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Telescopic Text. Create Interactive Presentations, Animations and infographics - HTML5 Presenter by Easy WebContent.  My Online-Diary Community for Travelogues, Biography & Co. Zopler - Collaborative Story Telling. Montage. A witness to life. InstaBlogg - One-time blogging. Words and Their Stories: From Couch Potato to Cabin Fever. Some unusual words describe how a person spends his or her time.

Words and Their Stories: From Couch Potato to Cabin Fever

For example, someone who likes to spend a lot of time sitting or lying down while watching television is sometimes called a couch potato. [more...] Click play to start dictation or select the track : of 29 Please login to save your score and to see your history. >> Login Embed this listen-and-write audio clip to your blog or site. Sign up now and you can test your listening level. PageOrama - one page at a time. Online NotePad. YouPublish: Publish, Find, Talk about... Whatever! Design & Make A Book With Our Simple Free Guide. UDL Book Builder. Un url qui ne s'ouvre qu'à une date précise. est un petit service qui permet d’écrire un message qui sera ensuite codé dans un url et qui ne sera lisible qu’à l’heure, le jour, le mois, l’année que vous aurez choisis.

un url qui ne s'ouvre qu'à une date précise

Stories : Share a Story. Flirting with the Devil (Part 2) Origin: Tegucigalpa, Honduras “I never gave my wife or my unborn child a single thought.

Stories : Share a Story

Today was all that mattered - enough drugs for today, enough alcohol for today. Tomorrow? We will just have to deal with it when it comes.” Blaboum, carnets d'enfance. Index. TrackStar : Tracks : View. Create an eBook using free software. Download FLIP Flash Album Free 1.9 Free - FLIP Flash Album Free - pack your favorite photos to a creative and real like flipping digital photo album.

FLIP Flash Album Free is a simple-to-use software application which allows you to create a Flash album from your favorite pictures.

Download FLIP Flash Album Free 1.9 Free - FLIP Flash Album Free - pack your favorite photos to a creative and real like flipping digital photo album

It can be handled by users with any level of experience. The interface of the program is a bit unusual but easy to work with - it resembles an actual photo album. Loading images into the working environment can be done by using either the file browser or "drag and drop" method. It is possible to import as many photographs as you want. TV Writing. This site will be of plenty of interest to TV fans, but fundamentally it's for people who want to take their love of TV and transform it into something more practical: actually creating telly that people want to see. These scripts are here because the only way to learn how to write a TV script is to read A LOT of other TV scripts, and there aren't many places you can do that. So here you can study scripts for existing shows, some of your old favourites, and many that never even made it to air. Tutorials - Introduction. Scrivener.

Scrivener for Windows. Checkthis. Glypho. Test de Scrivener 2.0. Scrivener est un logiciel dédié à l’écriture créative : c’est à la fois un éditeur de texte et un gestionnaire de projets (on y stockera tout ce dont on a besoin pour travailler sur une histoire: recherches, notes, PDF, photos, vidéos, etc.).

Test de Scrivener 2.0

Après la rédaction, il permettra aussi d’exporter le texte vers des formats plus courants (Word, PDF, etc.) pour les partager avec un éditeur, mais aussi de créer en quelques clics des ebooks (ePub et Mobi). Une des choses qui le différencie des autres logiciels dédiés à l’écriture est qu’il a été imaginé et créé par un auteur, justement, frustré de ne pas trouver l’application dont il rêvait. Découvrons ensemble certaines des fonctionnalités de Scrivener ainsi que les nouveautés de la version 2 sortie il y a quelques semaines de ça.

Scrivener dans toute sa splendeur Scrivener se compose d’une fenêtre d’édition, une barre de menu, une barre latérale (le Binder) qui n’est pas sans rappeler celle du Finder et, à droite, l’Inspecteur. Welcome! TwitWall - Instant Blogging Companion for Twitter. Olivier Diaz .fr » TwitWall: un twitter qui n’est plus un twitter. Publish your own children's book. Crea tu propio especial multimedia con Wix (Parte II) Si trabajaste con éxito la primera parte de nuestro tutorial , entonces estás list@ para continuar con el aprendizaje. Crea tu propio especial multimedia con Wix. Ya antes hemos hablado de Wix, una herramienta gratuita y fácil de usar para la elaboración de páginas web y presentaciones en flash.

