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eReputation e Personal Brand. Suivi de positions. AUDIT SEO. Netlinking. Google Suggest. Questionari. Enquêtes - Sondages - Quizz. Tools for voting and quizes. Typeform, l'outil incontournable et gratuit pour créer vos formulaires, questionnaires et sondages. Besoin de recueillir l'avis de vos clients, lecteurs ou employés ?

Typeform, l'outil incontournable et gratuit pour créer vos formulaires, questionnaires et sondages

Typeform met fin aux questionnaires, enquêtes et sondages souvent rasoirs en proposant un outil gratuit et innovant afin d'obtenir le maximum de réponses à toutes vos questions. Créée en 2013 par une start-up barcelonaise, Typeform est une plateforme en ligne dédiée à la création et au partage de questionnaires en ligne. Qu'il s'agisse d'une enquête de satisfaction, d'un quiz ludique ou d'un sondage sur le lancement d'un produit, cet outil s'adapte à tout type d'usage concernant la collecte d'avis.

Un concurrent sérieux à Google Forms ? Nombreux sont ceux qui ont recours à Google Forms, l'un des services de la suite Google Docs pour créer des formulaires en ligne de collecte d'informations en tout genre. Typeform n'a donc pas de mal à se démarquer en proposant une interface et un fonctionnement en phase avec son temps. Sumo: The #1 FREE email capture tool. BuzzSumo. Buzzsumo: Scopri Cos'è e Come si Utilizza. Cos'è BuzzSumo?

Buzzsumo: Scopri Cos'è e Come si Utilizza

Come creare le reader personas del tuo blog. Uno degli aspetti indispensabili per creare un buon contenuto per il web?

Come creare le reader personas del tuo blog

Il target di riferimento. Solo strutturando il lavoro intorno ai soggetti da raggiungere puoi ottenere buoni risultati. Ma è piuttosto generico ragionare in questi termini, per questo è utile avere delle Personas. 5 strategie utili e funzionanti per prendere links da siti autorevoli. Come fare ad acquisire link da siti autorevolissimi?

5 strategie utili e funzionanti per prendere links da siti autorevoli

WAVE Web Accessibility Tool. SEO. Il manuale dalla A al Seo. Best SEO tools. SEO Resources. Seo cheat sheet. Syntaxe. Mangools - SEO Academy. "S.E.O"... Tools & zines. SEO Tools - Search Engine Optimization Tools. SEO: Titles & Metas template variables. One of the most important functions of both Yoast SEO and Yoast SEO Premium is the possibility to add title templates and meta description templates to the homepage, all (custom) post types, all (custom) taxonomies and other pages.

SEO: Titles & Metas template variables

Template variables can also be used on individual posts, pages and taxonomies. In this article Setting up / changing your templates. Search Engine Land - Search Engine Land: News On Search Engines, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) & Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Complete SEO software solution: backlinks, optimization, analysis, rankings, keywords, competitive intelligence. SEO Checker - Website Review. Featured snippet: come ho conquistato risultato zero. KnowEm Username Search.

Hashtag: cos'è e come monitorarlo (+Tool) È diverso tempo che penso a questo articolo.

Hashtag: cos'è e come monitorarlo (+Tool)

Da Twitter Addiction avrei dovuto parlarne prima, ma cercavo il modo migliore, e in parte diverso per affrontare questo tema. Non l’ho fatto prima perché ci sono stati periodi in cui blog italiani e internazionali non facevano altro che parlare dell’hashtag. Un tema troppo importante nel lavoro di un Social Media Manager, Social Media Strategist e Community Manager. In parte avevo accennato di questo argomento quando ho parlato di Twitter e Instagram, ma fino ad ora mai approfondito. Hashtag cos’è e come utilizzarlo La parola Hashtag deriva dalla parola inglese hash (cancelletto) e tag (etichetta), fonte Wikipedia.

