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Philosophy and Metaphysics

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Did the Pleasure-Seeking Epicurus Really Prescribe Hedonistic Happiness? Epicureanism is a philosophical system based on the teachings of Epicurus which is, in today’s world, often equated with hedonism.

Did the Pleasure-Seeking Epicurus Really Prescribe Hedonistic Happiness?

Whilst this may be true to some extent, it is an over-simplification of this school of thought, as the teachings of Epicurus on pleasure is but a small fraction of his whole philosophy. Seek pleasure, yes, but do it modestly. What is Epicureanism? The Serpent with a Thousand Faces [Flat Earth, Syncretism & the NEW New World Order] Demonology, Fallen Angels, and the Philosophy of Good and Evil - Alma Deutscher: Channeling the Spirits and the Occult Source of Creativity - IlluminatiWatcher.

Alma Deutscher is a child prodigy that was featured on the November 5th, 2017 episode of 60 Minutes.

Alma Deutscher: Channeling the Spirits and the Occult Source of Creativity - IlluminatiWatcher

What followed was confirmation of something we’ve been exploring for years: channeling entities from another dimension and harnessing alter egos from a realm of creativity… I’m building a video for this article with clips from the 60 Minutes show to support these arguments. Knowing that YouTube has already blocked my account from me previously for doing stuff like this; I’ll have to go another route. I’ll be providing it to all Patreon supporters of the IlluminatiWatcher project, so if you’re not onboard yet- go sign up now! *There are also other extra bonuses already uploaded for Patreons that you can check out until the video is available.

Introduction. Science Versus Religion on Our Ancient Origins: What if They’re Both Wrong? Nephilim TRUE STORY of Satan, Fallen Angels, Giants, Aliens, Hybrids, Elongated Skulls & Add new comment. The question of whether a god exists is heating up in the 21st century.

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According to a Pew survey, the percent of Americans having no religious affiliation reached 23 percent in 2014. Among such “nones,” 33 percent said that they do not believe in God – an 11 percent increase since only 2007. Such trends have ironically been taking place even as, I would argue, the probability for the existence of a supernatural god has been rising. In my 2015 book, “God? Who Built the Fascinating Ñaupa Iglesia? Mysterious Ruins in the Sacred Valley of Peru. Ñaupa Iglesia is a fascinating Peruvian ruin in the Sacred Valley of the high Andes.

Who Built the Fascinating Ñaupa Iglesia? Mysterious Ruins in the Sacred Valley of Peru

It is located between Ollantaytambo and Urubamba; Ollantaytambo being only 30 Km (18.64 miles) from Machu Picchu. Geometry and Architecture of a Pre-Inca Site Although tradition credits Ñaupa Iglesia as Inca origin, this does not stand detailed scrutiny as the Inca did not have the technology. Secret Societies and Hidden Knowledge: The Explosive Star that Inspired the Modern World. A few weeks ago, astronomers announced that in 2022 something truly spectacular is to occur: a new star will appear in the heavens.

Secret Societies and Hidden Knowledge: The Explosive Star that Inspired the Modern World

It will be the first such event visible with the naked eye for over 400 years. Created by the collision of two relatively dim stars, the resultant explosion is known as a “boom star.” When this rare celestial occurrence takes place it will create a so-called red nova that will shine so brightly that it will be clearly seen at night in the constellation of Cygnus the swan. The last time a “new star” became visible without the aid of modern telescopes was in 1604, although this one was caused by a supernova, an exploding far-away sun that remained visible for many months.

That one occurred in the constellation of Ophiuchus, the serpent-bearer, and its remnants can still been seen as a beautiful ring nebula by astronomers today. The New Star - Supernova 1604, also known as Kepler's Supernova. There is no death, only a series of eternal ‘nows’ Here we tell you what happens after you’re dead.

There is no death, only a series of eternal ‘nows’

Seriously. Okay, it’s not so serious, because you won’t actually die. Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies. Werner Herzog Taps into the Humanity of the Internet. A scene from Werner Herzog’s ‘Lo and Behold,’ a Magnolia Pictures release (photo courtesy Magnolia Pictures) Recently, I had to explain to a friend without internet access who Werner Herzog is.

Werner Herzog Taps into the Humanity of the Internet

It was an unusual challenge at a time when many of my friendships exist online, shaped by a lingua franca of common memes — how does one explain any major cultural icon without Google, Wikipedia, or YouTube? I settled on offering my friend the following stories: the process of making Fitzcarraldo; the nihilistic monologue he delivers in Burden of Dreams, the documentary about making Fitzcarraldo; the other nihilistic monologue he delivers over footage of a wandering penguin in the documentary Encounters at the End of the World; and the time he got shot by a sniper and commented dryly that it was not a “significant” bullet.

