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La démocratie du dollar - Regarder le documentaire complet (disponible du 27 oct au 2 déc. 2020) Bien qu’une large majorité de citoyens américains de tous bords se déclare favorable à une régulation plus stricte du financement des campagnes électorales, leur Cour suprême s’est appliquée depuis une décennie à supprimer les garde-fous en vigueur.

La démocratie du dollar - Regarder le documentaire complet (disponible du 27 oct au 2 déc. 2020)

Des scrutins locaux à la présidentielle, les dollars coulent à flots exponentiels à chaque élection, avec des conséquences délétères sur l’action publique. Par l’arrêt Citizens United de 2010, la Cour a ainsi déplafonné les contributions financières des entreprises, au nom de la sacro-sainte liberté d’expression. Plus insidieux, à travers ce que les experts appellent la "dark money" (argent occulte), de riches donateurs utilisent des organismes à but non lucratif pour déverser discrètement des millions dans les campagnes, les associations n’étant pas soumises à l’obligation de révéler l’identité de leurs bienfaiteurs.

Activists Bring Koch Climate Change Denial Role To Wealthy Art Patrons. Saturday, 13 September 2014 Catch this!

Activists Bring Koch Climate Change Denial Role To Wealthy Art Patrons

Attack ads from green groups feature the Kochs as much as the climate. Pro-environment political action committees are airing ads attacking the most anti-environment candidates, all Republicans, in close Senate and gubernatorial races.

Attack ads from green groups feature the Kochs as much as the climate

But the ads are often focused more on dirty money than dirty energy. NextGen Climate Action Committee and the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) Victory Fund choose their targets based on who has the worst record on climate change, energy, and conservation, but many of their ads make a more general critique that a candidate is beholden to wealthy, polluting donors rather than the public interest. NextGen has run seven such ads against Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R), and the group thinks it is working at driving down his job approval ratings in targeted media markets. It and other groups are using the same approach elsewhere.

Rupert Murdoch Says Climate Change Should Be Approached With Great Skepticism. By Ari Phillips "Rupert Murdoch Says Climate Change Should Be Approached With Great Skepticism" CREDIT: AP Photo/Josh Reynolds Rupert Murdoch is chairman and CEO of News Corporation, one of the world’s largest media conglomerates, which includes Fox News and The Wall Street Journal.

Rupert Murdoch Says Climate Change Should Be Approached With Great Skepticism

Since launching The Australian newspaper 50 years ago he has also become one of the richest people in the world. In a wide-ranging interview aired Sunday in Australia to mark this 50-year anniversary, Murdoch reflected candidly on climate change, saying he thought it should be approached with great skepticism. “At the moment the north pole is melting but the south pole is getting bigger,” he said. Chicagoans fight the Kochs and their petcoke. When tar-sands oil is refined, a nasty byproduct called petroleum coke, or petcoke, is produced — thick, dusty gunk that is increasingly being stored in huge piles along Midwestern rivers.

Chicagoans fight the Kochs and their petcoke

On Chicago’s Southeast Side, unfortunate neighbors have been fighting to get rid of three such piles, noting that the petcoke blows over their communities and even into their homes. But they’ve failed, at least for now. The Chicago City Council on Wednesday voted to ban new petcoke storage facilities, but the old ones will be allowed to remain in place and uncovered for up to two years.

City lawyers said stricter proposed regulations might not stand up in court. How the Koch brothers screwed over the climate even more than you know. Billionaire oil moguls Charles and David Koch have had a pernicious effect on climate and energy policy, a host of other progressive issues, and American democracy itself, as we’ve reported many times before.

How the Koch brothers screwed over the climate even more than you know

But a new report by the Investigative Reporting Workshop at American University reveals even more about how the Koch brothers have undermined climate action. Since 2008, the Koch-backed group Americans for Prosperity has been urging candidates and politicians to sign its “No Climate Tax Pledge.” In 2010, we noted that many Republican House and Senate candidates had signed it, and in 2011, that at least one GOP presidential candidate had. Koch brothers hire lobbyists to fight carbon tax, save poor and old people. Layout - Embargo_Report.pdf. Koch brothers could make $100 billion on Keystone XL pipeline deal.

A new study released Sunday concludes that Koch Industries and its subsidiaries stand to make as much as $100 billion in profits if the controversial Keystone XL pipeline is given the go-ahead by President Obama.

Koch brothers could make $100 billion on Keystone XL pipeline deal

The report, titled “Billionaires’ Carbon Bomb,” and produced by the think tank International Forum on Globalization, finds that David and Charles Koch and their privately owned company, Koch Industries, own more than 2 million acres of land in Northern Alberta, the source of the tar-sands oil that will be pumped to the United States via the Keystone XL pipeline. The Brothers Koch quietly become largest tar-sands lease holders in Alberta (UPDATED) UPDATE: It looks like Steve Mufson and Juliet Eilperin, the authors of the Washington Post article upon which this post was based, are backing down on their claims — sort of.

The Brothers Koch quietly become largest tar-sands lease holders in Alberta (UPDATED)

The Koch brothers have leases on a confirmed 1.1 million acres of Alberta tar sands, and the article’s authors cite unnamed “industry sources we consider highly authoritative” who estimate that amount of land to be closer to two million acres. Mufson and Eilperin claim that if the latter figure is accurate, the Koch brothers are indeed the largest lease-holders in the region. Rupert Murdoch still stupid about climate, now thinks pollution is good for trees. Notorious Koch Brothers Win 2013 Rubber Dodo Award. The Kochs are cooking up a new dirty-energy political scheme.