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Laat ondernemerschap geen nieuwe ratrace worden — Mieke Lannoey. Agenda — Mieke Lannoey. HR-festival #Toekomst: Mathieu Weggeman. From social entrepreneurship to systems entrepreneurship: how to create lasting change. The 20th anniversary of the Schwab Foundation in 2018 was a pivotal moment to reflect on how far social entrepreneurship has come in the past two decades.

From social entrepreneurship to systems entrepreneurship: how to create lasting change

My husband Klaus Schwab and I started the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship because we sensed that a distinct, more entrepreneurial approach to alleviating problems associated with poverty and social and environmental challenges was emerging. We saw a new generation of social entrepreneurs who channelled their passion, resources, creativity and sense of injustice into finding new ways to achieve real change. Too often however, especially in the early years, they worked in relative obscurity in their home countries.

Over de bende. What is the optimal group size for decision-making? - Sheila Margolis. Magical team size numbers – 2, 3, 5-7, 12, 50, 150, 1500 and how to avoid wasting everybody’s time – OnTheAgilePath. Helping and guiding teams to become highly successful is the focus of being an agile coach.

Magical team size numbers – 2, 3, 5-7, 12, 50, 150, 1500 and how to avoid wasting everybody’s time – OnTheAgilePath

I’m currently reading Team Genius: The New Science of High-Performing Organizations – an amazing book about important aspects to consider for teams. With this post I’ll provide a short recap on team size considerations that I’ve been searching for a long time. There are some magic numbers to consider when talking about teams and next units build with teams that are connected with the way we as humans perceive our environment. Focus Sprekersvideo HansVermaak v01 2016. Een gids voor veranderaars - Iedereen verandert - Nu wij nog. Iedereen verandert - nu wij nog door Hans Vermaak (Boek) - Zo kweek je een gewoonte, 7 geheimen voor het veranderen van je gedrag. Zo kweek je een gewoonte, 7 geheimen voor het veranderen van je gedrag. Winter Olympics: 7 habits top athletes have in common. Coöperatieve communicatie –

W. L. Gore and Associates - Wikipedia. W.

W. L. Gore and Associates - Wikipedia

L. Gore & Associates, Inc. is an American multinational manufacturing company specializing in products derived from fluoropolymers. Welcome to Singularity University. 12 Ways to Sharpen Your Creativity. Taken from “LifeLines” (September 2014) a publication of LifeWay Christian Resources Written by Carol Pipes Feel like you need to boost your creativity?

12 Ways to Sharpen Your Creativity

Looming deadlines, uninspired projects, and overstuffed inboxes are enough to dull anyone’s creative edge. Here are 12 ways to sharpen your creativity. Keep learning. Try a different medium. New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy. You get all kinds of happiness advice on the internet from people who don’t know what they’re talking about.

New neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happy

Don’t trust them. Actually, don’t trust me either. Trust neuroscientists. Teamwork on the Fly. Artwork: Andy Gilmore, Hemicube, 2011, digital drawing If you watched the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, you probably marveled at the Water Cube: that magnificent 340,000-square-foot box framed in steel and covered with semitransparent, ecoefficient blue bubbles.

Teamwork on the Fly

Formally named the Beijing National Aquatics Center, the Water Cube hosted swimming and diving events, could hold 17,000 spectators, won prestigious engineering and design awards, and cost an estimated 10.2 billion yuan. The structure was the joint effort of global design and engineering company Arup, PTW Architects, the China State Construction Engineering Corporation (CSCEC), China Construction Design International, and dozens of contractors and consultants. The goal was clear: Build an iconic structure to reflect Chinese culture, integrate with the site, and minimize energy consumption—on time and within budget. 3 ways to unleash your creativity.

The Formula 1 season will begin later this month, pitting the most talented drivers in the most finely honed machines against one another.

3 ways to unleash your creativity

The image of a car designer sitting at a computer, working on a complex 3D visualization, is consistent with our perception of a ‘creative person’, but you may not immediately think about the act of driving a Formula 1 car as a creative process. In fact, drivers are continuously finding inspired ways to take full advantage of every opportunity provided by their car, the conditions and their competitors.  Flanders DC - 21 tips om slimmer te communiceren. These Are The Top 37 Things You’ll Regret When You’re Old. 1.

These Are The Top 37 Things You’ll Regret When You’re Old

Not traveling when you had the chance. Traveling becomes infinitely harder the older you get, especially if you have a family and need to pay the way for three-plus people instead of just yourself. 2. Not learning another language. You’ll kick yourself when you realize you took three years of language in high school and remember none of it. 3. No one who ever gets out of a bad relationship looks back without wishing they made the move sooner. 4. The United Airlines Leggings Controversy Shows Exactly What's Wrong With Communication Today. Most likely by now, you've heard about the United Airlines story that went viral over the weekend.

The United Airlines Leggings Controversy Shows Exactly What's Wrong With Communication Today

Here are the facts, as summarized by The New York Times: United Airlines barred two teenage girls from boarding a flight on Sunday morning and required a child to change into a dress after a gate agent decided the leggings they were wearing were inappropriate. The incident was first reported on Twitter by Shannon Watts, a passenger at the airport who was waiting to board a flight to Mexico...Ms. Watts described the situation in a series of tweets before her flight to Mexico took off.