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Panorama des médias sociaux

Panorama des médias sociaux

8 Arguments for Companies to Stay Out of Social Media – And Why You Should Ignore Them Being active in a fair number of social media outlets and marketing a new B2B social content platform with online content, confronted me with a number of arguments on why some companies choose to miss out on social media. These arguments, at first, made me speechless. After some thinking about these perspectives I am still sort of speechless, nonetheless, here is my response: 1) Social media is great, but not for my industry.

How to Simplify Your Social Monitoring Are you looking for easy ways to monitor social mentions of your brand, product or name? You can easily listen to what people are saying online on any topic you want to track. In this article, I’ll discuss two real-time social analytics tools and how they can enhance your monitoring. Get Real-Time Insight 17 Little Known Social Media Tools You Should Be Using (and Why) Everywhere you look there is social media. It’s in our homes, businesses, places of worship and schools. And everywhere you look people are using it and talking about it. And it seems that every week there is a new social site launched. To make matters worse, for every social site launched, there seems to be two or more services created to measure, track and monitor that service. What’s a marketing professional to do?

The Business Marketers Guide to Instagram [Infographic] Instagram is on the bullet train for total photo-marketing domination, and with its user base expanding faster than the universe, it provides a cornucopia of opportunity for B2B marketing. Its simplicity allows for a wide variety of applications and it is quickly becoming an essential element to any successful visual content marketing strategy. In this infographic we explore the budding social photo-sharing site turned marketing platform and how it can give your company an edge in generating leads and promoting your brand.