5 Highly Effective Hashtag Tracking Methods. Analyze and identify fake reviews. Search Engine Journal - SEO, Search Marketing News and Tutorials. Social Media Metrics. 27 Important SEO Tips You Need To Know Now. Search engine optimization often seems like magic to newcomers.

27 Important SEO Tips You Need To Know Now

The elements of a strong SEO strategy often aren’t obvious to an untrained eye. However, once you understand how the basics work, you can: How To Get More Followers On Pinterest With 21+ Tactics. So you want to learn how to get more followers on Pinterest.

How To Get More Followers On Pinterest With 21+ Tactics

That makes sense since a hefty majority of you told us that you want to grow your audience and you measure your success through social media follower growth. Luckily for me, we have a Pinterest pro on the team here at CoSchedule. When I asked Nicole how she gets more followers on Pinterest, this was her very first piece of advice: 10 ways to grow your social media followers The... Social Media Monitoring Tools. Les outils de la veille – L'actualité et les nouveaux outils de la veille et du community management par Fidel Navamuel. Plus de 40 outils de veille gratuits ou peu coûteux : Dossier pratique.

Outils de veille : catalogue de solutions gratuites ou peu coûteuses, c’est un dossier pratique qui présente plus de 40 solutions pour effectuer une veille efficace et professionnelle réparties en 9 catégories (voir le dossier en fin d’article). Dans le cadre d’un travail à l’HEG Genève (Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève) où il officie comme assistant d’enseignement, Raphaël Rey a produit cette ressource rare en novembre 2015. Improve SEO - the power of content curation. 90% of all the data in the world has been generated over the last two years.

Improve SEO - the power of content curation

Faced with this huge, ever-increasing amount of data, threatened by social networks such as Facebook, search engines had to adapt or die. Best Social Media Analytics Tools. Dizionario SEO. CPC, anchor text, crawler, SERP, PageRank… quando un SEO parla o scrive un articolo, il risultato è praticamente incomprensibile per la maggior parte della gente.

Dizionario SEO

Quasi sempre chi non è del settore è costretto a sfogliare diverse pagine web per capire di che diavolo si sta parlando, perché il SEO utilizza un sacco di sigle e di termini tecnici che capiscono solo lui e una cerchia ristretta di addetti ai lavori. Per far fronte all’annoso problema, ho deciso di pubblicare questo dizionario SEO, un glossario completo dei principali termini che si utilizzano nel campo dell’ottimizzazione per i motori di ricerca. Ora non avrai più bisogno di passare da una pagina all’altra per trovare il termine che stai cercando. Li ho messi tutti insieme in una bella lista organizzata, in modo che tu possa accedere facilmente ed in qualsiasi momento per trovare il termine o la sigla che stai cercando. Navigazione alfabetica. 33 strumenti SEO gratuiti: guida definitiva ai SEO Tools. Quello che non si paga è sempre bello, e se ti piacciono gli strumenti SEO, di sicuro amerai questa lista di ben 33 strumenti SEO gratuiti.

SEO. 4 Ways You're Undermining Your SEO Efforts. Getting your business in front of the right customers is the key to business success. Search engine optimization, or SEO, is one of the most reliable ways to achieve this. With people performing over six billion searches each day, and visitors from search said to be closer to the purchase cycle than visitors from other sources, one would wonder what -- if anything -- could really go wrong with organic search marketing. However, not every SEO campaign is created equal. Concepts SEO. SEO. SEO Tools. Infographic: The Death Of SEO, Failed Predictions Over The Years. SEO has been declared “dead” almost from when it first began, as our post from a few years ago, Is SEO Dead?

