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Tabs In Progress Chord melody arrangements and more. Tabs In Progress11 January 2008, admin @ 1:48 pm **Update** All the ones at the bottom are on the backburner…they’re either causing me problems or they’re too boring to post. Here’s my new list I’ve got going: African Flower by Duke Ellington Moment’s Notice by John Coltrane Mercy, Mercy, Mercy by Joe Zawinul Canteloupe Island by Herbie Hancock Juicy Lucy by Horace Silver Just the Way You Are by Billy Joel and a couple of originals I’m hoping to get these done in the next few months. Here’s a list of the tabs that I’m currently working on. If anyone is dying for a particular one, please let me know. Here’s my wishlist of songs I want to start and finish in the next few months. Corcovado Desifinado Doxy Fall How Insensitive Just the Way You Are Manha de Carnaval Meditation Once I Loved Pent Up House Red Baron Satin Doll Triste Yes Or No Post a comment

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