At this point, it seems like Herzog has to be knowingly participating in his own memes of production. How VR Gaming will Wake Us Up to our Fake Worlds. “It has no relationship whatsoever to anything anchored in some kind of metaphysical superspace.

How VR Gaming will Wake Us Up to our Fake Worlds

It’s just your cultural point of view […] Travel shows you the relativity of culture.” — Terence McKenna Human civilization has always been a virtual reality. At the onset of culture, which was propagated through the proto-media of cave painting, the talking drum, music, fetish art making, oral tradition and the like, Homo sapiens began a march into cultural virtual realities, a march that would span the entirety of the human enterprise. We don’t often think of cultures as virtual realities, but there is no more apt descriptor for our widely diverse sociological organizations and interpretations than the metaphor of the “virtual reality.”

Virtual Reality researchers, Jim Blascovich and Jeremy Bailenson, write in their book Infinite Reality; “[Cave art] is likely the first animation technology”, where it provided an early means of what they refer to as “virtual travel”. And then: Leo Tolstoy on Finding Meaning in a Meaningless World. Shortly after turning fifty, Leo Tolstoy (September 9, 1828–November 10, 1910) succumbed to a profound spiritual crisis.

Leo Tolstoy on Finding Meaning in a Meaningless World

With his greatest works behind him, he found his sense of purpose dwindling as his celebrity and public acclaim billowed, sinking into a state of deep depression and melancholia despite having a large estate, good health for his age, a wife who had born him fourteen children, and the promise of eternal literary fame. What is Love? Longing, Union, And Seeing The Divine Within. Spiritual teachings throughout the world tell us the same thing: We are all one with God; in our essence we are all Divine.

What is Love? Longing, Union, And Seeing The Divine Within

But throughout life, the tendency is to not see that in everyone. We only tend to feel that deeply for the ones we love. When we fall in love, it is a joyous celebration of the re-union of our soul with that of our beloved. We adore that place within them and it can move us to tears of joy. The longing then is to bring all aspects, all levels of our lives into total mergence. That slightest degree of separation enables us to adore at a distance, however miniscule that distance may be. Le lien mystérieux entre Sirius et l'histoire de l'humanité.

Un aspect fascinant de Sirius est la cohérence de son symbolisme et les significations qui s'y rapportent. Plusieurs grandes civilisations ont vraiment associé Sirius à un personnage ressemblant à un chien et visualisé l'étoile soit comme la source, soit comme le but final d'une force mystérieuse. Pour l'astronomie chinoise et japonaise, Sirius est connu comme ''l'étoile du loup céleste''. Plusieurs tribus indigènes d'Amérique du nord se sont référés à l'étoile en termes canins : les tribus Seri et Tohono O'odham du sud-ouest décrivent Sirius comme un ''chien qui suit le mouflon'', alors que Blackfoot (indien américain) l'appelle ''Visage de chien''. Les Cherokees couplaient Sirius avec Antarès comme étoile-chien gardienne du ''Chemin des Âmes''.

La tribu du chien au Nebraska le connaissait comme ''l'étoile du loup'', tandis que d'autres branches de la tribu le nommaient ''l'étoile coyote''. La tribu des Dogons et l'Atlantide Sirius, symbolisme occulte et sociétés secrètes. Scientist says he found definitive proof that God exists. One of the most respected scientists of today says he has found evidence of the action of a force "that governs everything. " The theoretical physicist Michio Kaku claims to have developed a theory that might point to the existence of God.

The information has created a great stir in the scientific community because Kaku is considered one of the most important scientists of our times, one of the creators and developers of the revolutionary String Theory which is highly respected throughout the world. To to come to his conclusions, the physicist made ​​use of what he calls “primitive semi – radius tachyons “. Tachyons are theoretical particles capable to “unstick ” the Universe matter or vacuum space between matter particles, leaving everything free from the influences of the surrounding universe.

After conducting the tests, Kaku came to the conclusion that we live in a “Matrix”. “I have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by an intelligence”, he affirmed. Elon Musk: Become cyborgs or risk humans being turned into robots' pets. Francis Bacon Research Trust. “Next unto God, Love is the Cause of Causes, itself without any Cause.”

Francis Bacon: Cupid and Coelum, On Principles and Origins. Untitled. Oh, How primitive we are still! Around 1600, when Europeans began to use the methods of learning that are now called scientific, Galilleo peered at the moon. In 1969, a man walked on the moon. In fewer than 400 years, people went from peering at the moon to walking on it. 20 Profound Quotes By Carl Jung That Will Help You To Better Understand Yourself. One of the things I love about Carl Jung is the fact that he was a deep philosophical thinker who examined all aspects of the self when writing about the human experience. As you will see in the quotes below, Jung was clear on the notion that we are spiritual beings, and that having a spiritual relationship with oneself truly helps us to understand the deeper aspects of who we are.

