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*Greed and Consumption : Why the World Is Burning. Rome is scorching hot.

*Greed and Consumption : Why the World Is Burning

This beautiful city is becoming unbearable for other reasons, too. 10-11 fév. 2021 Pourquoi une vague de froid ne remet pas en question le réchauffement climatique. Le nord de la France est traversé, depuis lundi 8 février, par une vague de froid qui occasionne des températures négatives Une météo qui suffit à certains pour remettre en question la réalité du réchauffement climatique.

10-11 fév. 2021 Pourquoi une vague de froid ne remet pas en question le réchauffement climatique

Lire les dernières informations : Des températures glaciales prévues pour les prochains jours dans le Nord-Est. Réchauffement climatique : les banques centrales face à leurs responsabilités. Les désastres économiques qu’il entraîne sont tout aussi patents : désertification, hausse des niveaux de la mer, perturbation des circulations océaniques, pollution, catastrophes dites « naturelles » [1], détérioration des santés publiques et des bien-être.

Réchauffement climatique : les banques centrales face à leurs responsabilités

Devant ces sombres perspectives, il est naturel que les institutions financières se saisissent du problème. Elles sont en effet les premières – à commencer par les compagnies d’assurance – concernées par les pertes spécifiquement financières qu’ils impliquent. Deux problèmes se posent. Comment gérer (ou financer) les pertes occasionnées par les dégâts causés par le réchauffement climatique ? Comment financer les investissements nécessaires pour lutter contre le réchauffement climatique, ou plutôt pour ralentir sa progression dans les limites résultant de l’accord de Paris ? Science returns to the House. Youtube. La Norvège ne doit pas financer la déforestation au Congo ! Le gouvernement norvégien envisage de financer l’exploitation forestière industrielle en RDC. 20 millions d’hectares de forêt vierge pourraient être cédés à l’industrie.

La Norvège ne doit pas financer la déforestation au Congo !

Le commerce de bois tropical détruit l’habitat des animaux et les moyens de subsistance des populations locales. Il contribue aussi au réchauffement climatique.

Coût du dérèglement climatique / coût de l'inertie

Du déni, jusque quand ? Grands sommets (brassant du vent) Rapports du GIEC. Déclaration du G7 - 12 juin 2015 Surtout ne changeons rien. C'était bien parti, pourtant en Europe.

Plan pour le climat / Obama / juin 2013. Dérèglement climatique et présidentielle américaine nov. 2012. How Climate Scientists Feel About Climate Change Deniers - Jason Box Tweet Controversy. Now, sitting behind his desk in his office at Penn State, he goes back to his swirl of emotions.

How Climate Scientists Feel About Climate Change Deniers - Jason Box Tweet Controversy

"You find yourself in the center of this political theater, in this chess match that's being played out by very powerful figures—you feel anger, befuddlement, disillusionment, disgust. " The intimidating effect is undeniable, he says. Surprise! Looks like 2016 is going to be the hottest year in history.

The European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service has announced that 2016 will be the warmest year in recorded history — by a lot.

Surprise! Looks like 2016 is going to be the hottest year in history.

The Arctic had an especially warm year, and experienced the sharpest rise in temperatures, while Africa and Asia also felt unusually high temps. Globally, surface temperatures climbed to an average 58.6 degrees F, 2.3 degrees F higher than before the Industrial Revolution, when humans got serious about burning fossil fuels. World heat shatters records in 2016 in new sign of global warming. Non, le réchauffement climatique ne s’est pas arrêté en 1998. La « pause » observée entre 1998 et 2012 était liée à l’introduction d’une nouvelle technique de mesure.

Non, le réchauffement climatique ne s’est pas arrêté en 1998

N’en déplaise aux climatosceptiques. Sans l’arrivée imminente de Donald Trump à la Maison blanche et l’installation d’une administration américaine dominée par les climatosceptiques, l’information n’aurait pas sans doute pas été autant commentée. For the last time, warming is not slowing down! That’s according to a new study in Science Advances, the latest installment in a debate that has refused to die.

For the last time, warming is not slowing down!

The controversy started in 2013 with a report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change suggesting that global warming had stalled. Researchers scrambled to explain what looked like a “warming hiatus,” while skeptics seized on those weird numbers to attack climate science. The confusion should have been cleared up in 2015, when the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) found that a shift from ship-based measurements to ocean buoys could explain the low values.

