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SearchBlox - Elasticsearch Enterprise Search, Website Search, Intranet Search, Database Search, Faceted Search, Drupal Search, Cloud Search, Salesforce Search, WordPress Search. Agile Games France. Bienvenue sur le wiki Agile Games France.

Agile Games France

Le Wiki Agile Games France est destiné à conserver la mémoire des événements, à répertorier les ressources (ou les liens vers les ressources) permettant de jouer les jeux découverts lors des événements. On laisse la définition des jeux sur tastycupcakes, gogamestorm, innovationgames, businessballs ou leur lieu d'origine. On apporte de la valeur en guidant / référençant. On prépare les prochains événements nationaux (ou locaux) Afin de pouvoir éditer les pages du wiki, vous devez créer votre compte.

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Creating Dynamic many2one field with onchange function in Odoo/OpenERP. Agence marketplace SOFRACS - Spécifications fonctionnelles. Formulaire de dépôt d’annonce Le formulaire de dépôt d’annonce reprend une sélection d’informations contenues dans les 7 principaux postes de gestion d’une annonce : Lieu, Descriptif, Catégorie, Caractéristique, Médias, Prix et Disponibilités.

Agence marketplace SOFRACS - Spécifications fonctionnelles

Lors du dépôt d’annonce, l’offreur saisie donc qu’une partie des informations de son annonce, avant d’avancer vers la deuxième phase qui lui permet de renseigner de manière exhaustive toutes les informations de son offre. Lieu Permet au fournisseur de saisir l’adresse ou il propose sa prestation. L’adresse est saisie via un seul champ qui suggère l’adresse complète au fur et à mesure que l’utilisateur la tape. DescriptifTitre Ce texte est utilisé comme titre pour l’annonce. NOISE - C'était Mieux Après. Exchanges. Pricing - DoneDone. Can I pay an entire year in advance?

Pricing - DoneDone

Absolutely! You can prepay for a full year of DoneDone, and we’ll even throw in a free month! (Annual payments are non-refundable) Learn more. What is considered an active user? We base our plans off of the number of active users in your account. Public Deliverables. LiquidFeedback - more than Liquid Democracy. GreenApes - the community. Quip. PresentatioN. Introduction in English YesWiki est un moteur de wiki libre, modulaire, sous licence GPL qui permet de créer et de gérer un site Internet ou intranet.


YesWiki est particulièrement destiné aux groupes souhaitant se doter d'un outil pour coopérer via Internet. Resources. Mutual Aid Networks - Time Banks, Mutual Credits and more. Mutual Aid Network (MAN) Creating means for everyone to discover and succeed in work they want to do, with the support of their community.

Mutual Aid Networks - Time Banks, Mutual Credits and more

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Easy pricing. Easy setup.

Unless you sign up for one of our annual or 2-year discount plans, all GroupSpaces account plans are month to month and you can cancel at any time. Can I get a discount? Yes! You can get a discount of 15% by paying for 12 months in advance and 25% by paying for 24 months. Can I get a deal for multiple groups? CiviCRM. Product Features. Create a beautiful email in minutes Just drag image and text blocks right into your email and move ’em around with the click of a mouse.

Product Features

Get the look you want with cool image tools including crop, resize and flip. Automatic PDF, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint generation for online forms, contracts, applications, and more. 2nd FLOSS4P2P Workshop. A two day workshop which aims to gather the FLOSS projects that are building software for peer production and organization, with a focus on distributed ones.

2nd FLOSS4P2P Workshop

March 16-17th 2015 Fab Lab London. Idenergie - Accélérateur de startups innovantes - Création d'entreprise. Marmotte - Notes. Le crowdfunding local : TPE, commerce, artisanat, ESS - Bulb in Town. Buuyers - Avis non censurés, professionnels, marques, enseignes,… Interstate. Collaborative contact sharing dashboard. Magasin decoration Bureaux & Commerces Seine-Saint-Denis. Mavillejetaide. Les grappes - place de marché communautaire du vin. Paris - Portes ouvertes : Social Good Lab - SocialGoodWeek. Paris - Le "tout numérique" pour les associations : une cyber-utopie ? - SocialGoodWeek. Osez l'innovation citoyenne ! BeeoTop, l'animation pour la performance économique et sociétale. StarOfService : une nouvelle façon de consommer des services. Sharitories – an empowered by OuiShare project. OuiShare. - Make money lending. Save money borrowing.

Empowerment. Site de crowdfunding en marque-blanche ! Pricing. How does the free 14-day trial work?


