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Tony Wagner’s Seven Survival Skills

Tony Wagner’s Seven Survival Skills
“The idea that a company’s senior leaders have all the answers and can solve problems by themselves has gone completely by the wayside…The person who’s close to the work has to have strong analytic skills. You have to be rigorous: test your assumptions, don’t take things at face value, don’t go in with preconceived ideas that you’re trying to prove.” —Ellen Kumata, consultant to Fortune 200 companies “The biggest problem we have in the company as a whole is finding people capable of exerting leadership across the board…Our mantra is that you lead by influence, rather than authority.” “I’ve been here four years, and we’ve done fundamental reorganization every year because of changes in the business…I can guarantee the job I hire someone to do will change or may not exist in the future, so this is why adaptability and learning skills are more important than technical skills.” “The biggest skill people are missing is the ability to communicate: both written and oral presentations.

great Thomas Friedman article For many politicians, “outsourcing” is a four-letter word because it involves jobs leaving “here” and going “there.” But for many C.E.O.’s, outsourcing is over. In today’s seamlessly connected world, there is no “out” and no “in” anymore. For politicians, it’s all about “made in America,” but, for C.E.O.’s, it is increasingly about “made in the world” — a world where more and more products are now imagined everywhere, designed everywhere, manufactured everywhere in global supply chains and sold everywhere. Yes, this is a simplification, but the trend is accurate. Which is why it is disturbing when more studies show that American K-12 schools continue to lag behind other major industrialized countries on the international education tests. Well, a dose of reality is on the way thanks to Andreas Schleicher and his team at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which coordinates the Program for International Student Assessment, known as the PISA test.

The Other 21st Century Skills Schooling and institutionalized education have become removed from true, instinctual, and human/humane learning. Humans have been learning since the beginning of time with major discoveries and innovations historically and currently emerging in spite of school. This is the biggest problem I have with schools – most are contrived and coercive and do not honor the innate human need and desire to learn, discover, and evolve. If order to fully understand the purpose of school, the history of its evolution as an institution needs to be understood. What follows is part of A Brief History of Education in the Freedom to Learn series published in Psychology Today: If we want to understand why standard schools are what they are, we have to abandon the idea that they are products of logical necessity or scientific insight. From the Time Magazine article, How to Bring Our Schools Out of the 20th Century I have never let my schooling interfere with my education. Like this: Like Loading...

Newspaper Tower Summary Student groups are challenged to design and construct model towers out of newspaper. They are given limited supplies including newspaper, tape and scissors, paralleling the real-world limitations faced by engineers, such as economic restrictions as to how much material can be used in a structure. Students aim to build their towers for height and stability, as well as the strength to withstand a simulated lateral "wind" load. Engineering Connection Students act as civil engineers as they design and build newspaper towers. Educational Standards Each TeachEngineering lesson or activity is correlated to one or more K-12 science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) educational standards. All 100,000+ K-12 STEM standards covered in TeachEngineering are collected, maintained and packaged by the Achievement Standard Network (ASN), a project of JES & Co. Click on the standard groupings to explore this hierarchy as it applies to this document. Learning Objectives Materials List Procedure

Tony Wagner on Innovation Teaching and Learning | Feature Creating a Culture of Innovation In a world where knowledge is available with a few clicks of the mouse, colleges and universities must find new ways to give students the skills to succeed. Tony Wagner, innovation education fellow at the Technology and Entrepreneurship Center at Harvard University (MA), is a frequent speaker on transforming education for the 21st century and consults widely to schools, districts, and foundations internationally. Campus Technology: You talk a lot about reinventing the education system. Tony Wagner: I think students are going to have to hack their own education going forward. CT: Are MOOCs part of the solution? Wagner: What we see with MOOCs is that knowledge is being commoditized.

Mindsets and STudent Agency Deeper learning requires students to think, question, pursue, and create—to take agency and ownership of their learning. When they do, they acquire deeper understanding and skills, and most important, they become more competent learners in and out of school. They become better prepared to succeed in academics, but also in 21st century careers and in life. We can’t force students to develop agency and drive their own learning. Hierarchy of Learner Needs A large body of research in psychology and education, focused on areas such as motivation, mindset, college & career readiness, grit, non-cognitive factors, and 21st century competencies, is uncovering the critical elements needed for students to drive their own learning. Before diving in, let’s acknowledge that just like any other human being, students need to meet their physiological needs such as food, safety (physical and emotional), and connection with others. A growth mindset can be learned. We must teach kids how to learn. Dweck.

What are Studio Schools? 63 Things Every Student Should Know In A Digital World 63 Things Every Student Should Know In A Digital World by Terry Heick It could be argued—and probably argued well—that what a student fundamentally needs to know today isn’t much different than what Tom Sawyer or Joan of Arc or Alexander the Great needed to know. Communication. Resourcefulness. Creativity. Persistence. How true this turns out to be depends on how macro you want to get. But in an increasingly connected and digital world, the things a student needs to know are indeed changing—fundamental human needs sometimes drastically redressed for an alien modern world. Of course, these are just starters. The Changing Things They Need To Know: 13 Categories & 63 Ideas Information Sources 1. 2. 3. 4. Learning Pathways 5. 6. 7. 8. Human Spaces 9. 10. 11. 12. Socializing Ideas 13. 14. 15. 16. Digital Participation 17. 18. 19. 20. Publishing Nuance 21. 22. 23. 24. Applying Technology 25. 26. 27. 28. The Always-On Audience 29. 30. 31. 32. Social Rules 33. 34. 35. 36. Diction 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.

Colleges | Whether you’re a college professional or a prospective student, learn here about pioneering encore programs across the country at major universities, community colleges and specialized schools – both online and on campus. The Encore College Initiative encourages colleges to create and promote educational pathways to encore careers. The project invests in innovation and encourages colleges and social sector employers to work together to unleash the potential of boomers as a new workforce for social change. Find out more about the Encore College Initiative Check out innovative encore program models Read case studies about encore collegesLearn about people who retrained for encore careers Visit the Encore College Resource LibraryContact us for more information about the Encore College Initiative The Encore Alumni Toolkit: Are you enthusiastic about helping the millions of people eager to pursue encore careers – work that combines purpose, passion and a paycheck after midlife?

21st Century Skills Explore these powerful tools to help reach your goals.

souvent peu utilisé dans le domaine de l'éducation physique, il ne faut pas oublier que le cegep sert à rendre compétent les étudiants. on retrouve ici quelques point important faisant d'un professionnel, un professionnel, être un leader, innover, motiver etc. il est intéressant de réfléchir à ces enjeux dans un contexte d'éducation physique. amener les étudiants à réaliser que le marché du travail est un milieux stressant peu être un motivateur à l'appropriation de technique de relaxation. On peut aussi démontrer que l'accomplissement de soi ou le dépassement de soi par une activité physique est bénéfique à l'estime et qu'il en faut pour passer en entrevue d'embauche. by jasenchabotmaheux Feb 27