There was no “hiatus” at all. Republican Rep. This latest study “shows that NOAA got it right,” says Zeke Hausfather, a data scientist at UC Berkeley. Researchers had long measured ocean temperatures from the warm bellies of ships, Hausfather says. Your kids may be getting a confusing education on climate change. This story was originally published by Mother Jones and is reproduced here as part of the Climate Desk collaboration.

Your kids may be getting a confusing education on climate change

Kids are a vital part of the climate change conversation; they’re the ones, after all, who have to live in the world the rest of us are screwing up. But if they go to a public school, they could be getting a very confusing education on the subject. On Thursday, researchers published the first peer-reviewed national survey of science teachers on whether and how they teach about climate change, in the journal Science.

The survey, which covered a representative sample of 1,500 middle and high school science teachers from all 50 states, found that classrooms often suffer from a problem also common in the media: the false “balance” of giving equal weight to mainstream climate science and climate change denial. But the quality of those lesson plans is inconsistent. There are a few possible reasons for this, Plutzer explained. Capitalocène plus qu'anthropocène. Christophe Bonneuil, signe, dans « Le Monde Diplomatique » de novembre 2015 un intéressant article dans un « dossier climat » par ailleurs très riche.

Capitalocène plus qu'anthropocène

Christophe Bonneuil est un des co-auteurs du livre « L’événement anthropocène. La Terre, l’histoire et nous » dont nous avons déjà rendu compte. If the EPA relaxes deadlines for CO2 cuts, will the U.S. still be able to keep its climate promises? Education increases belief in climate change — everywhere except in the U.S. In China, people are more likely to understand the risks of climate change if they live in the city instead of the countryside. Almost everyone in Japan knows about climate change. In Egypt, Bangladesh, Nigeria, and India, more than 65 percent of people do. In Burundi, Benin, and Liberia, almost nobody has heard of it. Tour Alternatiba pour le climat : Incident surréaliste à Fessenheim. Scandaleux : la France demande à la police allemande de bloquer le Tour Alternatiba, en représaille à une prise de parole anti-nucléaire devant la centrale de Fessenheim !

Le grand bétonnage, une bombe climatique. We broke a whole lotta climate records in 2014. As has been seen year after year, the warming of the Earth is causing major changes in many aspects of the planet’s climate, and 2014 was yet another year that showed this trend in stark relief, a report released Thursday says. Numerous records were broken last year, according to the State of the Climate report, an annual checkup of the global climate published in a special issue of the journal Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. Supreme Court Rejects Obama's Drive To Cut Mercury Emissions From Power Plants. WASHINGTON -- The Supreme Court on Monday ruled against an Environmental Protection Agency regulation limiting mercury and other toxic emissions from power plants, undermining the Obama administration's drive to cut pollution from electricity generators.

The case looked at the EPA's regulation of mercury and other emissions from power plants under the Clean Air Act, which Republicans have attacked as a "war on coal" and an example of presidential overreach. The EPA interpreted the law "unreasonably" when it failed to consider the costs of compliance with the new regulations, the court ruled 5-4 in an opinion written by Justice Antonin Scalia. "EPA strayed well beyond the bounds of reasonable interpretation in concluding that cost is not a factor relevant to the appropriateness of regulating power plants," concluded the majority. "Over more than a decade, EPA took costs into account at multiple stages and through multiple means as it set emissions limits for power plants," wrote Kagan.

Climat: la perspective d'un vrai accord mondial s'éloigne un peu plus. Négociations : sauver le climat... ou les profits ? Crédit Photo : Fabius parade à Bonn... et les affaires continuent DR Du 1er au 11 juin se déroulait le premier des trois rounds préparatoires à la COP21 de décembre à Paris. This is crazy, but we actually have good news about climate change. This story is reproduced here as part of the Climate Desk collaboration. Here’s something rare in climate reporting: a bit of good news. Or, more accurately, not disastrous news. As we explained last week, China has long exerted an outsize role in global climate change, not simply because it’s by far the world’s leading emitter of greenhouse gas, due largely to its enormous population, its rapid growth, and its reliance on dirty coal — but also because of China’s influence over global politics as a hold-out in international climate deals.

