blog par jour. Accueil. : La base de données communautaire de l'architecture contemporaine. Jardins de Métis | Accueil. SpaceInvading | collecting the best architecture & design from across the webosphere. ComoVER - Arte, Arquitetura e Urbanismo. Archinect | Connecting Architects Since 1997. A Daily Dose of Architecture. AA13 - Design / Architecture / blog - Webzine - Magazine / Inspiration / Tendance. Archicool. Accueil. Architecture Competitions, Events & News. Muuuz - Webzine Architecture & Design. Architektur und Landschaft - Stefan Giers Architekt und Stadtplaner.