To some, this idea translates to religion — to finding solace in the existence of something greater than yourself — but I believe this to be a fickle form of spirituality, and one that does not truly help a person get to the core of who they are (or, alternatively, who they are not). According to “Carl Jung was one of the creators of modern depth psychology, which seeks to facilitate a conversation with the unconscious energies which move through each of us. La Renaissance. 10. Renaissance et réformes. Freeman Dyson Heir to Francis Bacon's work. Banned TED Talk: Rupert Sheldrake – The Science Delusion. Rupert Sheldrake is a fascinating member of the scientific world. The video below is of his TED talk where he covers “The Science Delusion.” This TED talk was controversially censored by the TED community after being aired. If you have studied any area of science on your own or in school, you may have noticed or have come across the fact that there are many differing beliefs in the scientific world.

While this statement seems impossible given that science is supposed to be based on evidence which produces theory, it is a delusion not to realize that much of what is strictly believed in the scientific world is only believed due to the common acceptance that is put into mainstream ideas — much like what takes place within religion. “How can science be stuck? God Does Not Exist - Stephen Hawking. All Life is Problem Solving: Karl Popper: Einstein on God. Introduction - The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Ancient Mysteries and Secret Societies Part 1 - The Secret Teachings of All Ages.

The Life and Philosophy of Pythagoras - The Secret Teachings of All Ages. The Human Body in Symbolism - The Secret Teachings of All Ages. The Elements and Their Inhabitants - The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Hermetic Pharmacology, Chemistry, and Therapeutics - The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Alchemy and its Exponents - The Secret Teachings of All Ages. The Theory and Practice of Alchemy (Part 1) - The Secret Teachings of All Ages. The Theory and Practice of Alchemy (Part 2) - The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Astrotheology, the Holy Science.

Those very same people left us Spiritual Wisdom too. Cosmic consciousness. Out-of-body experience. Astral projection. Extraterrestrial life. The official U.S. government position on extraterrestrial life and the three major efforts to search for it. Learn to Fight Capitalism at the School of Disobedience. Banksy’s New Apocalyptic Theme Park Is Designed to Disappoint. THE SECRET DOCTRINE. The Secret Doctrine. The Secret Doctrine, the Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy, a book originally published as two volumes in 1888, is Helena Blavatsky's magnum opus. Out Of This World: The Mysterious Mental Side Effects Of Traveling Into Space. Internet Sacred Text Archive Home. Sex magic. Sumerian Gods and Goddesses. The Platonic Solids and Sacred Geometry. Does DNA Emit Light?

Human Cells have Electric Fields as Powerful as Lighting Bolts -A Galaxy Insight. The Illusion Of Matter: Our Physical Reality Isn’t Really Physical At All. Star Trek: The Final Frontier - Federation Map. Toward a Type 1 civilization. "Human Species May Be Among Early Advanced Life in the Universe" Some of the Most Plausible Scenarios for Alien Civilizations. A Universe of 10 Dimensions. Extraterrestrial Life. Exploring Parallel Universes. Fear artificial stupidity, not artificial intelligence. Top 10 Reasons We Should Fear The Singularity. Top 10 Reasons We Should NOT Fear The Singularity. Relationship between religion and science. Philosophy of Religion - Community - Google+ Artificial Intelligence and Superintelligence Explosion. Conscience. A Colossal Dilemma Within Science & Religion. Freud's Part in Our Satanic Possession. Sex magic. Theory of everything (philosophy)

Spirit. An Answer to Existential Questions. How to Identify Your Passions. Immortality. Esoteric Texts. Conscious Living. Spiritual, Metaphysics, Personal Development. These 9 Things That Happen To You When You’re Dying. How to Keep Yourself Energetically Clear, Balanced and Centered All Day Long. Sacred geometry. NEGATIVE ENERGY CLEANSING. A Colossal Dilemma Within Science & Religion.

Jean Jacques Rousseau [SEP] Theology and Science in the Thought of Francis Bacon - Steven Matthews - Google Books. Transcendental meditation: does it work? Ouroboros - A Thorough Explanation. Freud's Part in Our Satanic Possession. John Locke - Philosopher. John Locke - Biography - Philosopher. Montaigne and the macaques. A Collection of Essays - George Orwell - Google Livros. The GQ Guide to Transcendental Meditation. Transcendental Meditation Technique - A Complete Introduction. Metaphysics Definition, Definition Of Metaphysics, Metaphysical Definition. Metaphysics. Philosophy Karl Popper: Discussion Popper's Problem of Induction. Quotes Karl Popper. In less than 9 minutes Dean Radin breaks it all down. What I like in particular…