1997 Prediction, Meet 2009 Reality, covers. 18+ SEO Excel Functions. SEO and Excel are like chocolate and peanut butter - great together. Here are 18 Excel functions (and two formulas) that can make SEO just a little bit easier. SEO Copywriting for User Experience. Seo study guides. 9 Types of Negative SEO & How to Stay Safe. By: Masha Maksimava March 7th, 2017 Negative SEO is a controversial topic in the SEO space. You hear about it a lot, but does it happen a lot? How easy is it to ruin a competitor's rankings, really? Audience Measurement, Lookalike Modeling, Audience Buying. SEO Hacker - Online SEO School. BuzzSumo: Find the Most Shared Content and Key Influencers. Real Time Search - Social Mention. Followerwonk: Tools for Twitter Analytics, Bio Search and More. All My Tweets - View all your tweets on one page.

Google. SocialPointer- Real-Time Social Media Marketing Tools Campaign & Tactics. Social Network Analysis. Web2.0. Search Socially. TermWiki - dedicata all'apprendimento. Doochoo, un nuovo modo di fare ricerche di mercato. Sfruttare le ricerche di mercato per raccogliere più informazioni possibili sui propri utenti, così da raffinare poi le ricerche stesse. È questo il business che la startup italo-americana Doochoo sta sviluppando con Pick1, una web app per creare sondaggi con cui ha conquistato la recente Startup Chile. Doochoo (da do chose, fai la tua scelta) è una società californiana, ma il ceo è l’italiano Paolo Privitera che ha trovato in Armando Biondi il perfetto co-fondatore: ognuno dei due è carente nelle materie in cui eccelle l’altro, racconta. Insieme hanno trovato due investitori e con 150mila dollari hanno messo in piedi dal 2009 un team di quattordici persone che ora lavorano in remoto un po’ in America e soprattutto in Italia, fra Venezia, Milano e Roma sfruttando strumenti come Skype, Podio, mail, Whatsapp e Voxer (un Whatsapp vocale).

L’idea originale era quella di creare un database delle opinioni aggregate. In che modo Pick1 innova il settore del market research? Boardreader - Forum Search Engine. Real Time Search - Social Mention. Mamuna social media reviews. Scoopeo. Infomous. Search listening tool for market, customer & content research - AnswerThePublic. Keyword Checker - InAnchor / InTitle / InURL. Klout - The Standard for Influence. Make your own printable word searches. Monitoring LIVE. Ghostery. Kurrently - real-time social media search engine.

Crowdmap. Bottlenose - A Smarter Way To Surf The Stream. How Bottlenose Can Help Turn Twitter into a High Signal Channel. Reviewing Bottlenose On Saturday I discovered the Bottlenose service and quickly realised how it can enhance my Twitter, Facebook and other channels to enable me to quickly find content of interest to me. Within a few minutes of using the service I found myself agreeing with Mashable that “Bottlenose is a Game Changer for Social Media Consumption” and ReadWriteWeb that the service is “More intelligent than basic consumer dashboards like TweetDeck and HootSuite“. I came across Bottlenose from a tweet posted by @suebecks. I found that I had previously registered for the service but hadn’t yet received an activation code. Business Social Marketing is Easy with Bottlenose – WP Pro Business.

E reputation tools. Heardable online reputation management and social media monitoring - Netvibes - Dashboard Everything. 4 façons de surveiller votre e-répuration. Sémio/Veille/analyse. 4-Veille. Veille. Veille. Veille. Veille : moteur de recherche. 10 Little Known Social Media Tools You Should Be Using. Editor's note: A version of this article previously appeared at Social media is everywhere. It's in our homes, places of worship, schools and, of course, our businesses.

Everywhere you look, people are using social media and are talking about it. Web Analytics. Agents d'alerte. Surveillance d'un site web en "dur" Outils de veille et curation. 6 Steps for Protecting Corporate Reputation in the Social Media Age. Layla Revis is vice president of digital influence at Ogilvy PR Worldwide. Her specialties include international affairs, tourism and multicultural marketing.

It takes years to build a good reputation, but seconds to damage it beyond repair, as executives at companies from Dell to Domino’s certainly have found out.