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Search. Sport et aliments santé. Préparation nutritionnelle d'un cross. En athlétisme la saison des cross débute, CROSS ET NUTRITION : conseils de terrain Prenons un exemple : départ 15h Si possible arriver la veille au soir, pour « prendre la température », pour éviter un déplacement le jour même de l’épreuve.

préparation nutritionnelle d'un cross

Port de chaussettes de contention pendant les 3 jours qui précèdent. La nutrition : on n’est pas du tout dans le cadre des conseils de préparation d’un marathon (dans les jours qui viennent je mettrai en ligne un article sur la préparation nutritionnelle du marathon, avec comme exemple le marathon de paris en avril prochain, mais qui se prépare dès maintenant) Le carburant glucidique sera mis en réserve : ==== La veille de l’épreuve : Pendant cette journée qui précède la compétition, prendre matin et soir 2 comprimés de « BCAA » (= 3 acides aminés : Leucine, Valine, Isoleucine) ; ces acides aminés mis en réserve vont permettre un meilleur travail musculaire le lendemain car un cross mobilise +++ les masses musculaires en puissance.

Middle Distance Running. Middle distance covers the 800 metres and 1500 metres track events.

Middle Distance Running

Comparing past and present world record holders it would appear that 800 metres and 1500 metres male athletes are most likely to peak around the age of 25 and female athletes at 27 years of age. Middle Distance Running Technique Guidance on the running technique of the middle distance runner is provided in the form of a series of pictures and associated notes that highlight the main technical points.

General Notes There is a very slight "rolling" of the shoulders as the arms keep the body balanced with a pumping action The shoulder joint should be very supple so that as the arm swings through it do not pull them up too much The shoulder girdle and the hip girdle twist slightly in opposite directions, counter balancing each other The arms do not work to hard and work with the diagonally opposite leg The arm should swing loosely by the side and should be bent at around 90 degrees.

Coaches. Plan d'entrainement pour faire 1500m - My passion running. 1500 metres Training. A training program has to be developed to meet the individual needs of the athlete and take into consideration many factors: gender, age, strengths, weaknesses, objectives, training facilities etc.

1500 metres Training

As all athletes have different needs, a single program suitable for all athletes is not possible. The program supplied here is just an example and will require updates to meet your specific aims and objectives. Prior to starting any training, it is recommended you have a medical examination to ensure it is safe for you to do so. Overview of the Training Program The seasons training plan is based on six phases where each phase comprises of a repeated four week program. Build you up to a level of fitness (3 weeks) Test, recovery and adjustment of the training program (1 week) Build you up to higher level of fitness (3 weeks) Test, recovery and adjustment of the training program (1 week) Build you up to an even higher level of fitness (3 weeks) and so on Example Training Plan & Programs Advertising.

Cross Country Training. Cross-country races will not be run at the same speed as track races, and so the runner who is lacking in pace may be able to compensate by their style and run closer to their maximum than the track runner who cannot adjust to the special needs of cross-country.

Cross Country Training

Cross-country running requires a different stride length, a different leg action and a different foot plant from road & track running. These things cannot be picked up instantly; they will only become instinctive if the runner adopts specific cross-country training. Technique As the going is softer and often slippery, the stride length must naturally be shorter. If you use the road-running action, with the heel striking the ground well in front of the body, you are likely to skid. Speed Training. What is speed?

Speed Training

Speed is the quickness of movement of a limb, whether this is the legs of a runner or the arm of the shot putter. Speed is an integral part of every sport and can be expressed as any one of, or combination of, the following: maximum speed, elastic strength (power) and speed endurance. How is speed influenced? Speed is influenced by the athlete's mobility, special strength, strength endurance and technique. Energy system for speed Energy for absolute speed is supplied by the anaerobic alactic pathway. How do we develop Speed? The technique of sprinting must be rehearsed at slow speeds and then transferred to runs at maximum speed. Flexibility and a correct warm up will affect stride length and frequency (strike rate). When should speed work be conducted? It is important to remember that the improvement of running speed is a complex process that is controlled by the brain and nervous system.

Speed Workouts All speed workouts should include an appropriate warm up and cool down. Tableaux d'allures et temps de passage.