Crea tu propio especial multimedia con Wix

En esta oportunidad, les enseñaremos a utilizar este programa para realizar su propio especial multimedia. Para que la explicación sea más sencilla, utilizaremos como ejemplo un especial que diseñé hace unos meses para la revista digital Número Zero: ‘Jóvenes al Congreso 2011‘. 1. Una vez que tienes tu cuenta en Wix, e hiciste clic en ‘Crear’, verás varias plantillas, pero esta vez empezaremos desde cero así que seleccionarás la opción ‘Sitio web en blanco’. En el lado derecho del área de trabajo, aparecen las páginas. 2.

Publier un livre avec Book de SCENARI. Organize & Create Your Short Stories & Novels With StoryBook. Here at MUO, we love writing and have always tried to bring you tools that will help with your writing, such as Nancy’s guide to inspiring apps for writers, Jeffry’s list of Firefox addons for writers, and Karl’s review of VocabGrabber.

Organize & Create Your Short Stories & Novels With StoryBook

Today I’d like to offer an impressive open source application called Storybook, which can automate the entire writing process for you. This way, you can focus on what you do best – writing stories. What impressed me the most about this organizational tool is that it is capable of helping you sort out and organize even the most complicated novel with multiple storylines. 2 Create a Superstory - Recursos Educativos Digitales. Información General.

2 Create a Superstory - Recursos Educativos Digitales

Animate your words! Made on Wondersay - Animate text with style I found through my friends on Twitter.

Animate your words! lets you animate words and then embed those words on a blog, wiki or webpage. You can also just share the URL. Débuter sur Mac : les logiciels d'écriture Scrivener et Ulysses. Evertale - A self writing scrapbook of your real life. ZooBurst. Free Screenwriting Software by Plotbot—write screenplays online with friends.

Plotbot lets you write screenplays in your browser with as many or as few people as you like.

Free Screenwriting Software by Plotbot—write screenplays online with friends

All edits are saved so you can undo anything. We have both private and public projects. Create - Write me a story. Scenari - Iris. Poésie collaborative. Adventure Maker (freeware) - Create games for Windows, PSP, iPhone, and iPod touch without writing a line of code. 7 Collaborative Storytelling Websites to Weave Your Own Digital Stories. Advertisement Everyone loves a good story. Writing it is another matter. Come to think of it, crafting a good story shouldn’t be too difficult. Creating Original Characters, Themes, and Visual Metaphors for Your Digital Short Film > Creating Powerfully Original Characters. Sherri Sheridan provides helpful tips to developers of digital short films on the creation of interesting characters, themes, and visual metaphors through the development of a sample short film about a bigfoot named Ezzie.

"I love Mickey Mouse more than any woman I've ever known. " —Walt Disney Character, plot, and theme are the building blocks of a great short film. Webmaster – Ressources et outils gratuits pour votre site internet – Free Tools. Storytelling Activities & Lesson Ideas.

Storytelling Activities & Lesson Ideas This collection of storytelling activities-developed by storyteller/author Heather Forest for her storytelling workshops with students, teachers, and librarians-can be expanded by educators into language arts lesson plans to support speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Storytellers on Tour. Figment: Write yourself in. The Group Storytelling Game. Collaborative Writing Community - Login. Max My Dream. We Tell Stories - 'Fairy Tales' by Kevin Brooks.

Myebook - get it out there! WriteRoom — Distraction free writing software for Mac & iPhone. "But if, when it comes right down to it, full screen is your holy grail, and the ultimate antidote to the bric-a-brac of Word, then you must enter the WriteRoom, the ultimate spartan writing utopia. Historypin. Storyboard Template. Historypin. Teachers. Alicia. Transformer un blogue en vidéo clip.

On croit avoir fait le tour des idées sur internet, mais non! La preuve avec ce service qui vous offre de transformer votre blogue en clip vidéo. Alors on va saluer l’imagination des concepteurs! A quoi cela peut-il servir? Déjà c’est fun et c’est déjà suffisant! Pour les fan, on pourra suivre les statistiques de nombre de fois que la vidéo a été visualisée. Le blogging express. Ecrivez, postez et partagez votre billet sur Twitter.. Instructify » Blog Archive » Write plays and screenplays with Raw Scripts. Collaborative storytelling. Creating an Effective online Portfolio: 40+ Tips, Tools & Inspirations. Nowadays, everyone is getting rid of the paper trail. Everything is now done digitally: commerce, accounting, advertising, marketing, shopping and even design.

Every freelance graphic designer should now own an online portfolio. Projeqt \ how great stories are told.