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Differences in Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn Writing. Post better Content. Reach more Fans. Get more Likes. Post Planner. 10 Social Media Tools You Need to Stand Out Online. Social media is a prevalent part of our personal and professional lives.

10 Social Media Tools You Need to Stand Out Online

Between Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and the myriad of social networking sites now available. it is easy to find ourselves sucked into a black hole of unending likes, comments, retweets and shares. For the Home / Optimizing Pinterest graphic. A required Skill. Video Curator - What is Video Curation? Definition: A video curator has a knack for finding the gems in mountain of online video.

Video Curator - What is Video Curation?

Video curators watch hundreds of videos, gather the best video in playlists on YouTube or another website, and distributes the channel to a network of fans. Neil Ferree - Google+ - It takes some time (but) having your social tools + social… 6 Tips for Creating Content That Spreads Naturally. We’ve all been there -- you hit publish on a blog post and expect the social shares, page views, and agreeable comments to start rolling in.

6 Tips for Creating Content That Spreads Naturally

But sometimes you get pure silence -- crickets, even -- in response. Using social media and content to market your business isn't a new concept, so just doing the bare minimum won't cut it. I mean, think about how often content is shared across the web -- there are one billion Facebook users, and according to Twitter itself, there are about one billion tweets sent every two and a half days. That means there's a lot of content ... and also, a ton of noise. So it takes more effort than simply publishing content and doing your typical marketing to reach your audience and generate leads. If you're interested in learning more about these concepts, join the author for a webinar with HubSpot, How to Improve Lead Generation Using the Social Media Advancements from 2012, December 10th at 2PM EST. 1) Don't try something new.

Wait. Seriously. How to Write Great Blog Content. 10 Blog Writing Tips. 1 – Plan Plan Plan!

10 Blog Writing Tips

When I first started out blogging, a decent post would take me about 2 – 3 days of work and procrastination, now it takes me only 2-3 hours. The secret to this is planning properly; if you’re having trouble writing a clear and concise blog post, it’s likely that you’ve skimped on the planing stages. When I’m planning I like to Google what I’m going to call my post and see who else has written on the subject and how well they’ve written it; usually I find the answer to that question is lots and badly respectively. I pride myself on writing the best photography tutorials on the internet and I believe this is largely down to the work put in in the planning stages. 10 Best Wordpress Sharing Plugins of 2012 To Get More Social Traffic. 3 Simple Tips to Write Faster Blog Posts. Answer this question before reading the post..

3 Simple Tips to Write Faster Blog Posts

7 Editing Tips to Improve your Blog-Writing Skills. - Ernest Hemingway Developing your blog-writing skills is a slow process.

7 Editing Tips to Improve your Blog-Writing Skills

Work on your technique continuously and your work will attract readers. Take in readers critiques for they know best how well you are passing on your thoughts. Neglecting the editing aspect of blog-writing will deter your readers from your blog. Spundge, a tool all journalists should try – and 10 ways to use it. I don’t think – generally – journalists make enough of RSS feeds.

Spundge, a tool all journalists should try – and 10 ways to use it

RSS readers should be used by every journalist to create their own personal newswire, pulling in information from all over the web based on search words or specific feeds from sites you really should stay on top of, but invariably forget about. But here’s a surreal problem: Google News RSS feeds invariably don’t work anymore in Google Reader. Which is a bit of a problem – as any personal newswire worth its salt needs to be pulling in from the best news search tool around. And then there’s social media. News. Why a JavaScript hater thinks everyone needs to learn JavaScript in the next year. I’ve long looked at JavaScript as a second-class citizen in the programming world.

Why a JavaScript hater thinks everyone needs to learn JavaScript in the next year

Early on, it was the source of numerous security problems; it was a nice bit of glue to patch together HTML applications with a bit of styling, but nobody would use it for serious code; and so forth. Java, Ruby, Python, they were the languages for doing real work. But my attitude toward JavaScript has changed completely in the past few years. JavaScript has “grown up.” I’m sure there are many JavaScript developers who would take issue with that judgement, and argue that JavaScript has been a capable, mature, and under-appreciated language all along. The potential of Node.js Node.js has the potential to revolutionize web development. Two things make Node particularly valuable, though.

Second, Node has benefitted from an enormous pool of JavaScript developers. Social Media Infographics. SocialMediaCuration Sites. What is Content Curation? 18 Social Media Mgmt Tools for Smart Social Media Users. Are you interested in methods that can boost your social media marketing?

18 Social Media Mgmt Tools for Smart Social Media Users

Step-by-Step Guide to your Social Media Success. WhatIsContentCuration? Curation Concepts... Future of Curation. Welcome to the Age of Curation. Forrester Research analyst Sarah Rotman Epps coined a phrase Friday for something many have been talking about since Apple launched the iPad about six weeks ago.

Welcome to the Age of Curation

“Curated computing” refers to the way Apple staff examines each piece of software written for iPhone OS devices before allowing it into (or blocking it from) the App Store. Epps is almost certainly not among the first 10,000 people on the planet to observe that the iPhone OS does not allow users to install whatever programs they wish, unless the devices are jailbroken. The 5 Models Of Content Curation. Curation has always been an underrated form of creation. The Getty Center in Los Angeles is one of the most frequently visited museums in America – and started as a private art collection from one man (J.

Paul Getty) who had a passion for art.