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Wrath of the Lich King

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The World of Warcraft Armory. Argent Crusade. Argent Crusade. Alliance Vanguard. The Silver Covenant. Explorers' League. The Frostborn. Valiance Expedition. Frenzyheart Tribe. Frenzyheart Tribe. Were you looking for the rivals of wolvar-based Frenzyheart Tribe, the gorloc-based Oracles?

Frenzyheart Tribe

The Frenzyheart Tribe faction is a primitive tribe of wolvars located in Sholazar Basin. Driven from their lands by the Scourge, this fierce tribe of wolvar stumbled upon Sholazar Basin, where they intend to make their new home. Their aggressive nature has put them at odds with the various gorloc tribes known collectively as the Oracles. In order to begin gaining reputation from this faction, you must complete a long quest chain which starts with [77] Playing Along and ends with [77G3] A Hero's Burden. Reputation Edit During the lead-in chain, your faction reputation will increase first with the Frenzyheart tribe and then with the Oracles. . [77] Just Following Orders you will go to friendly with the Oracles and hated with the Frenzyheart tribe. The only way to gain further reputation is through the daily quests offered by Elder Harkek, Rejek, and Vekgar at Frenzyheart Hill. Relation to the Oracles Edit. Horde Expedition. The Hand of Vengeance.

Warsong Offensive. The Sunreavers. The Taunka. Kirin Tor. Kirin Tor. History Edit Following the establishment of the city-state of Dalaran, the magocrats formed the Kirin Tor as a specialized sect that was charged with cataloging and researching every spell, artifact, and magic item known to mankind at the time.

Kirin Tor

The Kirin Tor became the city’s ruling power. The Kirin Tor’s headquarters was the Violet Citadel, an impressive building so named for its stone walls which gave off a faint violet light. The ruling council, six members in all, met in the Chamber of the Air, a room with no visible walls — the gray stone floor with its central diamond symbol stood beneath an open sky that shifted and changed rapidly, as if the time sped past within the chamber. Even the Kirin Tor, however, found itself powerless to stop Prince Arthas and his forces when he led the Scourge through Lordaeron. The Kirin Tor refused to abandon their home, however. Wrath of the Lich King Edit. Knights of the Ebon Blade. Knights of the Ebon Blade. The Ashen Verdict. Ashen Verdict. The Kalu'ak. Kalu'ak. The Oracles. Oracles. Were you looking for the rivals of gorloc-based Oracles, the wolvar-based Frenzyheart Tribe?


The Oracles are a faction of several friendly gorloc tribes that inhabit Sholazar Basin. They see themselves as guardians of the titan technology that remains in the area (though they understand little of it). They find themselves in an escalating territorial war with the Frenzyheart Tribe of wolvar. Many of the Oracles' leaders have the word "Soo" in their name. This may be a title, especially since Jaloot says that someday the adventurer can become "Soo-Dryskin" (dryskin is what the Oracles call most other races). Some of the Oracles refer to themselves individually as "us" or "we". The character is introduced to the Oracles faction through the quest chain started by [76] The Part-time Hunter. . [77G3] A Hero's Burden. Reputation Edit During the lead-in chain, your faction reputation will increase first with the Frenzyheart tribe and then with the Oracles. Relation to the Frenzyheart Tribe Edit As hated. The Sons of Hodir.

Sons of Hodir. The Sons of Hodir are a faction of ice giants located in Storm Peaks region of Northrend.

Sons of Hodir

They are a war-like race that makes its home in Dun Niffelem. This faction is named for titanic watcher Hodir. Long ago Titans created seed races including giants to watch the world of Azeroth together with watchers. Titanic watcher Loken betrayed ideas of Titans under influence of Yogg-Saron. Loken tricked his brother Thorim into striking out at his frost giant allies and then settling into a ages-long stupor.

The Sons of Hodir's claim to fame in Wrath of the Lich King is that they are the providers of all the Shoulder enchants for Wrath of the Lich King (except for scribe-only enchants). Main quest chain Edit. The Wyrmrest Accord. Wyrmrest Accord. Wrath of the Lich King - Factions.