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LessFood aka Dropcontrol. LessFood aka DropControl ... makes food more valuable by controlling the items dropped by animals and slowing down crops, melons, pumpkins, trees, cacti's growing rate. Everything is configurable. BOSEconomy. BOSEconomy is a simple, lightweight economy plugin.


Every player owns an amount of currency and can make simple payments between one another. Read below to see all of the available features. BOSEconomy stands for "Brotherhood of Slaughter Economy". The plugin was originally designed for our community's Minecraft server. Features: Simplicity: install and go setup. SETUP GUIDE:Click here to read the full setup guide. ( Simple Users )Click here to view a setup guide with videos. ( Advanced Users ) COMMANDS:Commands. iProfessions. Heypoday, iProfessions is a complete plugin for making a job-based economy for your server.


Players will have a profession (Miner, blacksmith, ... Whatever you want) and will be the only players who could do some actions. For instance, if you create a blacksmith profession and give them some craft skills, only blacksmith players could craft weapons, shovels, ... BeardAch. Hey you!


Tired of those silly, kill x zombies "achievements" other plugins let you make? Well this is the plugin for you! BeardAch is an achievemnts plugin built the right way. Designed to be a framework to build upon, BeardAch works on the principle of Triggers and Rewards. Triggers define the unlock conditions for an achievement, rewards what a player gets.

PluginsBaker. Heypoday, PluginsBaker is framework, created after getting annoyed by recoding many usefull systems on my plugins, that has a lot of usefull API for developpers.


It helps you to accelerate the development of your plugin, and "adding 20% more love than the next leading brand" ! It includes, for instance, an API to easily create a default configuration (Now a bit useless with the new Bukkit API), an other one to create a language file, containing all the sentences used in your plugins. If you're an admin of a server, you'll need this plugin to run any of my plugin, ANY. BeardStat. BeardStat is statistics tracking plugin for bukkit.


It tracks a wide variety of user statistics and makes them available to your playerbase and plugins. Recorded stats last Login and logout timeTotal playtimeblock placement and breaking (including sub/metadata blocks like wool, logs etc)Items picked up/droppedDamage dealt and recievedKills and deathsFood consumedSheep sheared and dyedTNT detonatedDistance travelled on foot/boat/cart/horse/pigItems craftedAnimals tamedTeleportsFishing. Lockette. Grief Prevention. 7.8 Beta Availability A Beta of GriefPrevention 7.8 has been released!

Grief Prevention

There are still a few things that seem to be broken, but nothing that should be an absolute show-stopper. Votifier - Forum - Vote Listeners - Requests - BOSEconomy. Mobs. ShowCaseStandalone. MobspawnSettings. This mod allows you to control how many mobs will spawn.


You can control the settings for both peaceful and aggressive mobs. Functionality: You can choose which events should be controlled (chunkspawning, normal spawning etc). You can choose for every mobtype individually:. If every mob should spawn or only every second, third, forth etc. Feel free to ask any question! Intended use. ScrollingMenuSign. Videos Latest video: See the Videos page for full list of demonstration & tutorial videos.


Latest Version. Citizens 2. Citizens is the original Bukkit NPC plugin, adding everything from simple NPCs that talk to lively, active Denizens, Sentries, Traders and more.

Citizens 2

Citizens contains a variety of toggleable characters and unlimited possibilities for expansion with the new easy to use API. With advanced features such as scripting, AI and a helpful dev team, Citizens will continue to expand to make your server even better! For more information and all the gory details, see the wiki documentation and links down below.

Wiki | Issue Tracker | Commands Source | API Repo / Docs. Denizen. Denizen-docs | Issue tracker | Script repository Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server.


CitiTraders. Currently working on CitiTraders 2 - Fixing alot of hold over errors and issues. DtlTraders. DtlTraders was created to easily setup admin shops for your sever. It's the ONE COMMAND plugin! Seriously, that's all you need to know ;) Download dtlTraders jar file. Place it into your plugins folder. Homepage. Citizens Wiki. Permissions Bukkit. Command Book. CommandBook adds essential commands for managing your server, from teleportation commands to time changing commands. Modular, and extremely light on your server. Add multiple types of easy-to-use teleportation commands. Change time without having to remember the numbers (/time 3am works) Add support for homes and warps for your players. Change weather with ease. Play with your players using commands like /slap. Quote:Disclaimer: These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff.

Thinking about adding cool Redstone features? Got a question about CommandBook? Features. Vault. Help support development of Vault: Donate Vault is a Permissions, Chat, & Economy API to give plugins easy hooks into these systems without needing to hook or depend on each individual plugin themselves. OtherDrops. Make anything drop anything, anyhow! Extra Hard Mode. Extra Hard Mode changes the game rules to create NEW, INTERESTING CHALLENGES for players who have mastered the core game. Unlike Mojang's "hard" mode or other plugins' "hardcore" modes which just punish you more for making mistakes without actually changing game mechanics, Extra Hard Mode delivers interesting new challenges for advanced players.

Detailed rundown of all features and configuration help Check here or here (alternate formatting) You can enable specific features only for specific worlds, Check here Save yourself some time! Found Diamonds. ->Old Thread +++ Source Code +++ The Wiki<- Standard Installation and Basic Test. MineProwl.