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Bett Show 2016 - Press Releases. Climb Online and Mark Wright - The Death of SEO? SEO and digital marketing has never had an easy time of it.

Climb Online and Mark Wright - The Death of SEO?

The reputation of the industry I have worked in for over 11 years now has always had it’s doubters and critics. Cowboys and fly by nights don’t help, ripping off businesses and leaving them with sites penalised by Google for poor links and tactics. The reality of the matter is that the industry is full of genuine professionals who have helped countless online businesses using ethical SEO and digital marketing tactics. Enter Mark Wright, the winner of the 2014 series of the UK Apprentice. A digital marketing “sales guy” who’s business plan was to set up a digital marketing agency. Cue some serious issues. You see the problem is the second Mark Wright outlined his plans for his agency alarm bells rang all around the industry. Now, I have no problem with anyone wanting to get into search or starting up their own agency. My problem is with Mark Wright and Climb Online becoming the public face of Search.

Sigh. Share and Enjoy. SearchCap: Google HTTPS Algorithm, Bing Tech & Google Management Book. Google Starts Giving A Ranking Boost To Secure HTTPS/SSL SitesGoogle To Give Secure Sites A Ranking Boost Google has announced that going HTTPS — adding a SSL 2048-bit key certificate on your site — will give you a minor ranking boost.

SearchCap: Google HTTPS Algorithm, Bing Tech & Google Management Book

Google says this gives websites a small ranking benefit, only counting as a “very lightweight signal” within the overall ranking algorithm. In fact, Google […]Search Marketing Expo – SMX East Early Bird Rates Expire Soon. Register Now! Join the most accomplished search marketers in the world at SMX East, Sept. 30-Oct. 2 in NYC. The conference will feature three days of tactic filled sessions, networking opportunities, a keynote with BuzzFeed’s CEO & Founder, Jonah Peretti, and much more.

Seo-website-domain-migration.gif (1200×2895) 11 SEO Changes That Will Give You Big Results. Google's Matt Cutts: We Dropped The 100 Links Per Page Guideline But We May Take Action If It Is Too Spammy. Google’s Matt Cutts posted a video explaining why Google no longer has that 100-links-per-page Webmaster guideline.

Google's Matt Cutts: We Dropped The 100 Links Per Page Guideline But We May Take Action If It Is Too Spammy

In fact, the guideline was dropped well before 2008, but SEOs and webmasters still think having over 100 links on a page is something that may lead to a penalty. The truth is: no, it won’t. Sites like Techmeme likely has thousands of links on their home page, and they are not penalized by Google. That being said, Google said if a site looks to be spammy and has way too many links on a single page — Google reserves the right to take action on the site. A Compilation of the Best SEO Infographics. Infographics are great marketing tools for disseminating information — even better than writing long articles.

A Compilation of the Best SEO Infographics

With catchy graphics and tidbits of information, it’s no wonder why infographics are the best materials to share information — that gains you backlinks as well. What is an infographic, by the way? According to Freebase, “information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge. These graphics present complex information quickly and clearly, such as in signs, maps, journalism, technical writing, and education. With an information graphic, computer scientists, mathematicians, and statisticians develop and communicate concepts using a single symbol to process information.”

Search engine optimization is a search engine marketing technique that can “potentially improve your site” in the search engine rankings. SEO Explained! [INFOGRAPHIC] It seems like SEO is constantly changing, right?


I mean, just this month alone I wrote about several areas where SEO is changing including cocitation, the new In Depth section on Google and how to optimize content for it, and how search engines may begin penalizing your site for not being mobile-ready. But if you’re just starting out on the web or don’t even feel like you have a handle on the basics of SEO, don’t worry – this awesome infographic from Ben Norman is a great way to get familiar with SEO basics.

Good luck! Explore more infographics like this one on the web’s largest information design community – Visually. SEO Ranking Factors and the “Winds of Change” An interesting infographic was published on that describes the major factors that go into SEO page rankings.

SEO Ranking Factors and the “Winds of Change”

I was struck by the depth of the changes in the SEO industry over the past several years. Things that used to be important, in fact used to be critical, are no longer there. Things that didn’t even exist a couple years ago are now important. And that is not a bad thing. For example, “on page” keyword usage today boils down to using keywords as you would when speaking naturally to a customer.

Another highlight is content marketing. The infographic also mentions that 27 million pieces of content are shared every day on the web. There is also a noticeable change in off-page SEO techniques compared to the recent past. Even the SEO benefits of social media are changing frequently. SEO Checklist For 2013 - An Infographic. SEO Checklist For 2013 - An Infographic.

Infographic: Factors that affect your SEO ranking. SEO Ranking Factors Inforgraphic. This infographic on SEO ranking factors comes from Ben Norman, one of UK’s leading SEO consultants.

SEO Ranking Factors Inforgraphic

SEO Ranking Factors Inforgraphic. This infographic on SEO ranking factors comes from Ben Norman, one of UK’s leading SEO consultants.

SEO Ranking Factors Inforgraphic

I love his blog and his writing style because it is both informative and yet easy to digest. I’ve previously featured his SEO checklist 2013 and now I’m thrilled to publish his newest infographic. Its focus is the SEO ranking factors – namely the things you have to pay attention to in order to get a decent amount of organic traffic to your site. On-page SEO ranking factors It’s basically letting search engines know what your page is about: • Title tags – the title of the page, I like to keep mine around 40 characters • Meta description – 155 characters to tell the search engines more about the content of the page and woo your readers to click on the search results. • Heading tags – it’s about giving your content some structure, H1 tags for titles, H2 tags for subheadings. SEO Checklist for 2013. We all know that the SEO landscape has changed a lot over the last year or two and with Penguin 2.0 on the horizon it may change again.

SEO Checklist for 2013

Many things that we as SEO consultants carried out as recently as last year no longer work and for the inexperienced it can be very confusing as you can be told or read on blogs conflicting stories about what you should be doing to be ranking well and gaining good levels of targeted traffic for your website.