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What Are the Most Common Mistakes New Managers Make? This question originally appeared on Quora.

What Are the Most Common Mistakes New Managers Make?

What are common mistakes that new or inexperienced managers make? What are three things (more or less) you would have done differently managing your team during your first few weeks on the job (i.e. politics, control, motivation, etc.)? Answer by Ian McAllister, general manager at Amazon. Below are some mistakes I made as a new manager or have seen other new managers make. Experienced managers still make some of these mistakes, though hopefully fewer. Performance management Being slow to deal with performance issues: Smoke becomes fire. Not documenting poor performance: Documenting poor performance via email helps employees understand the gravity of the situation ("This email summarizes the discussion we just had"), and it is also helpful to have on hand if it comes time to terminate the employee. Career development Not getting to know your employees: It's great to know the names of all your employees' kids.

Leadership Recruiting Hiring Visibility. 6 Strategies For Transitioning From a Corporate Role to Startup Culture. Fed up with your job?

6 Strategies For Transitioning From a Corporate Role to Startup Culture

You're not alone. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1.8 million Americans voluntarily quit their jobs this past March. While not all of those employees ditched their corporate gig for a position at a startup, that route is becoming increasingly popular for job seekers who covet flexibility, autonomy and a more vibrant company culture, career and hiring, experts say. "Anyone working in a corporate gig should reset the way they look at their career and say, 'I can spend the meaningful chunk of my life at a place I enjoy, have a real impact and be reimbursed for it,' " says Tarek Pertew, cofounder of Wakefield Media, an online magazine about startups that also runs the Uncubed conference.

Transitioning from a large company to a startup isn't as simple as getting up and leaving, unfortunately. "It's a big adjustment," says Joanie Courtney, senior vice president and career expert at Monster. 6 CEO Productivity Tips to Steal for Yourself. Everyone knows that leading a company one of the toughest gigs around.

6 CEO Productivity Tips to Steal for Yourself

Whether running a small business or a multi-national corporation, CEOs have to manage time, resources, and multiple demands while finding the time and head space to make decisions and plot strategies that will determine the course of their business. Which means that they’ve developed some master systems and tricks to maximize their productivity. So, why can’t we steal a few moves from their playbooks? Whether you aspire to run your own business or want to be more productive at your current job, check out this list of CEO-proven tips that you can apply to any facet of your life. 1. Tony Schwartz, president of the Energy Project, suggests taking breaks every 90 minutes to maximize your productivity. The counterintuitive secret to sustainable great performance is to live like a sprinter. 2. I use the cone of silence when I'm working on a complex project that I need to concentrate on.

5 Typical Business Mistakes To Avoid - Waterfox. By Andrew Schrage I jumped into the world of entrepreneurship a few years back, and it’s certainly been an interesting ride.

5 Typical Business Mistakes To Avoid - Waterfox

Don’t let anyone fool you – business ownership requires a lot of hard work. No matter what you do, you’re going to make mistakes in the beginning. However, once you get all the wrinkles ironed out, the benefits of self-employment are numerous. In order to help you along your way, here are five typical mistakes entrepreneurs make, as well as some suggestions on how to avoid them: 1.

One of the worst mistakes you can make as a first-time entrepreneur is not researching the industry or niche you want to penetrate. 2. If saving money is not at the top of your list, sustaining your business over many years will be incredibly difficult. 3. Instead of begging for money from angel investors or venture capitalists, look to your own checking account for financing your startup. 4. 5.

What other mistakes should entrepreneurs avoid when just starting out? Photo Credits. 5 Typical Business Mistakes To Avoid - Waterfox. Entrepreneurship - Google Search - Waterfox.