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The need for transparency of clinical evidence for medical devices in Europe

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Pathologist explains how mesh distorts, twists in J&J pelvic mesh trial | Northern California Record Kubota SAN DIEGO – In a trial to determine if Johnson & Johnson injured women by selling pelvic mesh devices the company allegedly knew were dangerous for profit, a pathologist on Thursday said the mesh can distort once it’s implanted and such devices can also migrate in the body. “Polypropylene is not inert; the mesh is migrating, moving through the tissue and can become exposed,” said Dr. Vladimir Iakovlev, a Toronto-based researcher with St. Michael’s Hospital and an expert witness for the state. Attorneys for Johnson & Johnson and its pelvic mesh maker and subsidiary Ethicon attempted to undercut Iakovlev's testimony by portraying him as a highly paid frequent witness against the pelvic sling industry. The trial in the San Diego Superior Court is being streamed live courtesy of Courtroom View Network. The company reportedly sold 42,000 Ethicon pelvic mesh devices between 2008 and 2014. Two of the products at issue are called Prolift and TVT (tension-free vaginal tape) slings. “Yes.”

Medical Solutions - Siemens Healthineers Global Infographic: Beyond Fake News – 10 Types of Misleading News – Sixteen Languages | EAVI The work needed to effectively filter information in our media-saturated environment takes time and skill. A study showed that the more content we consume, the more our ability to make decisions about its veracity becomes impaired. With 80% of Europeans now regularly going online, it is vital for the sustainable and effective functioning of democracy for citizens to be able to curate their media diets with a healthy critical eye. Our Beyond Fake News infographic identifies the 10 types of potentially misleading news. We hesitated to put the term ‘fake news’ in the title of the infographic as, ironically, the term itself is a misleading simplification. Below this article, you will find a pdf version of the infographic as well as a dropdown list containing some resources for teaching the 10 Types of Misleading News. The 10 types Of course, neither of the 10 types can be seen in isolation to the others. The motivations The motivations behind certain kinds of content can be many and varied.

Santé Mentale - La pair-aidance diminue la réadmission en soins psychiatriques Bénéficier de séances de soutien auprès de personnes ayant précédemment vécu des épisodes de troubles mentaux – et en rémission de leurs symptômes – réduit le risque de réadmission en unité de soins aigus psychiatriques chez des patients souffrant d'une pathologie mentale, dans le cadre d'un programme d'autogestion, selon cet essai randomisé britannique publié dans The Lancet. Chez les patients souffrant de troubles psychiatriques, les rechutes consécutives à un épisode de crise sont fréquentes, soulignent Sonia Johnson de l'University College London et ses collègues. « Non seulement cela entrave les chances de guérison, mais en plus cela absorbe des fonds qui pourraient autrement servir à améliorer au long cours le fonctionnement et la qualité de vie des patients », regrette la chercheuse. De fait, certains programmes d'autogestion sont mis en place dans l'objectif de réduire le taux de réadmission en unité de soins aigus psychiatriques.

How contagious is Delta? How long are you infectious? Is it more deadly? A quick guide to the latest science Delta was recognised as a SARS-CoV-2 variant of concern in May 2021 and has proved extremely difficult to control in unvaccinated populations. Delta has managed to out-compete other variants, including Alpha. Variants are classified as “of concern” because they’re either more contagious than the original, cause more hospitalisations and deaths, or are better at evading vaccines and therapies. Or all of the above. So how does Delta fare on these measures? Read more: Is Delta defeating us? How contagious is Delta? The R0 tells us how many other people, on average, one infected person will pass the virus on to. Delta has an R0 of 5-8, meaning one infected person passes it onto five to eight others, on average. This compares with an R0 of 1.5-3 for the original strain. So Delta is twice to five times as contagious as the virus that circulated in 2020. What happens when you’re exposed to Delta? SARS-CoV-2 is the virus that causes COVID-19. The virus then continues to replicate. Is it more deadly?

Ethicon complaint reviewer says in J&J trial that patients felt vaginal mesh instructions fell short of explaining risks | Northern California Record Chen SAN DIEGO – In a trial to determine if Johnson & Johnson officials sold vaginal mesh implant kits to doctors to make profits knowing the devices were harming women, a complaint reviewer on Wednesday said some sling patients had felt misled about the risks. “I saw there were (complaint) patterns,” said Dr. The trial in the San Diego Superior Court is being streamed live courtesy of Courtroom View Network. The state of California, through its Attorney General Xavier Becerra, sued Johnson & Johnson over a pelvic mesh device called Prolift, made by Ethicon, for allegedly causing vaginal injuries in women and allegedly for selling the product through the use of deceptive marketing practices. The company reportedly sold 42,000 Ethicon pelvic mesh devices between 2008 and 2014. Two of the products at issue are called Prolift and TVT (tension-free vaginal tape) slings. “We (Ethicon) had an established company mechanism where we discussed (complaints) in weekly review meetings,” Chen said.

