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Understanding Cyber warfare

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NewsX on WorldTV. Military. Musical Love Spell. You will need the following items for this spell:parchment paper red pen or writing utensil lighter or matches full moon a song or piece of music that expresses your desire and love white candle pink candle Simple yet Powerful spell to bring a lover back. 1.

Musical Love Spell

Critical infrastructure. Radiation Network. One Ocean: The Nature of Things with David Suzuki: CBC-TV. One Ocean Download Unity Web Player Get Unity 3D to Play The Unity Web Player enables you to view blazing 3D content created by the Unity gaming engine directly in your browser, and autoupdates as necessary. Download Unity Web Player: Install Now! The militarization of cyberspace. High profile cyber attacks call for joint global action. The security breach at Citigroup Inc., which lost personal information of 210,000 credit card customers to hackers, is just the latest of a string of cyber attacks on high-profile companies.

High profile cyber attacks call for joint global action

The successful targets of hackers the past two months include data storage firm EMC Ltd, information technology provider Lockheed Martin, electronics giant Sony Corp., and search giant Google Inc. Google Inc. said the phishing attack on its Gmail accounts targeted, among others, senior U.S. government officials and Chinese political activists and journalists. The U.S. government is assessing if security had been compromised by the Gmail attack, which originated in China. Citigroup said hackers accessed the data of 1%, or estimated 210,000, bank card holders in North America and did not rule out the possibility of fraudulent charges on the accounts. Monetization Many hackers break into computers and computer networks for profit. Politics Global initiative. Cyber-weaponry, virtual battlefields and the changing face of global warfare. Cyber warfare: the next big threat? Cyber-warfare 'is growing threat'

Cyber-warfare attacks on military infrastructure, government and communications systems, and financial markets pose a rapidly growing but little understood threat to international security and could become a decisive weapon of choice in future conflicts between states, the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies warned yesterday.

Cyber-warfare 'is growing threat'

IISS director-general John Chipman said: "Despite evidence of cyber attacks in recent political conflicts, there is little appreciation internationally of how to assess cyber-conflict. Lessons from Anonymous on cyberwar. "Cyberwar" is a heavily loaded term, which conjures up Hollywood inspired images of hackers causing oil refineries to explode.

Lessons from Anonymous on cyberwar

Some security celebrities came out very strongly against the thought of it, claiming that cyberwar was less science, and more science fiction. Last year on May 21, the United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) reported reaching initial operational capability, and news stories abound of US soldiers undergoing basic cyber training, which all point to the idea that traditional super powers are starting to explore this arena.

WikiLeaks. Understanding Anonymous. Cyberwarfare: what Richard Clarke and other fearmongers get wrong. Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images.

Cyberwarfare: what Richard Clarke and other fearmongers get wrong

Principles of War - A Tacticians Thoughts - A military Approach To Cyber Security. ‘Tis the Season of DDoS – WikiLeaks Edition. DDoS attacks are flying across the Internet like there is no tomorrow.

‘Tis the Season of DDoS – WikiLeaks Edition

Just a few days ago, a hacktivist operating under the handle “th3j35t3r” decided to single-handedly take down the Wikileaks website with a DoS tool of his (or their) own creation. He issued a statement on Twitter shortly after explaining that the attacks against the WikiLeaks website were made for “attempting to endanger the lives of our troops, ‘other assets’ & foreign relations.” According to our statistics, his attacks resulted in 1 day 3 hours and 50 minutes of downtime for WikiLeaks before the site was completely yanked offline by Amazon and EveryDNS. Note: Initiating a DDoS attack is illegal in many countries and we do not recommend that you participate in this or future campaigns. Guy-Philippe Goldstein: How cyberattacks threaten real-world peace. Cyberspace and 4th Generation Warfare - A Marriage of Convenience.

In 1989 a group of US military analysts including William S.

Cyberspace and 4th Generation Warfare - A Marriage of Convenience

Lind, decided to conveniently ignore the rest of world history and look at evolution in armed conflict starting at a mere 100 years before the inception of the United States. Any biologist worth his salt will tell you that this is too small a sample to take an accurate measurement of such a lengthy ordeal as evolution, but for this article's sake I will digress. The resultant work of this team was published in the US Marine Corps Gazette and revolved around a 'generational' view to warfare, in which each evolution - dubbed a Generation - had distinct characteristics particular to that generation.