After you create an account, you have instant access to all of Zopim’s features for 14 days. During this period you can upgrade at any time by visiting the change plan page. You don’t need a credit card during the trial, so feel free to try it out. Do I have to start with a free 14-day trial? Yes, we firmly believe you should only pay for software once you are convinced of its value. But, you can upgrade to a paid plan at any time during the trial period. What happens after the free 14-day trial? Towards the end of the 14 days we will email you and check if you want to upgrade.

If you choose not to upgrade during the trial period, you will be automatically downgraded to the free Lite package. Is the Lite package really free? Yes. Are there bulk discounts? Yes. What are Agents? Agents are your organization's team members who will log into the Dashboard and respond to your customer’s chats. Easily extract structured data from your inbound emails. What else is included?

Easily extract structured data from your inbound emails

All our plans include unlimited inbox addresses, unlimited parsing rules, free set-up, export to Excel and CSV sheets, HTTP Webhooks and attachment processing. Are there any requirements? There are no special requirements. There is nothing to install and you don't need any technical know-how for setting up and using What are custom extraction rules? offers powerful and flexible data extraction tools out of the box. Une Banque du Temps mondiale où vous pouvez partager le TALENT contre du TEMPS! TheFamily. Iceberg Marketplace in SaaS. Startups, idées d'entreprise, experts- bonjour idée. But what the hell is the Family? Découverte de The Family, le programme pensé par des entrepreneurs, pour des entrepreneurs. « Mais c’est quoi ce « The Family » au juste ? » Designspiration — Design Inspiration.

The Best Designs / Best Web Design Awards & Web Design Inspiration. Page puppet home. It's Nice That : Home. NounProject Recherche. Designspiration — Design Inspiration. Horyou. Accélérateur de sites web. Contactez Proj'aide. Welcome to Hackpad: Quick Intro. Welcome to Hackpad: Quick Intro Hackpad is a simple way to capture, share and organize knowledge with your team. A Pad is an editable content page. A Collection is a label you can use with your team to stay organized. Click the name of any collection to see a full list of that Collection's Pads.

A Workspace is a place where you and your teammates can share knowledge and collaborate. Move between Workspaces by clicking the burger (three horizontal lines on at the top left) to launch the Workspace Navigation. Each Workspace has it's own Collections and Pads. Creating a Pad To create a new Pad, click the "Create New Pad" button at the top left of your screen. You can always click the home button logo to see all your Pads, organized by last change.

Workspace Configuration and Pricing Controlling the Privacy Setting of your Workspace is easy. Public Workspaces will be discoverable by others, and are free of cost for an unlimited number of members and guests. Privacy Controls Privacy & Security Mobile. Faites-vous connaître sur FamiHero et trouvez de nouveaux clients. Register. Trouver un job sur Buuyers! Our Team - Empower Projects. Accueil - Troovon. Peers : consommateurs collaboratifs de tous les pays, unissez-vous. était lancé la semaine dernière à San Francisco. The Transition US Team. Richard Heinberg is author of ten books, including The Party’s Over, Peak Everything, and the soon-to-be-released The End of Growth, Richard Heinberg is widely regarded as one of the world’s most effective communicators of the urgent need to transition away from fossil fuels. With a wry, unflinching approach based on facts and realism, Richard exposes the tenuousness of our current way of life and offers a vision for a truly sustainable future.

Senior Fellow-in-Residence at Post Carbon Institute, Richard is best known as a leading educator on Peak Oil—the point at which we reach maximum global oil production—and the resulting, devastating impact it will have on our economic, food, and transportation systems. Volunteer, work, intern, organize, hire and connect. Change the world - Contributors. Les Plans Appart des Grandes Ecoles.

Oxwall Community Software Demo - social networking. Plateformes Communautaires Open Source. Panorama des plateformes communautaires open-source : Critères de choix, solutions répandues, avantages & inconvénients d’une utilisation simultanée de plusieurs plateformes. Par David Thomas & Olivier Chauffert-Yvart I) Panorama des plateformes « Un système de gestion de contenu ou SGC (Content Management System ou CMS) est une famille de logiciels destinés à la conception et à la mise à jour dynamique de sites Web ou d’applications multimédia. » (Wikpédia) Ne confondez plus communautaire et social. How to Build Awesome Online Marketplaces. Finances. CT generation 2 is here! 30 idées pour dynamiser votre communauté. Ecobole. Club open Innovation » Initiative dédiée au développement des relations business entre grands groupes et startups.

Déployer une plateforme collaborative : Pourquoi ? Comment ? Entre Voisins : Annonces gratuites entre voisins de Saint-Ouen. StackMob. Plans. Enterprise Mobile Application Development Platform. Stootie : l’échange de biens et services de proximité.