Radiology, News, Education, Service COVID-19 : dépister la désinformation Ce n’est pas tout le monde qui rapporte les conclusions d’une étude avec rigueur. Voici les questions à vous poser avant de tirer des conclusions. Les auteurs sont-ils cités ? Si on ne vous fournit pas ces éléments, méfiez-vous et ne sautez pas aux conclusions! Avant de partager, vérifiez si ces résultats ont été mieux rapportés ailleurs par d’autres. Un outil d'écriture pour l'école ! Voici un outil numérique susceptible d'intéresser les professeurs de lettres ou de langues. C'est un logiciel tout en un d'écriture de roman, fiction, mémoire ou encore d'auto-biographie. C'est Maxime Dhalluin qui, en 2015, s'est lancé dans l'idée de créer un logiciel d'écriture pour Manon, qui a toujours eu envie d'écrire des livres... Pour résumer les fonctionnalités, la plateforme contient : Une interface ultra personnalisable où l'on peut : Déplacer les outils ou "widgets" au sein de l'application.Agrandir ou rétrécir ces outils selon les besoins.Choisir parmi 15 thème de couleurs pour un environnement à son goût. Le petit + : c'est que la plateforme est capable de fonctionner sans connexion internet, en mode offline. La force par rapport à Word ? Plus besoin d'utiliser la roulette de la souris pour naviguer dans son roman de 400 pages, tout est découpé. Vous pouvez découvrir l'outil à cette adresse : Dernière modification le mercredi, 31 octobre 2018 An@é

How contagious is Delta? How long are you infectious? Is it more deadly? A quick guide to the latest science Delta was recognised as a SARS-CoV-2 variant of concern in May 2021 and has proved extremely difficult to control in unvaccinated populations. Delta has managed to out-compete other variants, including Alpha. Variants are classified as "of concern" because they're either more contagious than the original, cause more hospitalisations and deaths, or are better at evading vaccines and therapies. Or all of the above. So how does Delta fare on these measures? And what have we learnt since Delta was first listed as a variant of concern? How contagious is Delta? The R0 tells us how many other people, on average, one infected person will pass the virus on to. Delta has an R0 of 5-8, meaning one infected person passes it onto five to eight others, on average. This compares with an R0 of 1.5-3 for the original strain. So Delta is twice to five times as contagious as the virus that circulated in 2020. What happens when you're exposed to Delta? SARS-CoV-2 is the virus that causes COVID-19. Yes.

State attorneys argue J&J missed adequate label warnings in pelvic mesh trial | Northern California Record Hinoul SAN DIEGO – In a trial to decide if Johnson & Johnson sold pelvic mesh implants allegedly knowing they could harm women, state attorneys on Wednesday attempted to get a top company official to admit that risk warnings on the products had been lacking. Jinsook Ohta, the attorney with the state's attorney general's office, asked if the words “life-long erosion” and possible “re-occurrence” were cited in the warnings of potential risk. “Re-occurrence and life-long (complications) are not cited,” said Dr. Piet Hinoul, global head for clinical and medical affairs of mesh products at Johnson & Johnson. “Does the warning say life-long dyspareunia (painful intercourse)?” “Not in those words, no,” Hinoul said. “Debilitating and life-changing?” “No.” “Does it say the need for possible (mesh) removal?” “It does not.” Sign-up and get latest news about the courts, judges and latest complaints - right to your inbox. By signing up you agree to receive email newsletters or alerts from Madison Record., the wiki-based collaborative Radiology resource CLEMI - QQQOCP info sc par Alexandra Maurer sur Genially Inspiré par l'infodémie COVID 19 V. octobre, 2020 Alexandra Maurer @clemi974 Qu'est-ce qu'une information à caractère scientifique ? La médiatisation de l'information à caractère scientifique. La fiabilité des sources. Biais et arguments fallacieux. Le circuit de l'info. L'emballement médiatique. Info scientifique QOQCQP Quoi ? Où ? Qui ? Comment ? Quand ? Pourquoi ? L'information à caractère scientifique Brevet, virus, pandémie... : Source Wikipédia La science (du latin scientia, « connaissance ») est l'ensemble des connaissances et études d'une valeur universelle, caractérisées par un objet et une méthode fondée sur des observations objectives vérifiables et des raisonnements rigoureux. On la divise communément en différents domaines (ou disciplines) qualifiés de sciences (au pluriel). La science "La science, c'est ausssi un travail collectif et collaboratif qui s'enrichit et évolue en permanence." La médiatisation de l'information à caractère scientifique + info 2. 3. médiatisations 1. Les revues Rétractation

Influence sociale et leadership dans la direction des personnes 1Selon Bertrand Oberson, « Pour qu’il y ait échange, coordination, coopération entre des agents, il faut qu’il y ait des conventions entre les personnes concernées ; c’est à dire un système d’attentes réciproques entres les personnes et leurs comportements» (Oberson, 2007, p. 1). Cette conduite est un préalable dans le contexte actuel où les organisations sont plus orientées vers une optimisation du capital humain. Cette optimisation est un défi que chaque organisation s’attèle à relever dans la réalisation de ses objectifs. Seulement relever un tel défi n’est pas tâche aisée, du moment où chaque organisation a en son sein des individus mus par des mobiles d’action convergents et divergents, et visant des finalités qui ne semblent pas toujours aller dans le même sens que ceux de l’organisation. Aujourd’hui les sciences de l’organisation voient dans la pratique du leadership de type démocratique la clé de l’optimisation du potentiel des ressources humaines. De l’influence sociale

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