In their article they describe four generations. The following definitions were gleaned from Wikipedia: Ex-U.S. general urges frank talk on cyber weapons. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States should be more open about its development of offensive cyber weapons and spell out when it will use them as it grapples with an increasing barrage of attacks by foreign hackers, the former No. 2 uniformed officer in the U.S. military said.

Ex-U.S. general urges frank talk on cyber weapons

"We've got to step up the game; we've got to talk about our offensive capabilities and train to them; to make them credible so that people know there's a penalty to this," said James Cartwright, the four-star Marine Corps general who retired in August as the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Cartwright, who raised the profile of cyber security issues while still in uniform, told Reuters in an interview that the increasing intensity and frequency of network attacks by hackers underscored the need for an effective deterrent. Opinion: There is no Geneva Convention online - 05 Sep 2011 - Computing Opinion.

I am not a lawyer, but to my mind cyber crime is committed by individuals, or groups, whereas cyber warfare is committed by governments.

Opinion: There is no Geneva Convention online - 05 Sep 2011 - Computing Opinion

Does it matter? Not from a cyber defence point of view, but rather from the way it is played and the endgame. Dealing with cyber crime within a legal and regulatory framework means there are six potential endgame scenarios, depending on whether it is the result of an internal or external attack. These are: discipline, resignation, dismissal, civil prosecution, criminal prosecution, or make it go away.

Lenny Zeltser on Information Security. Cyber War: Sabotaging the System - 60 Minutes. This segment was first broadcast on Nov. 8, 2009.

Cyber War: Sabotaging the System - 60 Minutes

It was updated on June 10, 2010. /> Nothing has ever changed the world as quickly as the Internet has. The conversation: Jim Killock and Iain Dale on the WikiLeaks information war. This week saw the unprecedented escalation of hostilities between the US government and WikiLeaks, with hackers wading in to support the whistleblowing website by targeting companies - PayPal, MasterCard, Amazon – that had co-operated with US attempts to shut it down.

Do these events signal a new era of information warfare? And what are the implications for the future of the internet? Susanna Rustin: Are we going to see much more of this kind of activism? Jim Killock: I think it will be quite limited. I think the people who have done it have already realised their mistake – they're meant to be standing up in favour of openness and freedom of speech, and they're trying to stop people from doing things on the internet. Iain Dale: It's not childish, because governments are responsible for their own national security. Internet-based attacks on critical systems rise. 19 April 2011Last updated at 00:09 Most countries said they expected a cyber attack to disrupt energy supplies within the next two years Internet-based attacks on critical systems such as gas, power and water have increased around the world, a report suggests.

Security firm McAfee surveyed 200 IT executives working for utility companies in 14 countries. Eight out of 10 said their networks had been targeted by hackers during the past year. China was seen as the most likely source of attacks, followed by Russia and the United States. Cryptographer Paul Kocher: Big challenges ahead for industry. Information Security News, IT Security News & Expert Insights: SecurityWeek.Com. Smaller botnets are cheaper and easier to build out and operate, and criminals have already realized that large-scale botnets attract unwanted attention In September, law enforcement agencies in the US and Europe announced that they had cracked a major ZeuS botnet operation allegedly responsible for the theft of over $70 million.

The US is not at cyberwar. Last week, the Obama administration's most senior official with responsibility for the internet and cyberspace made a significant intervention in the increasingly hysterical US debate over cyberwar. Cyber Weapons: The New Arms Race. Wanted: Hackers (Anononymous, Can You Hack It?) Fault Lines - Cyberwar. Cyber Security is now recognized as a high risk priority by governments. Cyber Security is now recognized as a high risk priority by governments across the globe.

This is supported by the fact that the UK Government’s Strategic Defense Spending Review which diverted key funds away from traditional areas of spending to the protection of the UK’s critical national infrastructure from the cyber threat. Aki Peritz: Declaring War on Cyber Metaphors. Top men tell us that dark forces -- China, Russia, criminal elements, spies, terrorists, and hackers -- are burrowing deep into America's digital infrastructure, looking to exploit weaknesses, wreck security and cause mayhem.

Franz-Stefan Gady: From the Middle Ages to the Cyber Age: Non-State Actors. Latest Hacks Could Set The Stage For Cyberwar. Cyberguerre. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Cyberwarfare. La cyberguerre a commencé. Newsnight - Proposal for cyber war rules of engagement.