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Argumentationskette. Evolution & Bewusstsein. Zeitgeist Ending ( Very Motivational ) Botschaft an die Menschheit. You've Felt It Your Entire Life. Paradise or Oblivion (Doku) Edward Bernays and the Art of Public Manipulation. Bio für 9 Milliarden (Doku) Britta Riley: Ein Garten in meiner Wohnung.


Urban gardening

Bildung & Information. Hans Rosling's 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes - The Joy of Stats - BBC Four. The River of Myths by Hans Rosling. Founder John Hardy's TED lecture goes live! RNF Spezial │ Prof.Dr. Gerald Hüther zu Gast in Ludwigshafen. Education Revolution - Alternative Education Resource Organization. Khan Academy. Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation. Achmed Khammas - Das Buch der Synergie. Künstliches Blatt -> Wasserstoff. The world's first practical "artificial leaf” can now self-heal damage that occurs during production of energy.

Künstliches Blatt -> Wasserstoff

The innovation means the leaf, which mimics the ability of real leaves to produce energy from nothing other than sunlight and water, can now be run on dirty water making it even more suitable for providing people in developing countries and remote areas with electricity. Daniel Nocera, described the advance during the "Kavli Foundation Innovations in Chemistry Lecture" at the 245th National Meeting and Exposition of the American Chemical Society, which runs until Thursday.

Nocera, leader of the research team, explained the device is a simple catalyst-coated wafer of silicon, rather than a complicated reproduction of the photosynthesis mechanism in real leaves. Plastik aus Holz. Reis-"Holz" The Zeitgeist Movement. Fließendes Geld. Es gibt Phasen in der Geschichte, die die Historiker als Zeitenwende bezeichnen.

Fließendes Geld

Die Regeln, nach denen das Gemeinwesen funktioniert, ändern sich. Kein Stein bleibt auf dem anderen. Monetative e.V. Positive Money: Video - 10 Year Old Explains the Truth about Money. Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie. Project Earth: A Resource Based Economy Explained. Teilen & Leihen. Foodsharing. 10 Strategien die Gesellschaft völlig zu manipulieren - Gedankenkontrolle-Mindcontrol. 10 Methoden der Manipulation. Dreist: ARD gesteht Manipulation der eigenen Zuschauer während der Fussball EM. Schwarz wie Milch - Kurzfilm über Manipulation in den Medien. Gib mir die Welt plus 5 Prozent - Warum überall Geld fehlt - Goldschmied Fabian.

Ω Wie funktioniert Geld? (How does money work?) Neues aus der Anstalt - Erwin Pelzig - Goldman Sachs 13.11.2012. Simple Solution to the Debt Crisis (No Music) What the Economic Crisis Really Means - and what we can do about it.