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Hand Mudras

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Video Hand Mudras

Hand mudras. MUDRA ~ HAND YOGA. DISCLAIMER: Please note that the owner of this site and contributors will not accept the responsibility nor be held responsible for the use or mis-use of any or all of the many techniques, procedures or therapies herein portrayed and related.


Use your intuition and good sense when choosing alternative therapies, using an orthodox medical practioner where necessary. Mudras are easy to perform at anytime, although sitting in the lotus position and focusing on the healing can be an advantage. Although mudras can be used for healing certain ailments, regular practise of mudras will contribute to your overall good health and can be used as a preventive measure.

Continuous practice of the mudras will create minute changes in your body using pulse centres on parts of your hands, which trigger certain healing processes within the corresponding body part. Arabian Nights Magickal Talismans, Amulets, Charms, Magic, Magick Spells, Kerises, Bezoar Stones, Genies, Magickal Mustika Pearls & Occult items, etc. Mudra39. Hand mudras. 102957058. Healing Practice of Mudras. The Healing Practice of Mudras Mudras Regulate the Five Elements of the Body* How to perform hand mudras Mudras in general are actions of hands and fingers that can be performed at any time in any way, like sitting, standing, walking or travelling.

Healing Practice of Mudras

So there's no need to devote a special time to perform a mudra, but the maximum benefit is by doing it in sitting posture, especially in sukhasana (easy pose), vajrasana, or padmasana. Mudras.

Yoga Mudra