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5000+ Resources to Do Just About Anything Online

5000+ Resources to Do Just About Anything Online
Since May 2007, we've been bringing you resources and tools to be more productive on the web. Due to popular demand, we've brought all these lists together into one gigantic meta-list: 5000+ Resources to Do Just About Anything Online. Enjoy! 6 Key Ways to Measure Your Blog’s Success - Six essential tools for measuring how your blog is performing. 30+ AJAX-Powered WordPress Plugins - AJAX provides a way to have pages auto-update to reflect new data without page reloads. 50+ Ways to Track Website Traffic - It's difficult to grow your blog or website without having some data on how people are finding you and using your site. 120+ Resources for Bloggers - From design to hosting, there's something here for every level of blogging experience. 40+ Firefox Add-ons for High Speed Blogging - Let your browser help you speed up your time working on your blog. 40+ Free Blog Hosts - Sometimes you want a blog, but not the hassle of maintenance; these pre-built, free blog hosts are the answer for you.

10 Future Web Trends We're well into the current era of the Web, commonly referred to as Web 2.0. Features of this phase of the Web include search, social networks, online media (music, video, etc), content aggregation and syndication (RSS), mashups (APIs), and much more. Currently the Web is still mostly accessed via a PC, but we're starting to see more Web excitement from mobile devices (e.g. iPhone) and television sets (e.g. XBox Live 360). What then can we expect from the next 10 or so years on the Web? Bearing all that in mind, here are 10 Web trends to look out for over the next 10 years... 1. Sir Tim Berners-Lee's vision for a Semantic Web has been The Next Big Thing for a long time now. As Alex Iskold wrote in The Road to the Semantic Web, the core idea of the Semantic Web is to create the meta data describing data, which will enable computers to process the meaning of things. So when will the Semantic Web arrive? Semantic Web pic by dullhunk 2. Nevertheless, AI has a lot of promise on the Web. 3. 4.

250+ Tools and Resources For Coding the Web HOT STORY: Google Reader Stats are Bullshit (With Proof) We're all living on the web, and we all seem to be starting our own websites, so it's time we all learned the languages that make it run. We've gathered over 250 resources to help you get going. This list is aggregated from previous Mashable posts. AJAX Activity Indicators - A large collection of animated GIFs for you to use as your AJAX application's progress indicator. AJAX For N00bs - Just as the site name implies, a site to help people just beginning to learn AJAX. AJAX Mistakes - An editable list of common mistakes developers make when implementing AJAX, and suggestions on how to avoid them yourself. - A collection of scripts, tutorials, forums and more. - If you can't find the perfect AJAX load icon for your project, this site will help you generate one to meet your needs. - An enterprise-level AJAX development platform with numerous pre-built widgets. ColdFusion

Creating Google Custom Search Engines by Bernard Farrell 09/06/2007 Why Do You Need a Better Search Engine? It's early in the evening and some old school friends just called unexpectedly. They'll be at your house in 90 minutes and you want to make a quick meal with what you have in the house. Where do you find an easy to make recipe using the ingredients you've got to hand (chicken pieces, onions, potatoes, cream, wine, and seasonings)? You open your browser, go to Google, and search for a recipe with these ingredients and you're given nearly 600,000 pages. There must be a better way to search just the sites that you'd normally use for recipes and return a smaller set of results that are more likely to help you get a meal on the table. What Is a Custom Search Engine? A custom search engine (CSE) tells Google which sites to search and which to avoid when dealing with a search query. You can tune this list of sites over time, adding and removing sites from the list. Here's an example of a custom search engine for Bermuda.

The PHP Toolbox: 20+ PHP Resources With WordPress 2.3 launching this week, a bunch of themes and plugins needed updating. If you're not that familiar with PHP, this might present a slight problem. Not to worry, though - we've collected together 20+ tools for you to discover the secrets of PHP. - A PHP framework for PHP5 with a focus on ease of use. - A PHP framework meant to work like Ruby on Rails smf take some of the heavy lifting off the developer. - An open source PHP framework with an eye towards sites hosted on shared servers. - A blog about coding, includes lots of PHP code snippets to help you learn new tricks. DagonDesign PHP Form Mailer Script - A PHP script to aid in making forms of any length. DIY Framework - A no-frills, bare-bones PHP framework - just as the name implies. - A large collection of tutorials for every level of PHP developer. PHPOpenBiz - A PHP framework with an eye towards business applications more than anything else.

40 Unusual Websites you should Bookmark. » Cool Websites, Softwa After every 500 additions to MUO directory , we select the 40 most unique and unusual services. It’s been 5 months since the first one, so it’s time for batch no. 2. As mentioned earlier, this round-up is about those little-known undiscovered apps that are rather unusual, useful, free, and are the must-be bookmarked type. Top 10: 1. beFunky – Awesome web app that turns images to cartoonized paintings and videos to cartoons. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

100+ Resources for Web Developers | BlogWell Photo Credit: SMITHMag Update #1 – March 14, 2008 Update #2 – September 22, 2008 Translated into Italian at Geekissimo There is some amazing stuff out there on the Web–resources, tools, tricks, and tips. So we’ve put together a list of over 100 resources to help make your life as a developer easier; where to find snippets of code, sites that automate processes, cheat sheets, lessons, useful tools and a couple of silly videos to give your brain a break if you make it through to the end. Code Photo Credit: Josh Lewis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. .htaccess Creator Online tool to create .htaccess files 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. jQuery jQuery is a fast, concise, JavaScript Library that simplifies how you write your web pages. Cool Online Tools Photo Credit: Stavros Markopoulos 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Documentation and Reference Photo Credit: Perreira 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. Testing Photo Credit: Sebastian Bergmann 49. 50.

Password Safe Designing on a Dime: 100 Freebie CSS Resources Do you want a spiffy Web site design, but lack the means or knowledge to get it? No problem, brush up on CSS and get that site you want with our freebie guide! By the Software Developer Staff If you're in the market for a professional grade site, you've probably found that quality design work doesn't come cheap. Related Articles: If you have a lot of ambition and a few extra hours, you can build your own professional grade CSS Web site in no time. Getting Started Before you can begin cranking out award winning designs, you'll need to learn the basics of CSS. W3C: Cascading Style Sheets Homepage - The creators of CSS, W3C, list this as CSS' official homepage. Tutorials A good manual or tutorial is always the most sought after item for every developer looking to learn a new technology. Complete CSS Guide - One of the most in-depth CSS resources on the Web. Tools Sometimes the difference between a good developer and a great one is the tools he uses. Code Libraries Browser Bugs Galleries Templates

Girl Power - - Ashley Qualls - Nabbr TEDBlog: 100 Websites You Should Know and Use In the spring of 2007, Julius Wiedemann, editor in charge at Taschen GmbH, gave a legendary TED University talk: an ultra-fast-moving ride through the “100 websites you should know and use.” Six years later, it remains one of the most viewed TED blog posts ever. Time for an update? We think so. To see the original list, click here. And now, the original list from 2007, created by Julius Wiedemann, editor in charge at Taschen GmbH. Feed For Free) : How It Works Feed43 engine converts free-form HTML or XML documents to valid RSS feeds by extracting snippets of text or HTML by means of applying search patterns, and then joining these snippets together using output templates to form user-friendly content of feed's items. The principle of extracting specific data from source documents is also known as “HTML scraping”. The procedure of setting up a feed is the following: Find a web page with the content that interests you. Once the feed is set up, the service works as follows: Your feed reader sends request to our server to download the feed. Read next: Understanding search patterns and output templates

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