Laurent Fabius : « Le financement est un point clé pour un accord sur le climat » Le | • Mis à jour le | Propos recueillis par Simon Roger Dans un entretien donné à sept grands quotidiens représentant le G7, le ministre des affaires étrangères français, qui présidera à la fin de l’année à Paris la conférence des Nations unies sur le climat, entend mobiliser les pays riches. Un Nobel d’économie peut-il raisonner comme un abruti ? Avec raison, les deux auteurs relèvent que l’actuel système de négociation ne peut être efficace car chaque pays invité à faire connaître sa contribution à la lutte contre le réchauffement « est fortement incité à laisser aux autres la charge de réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre». 6 Climate Tipping Points: How Worried Should We Be? This is a guest post from Ilissa Ocko, senior vice president of strategy and communications at Environmental Defense Fund.

One of the biggest fears about climate change is that it may be triggering events that would dramatically alter Earth as we know it. Known to scientists as “tipping events,” they could contribute to mass extinction of species, dramatic sea level rise, extensive droughts and the transformation of forests into vast grasslands – among other upheavals our stressed world can ill afford.

Here are the top six climate events scientists worry about today. 1. 85% des Français ignorent la cause réelle de l’effet de serre, selon un baromètre ADEME. Détails Les molécules d'au moins trois atomes, ou gaz à effet de serre, piègent les rayons infrarouges du soleil. Beneath the tar sands is even dirtier oil, and industry is salivating over it. The price of crude oil has slumped to its lowest point in six years, and that has sent some major oil companies scrambling to get out of expensive tar-sands projects in Alberta, Canada. Shell has pulled out of one of its largest lease applications, and Petrochina is attempting to get rid of its tar-sands assets. Environmentalists have watched the slowdown with great hope. Le dieu pétrole dévore le Canada, par Nancy Huston. LE MONDE | • Mis à jour le | Par Nancy Huston. Britain’s most powerful politicians agree fighting climate change is a jolly good idea. There’s good climate news from the United Kingdom. On Saturday, the leaders of the country’s three major parties — Conservative, Liberal Democrat, and Labor — all signed a joint pledge to aggressively fight climate change and phase out the use of coal.

Changement climatique : des solutions existent pour 9 Français sur 10. Le | • Mis à jour le | Par Pierre Le Hir Inquiets, mais pas résignés. India may be the next big polluter to announce a climate plan. India is poised to unveil a new climate plan as soon as January, an Indian business publication is reporting. That’s yet another bit of good news that makes a 2015 global climate agreement look just a little more likely. Up until now, India, the third-largest annual emitter of greenhouse gases, has been resistant to calls for limiting emissions. Accord sur le climat : la réticence du Congrès aura-t-elle raison des promesses d'Obama ? Cessons de financer les Géants du charbon.

Entre ça et le nucléaire il y a vraiment de l'argent gaspillé n'importe comment ! – alwen

If you think climate politics in the U.S. are crazy, wait till you see what just happened in Australia. Foundations Band Together to Get Rid of Fossil-Fuel Investments. Oil (drilling) and climate action don’t mix. Climat: des mesures encore insuffisantes. 2013 climate year in review: 'the heat is on. Now we must act' Developing Countries Still Waiting for a Global Response to Climate Change. Look what’s slowing down global warming. The National Review’s worst nightmare: Climate activists might win.

Tony Abbott's new direct action sceptics. What all our computers together can tell us about climate change. Réunion de l'ONU sur les changements climatiques : "nos pires peurs sont en train de se réaliser". Climate change 101 with Ernest Moniz: “Count.” It’s hard to sea, but the globe is still warming. This is what global warming sounds like when converted to music. Send this crazy graph to the climate deniers you know. Could a Chinese carbon cap pave the way for a global climate deal? Feeding the trolls: Meeting with a climate denier, face to face.

Climat : comment concilier lutte contre le réchauffement et croissance ? Red states pump out more carbon pollution than blue ones. Free-market fans hate climate science, heart conspiracy theories. As climate change broils the Arctic, John Kerry apologizes. Karel Mayrand: 400 PPM : l'heure des choix pour le climat. Bonn climate change talks going ‘surprisingly well’, say delegates - World News. This ain’t The Onion: Wall Street Journal urges “more atmospheric carbon dioxide” Le Medef et Laurence Parisot sont-ils climato-sceptiques? La France rétrogradée au 4e rang du palmarès européen des voitures propres. Tell United Airlines: Stop Polluting the Political Process! Defending Keystone, Canadian official rips top US climate scientist - The Hill's E2-Wire. CO2 automobiles: déception au parlement européen, mais un espoir pour la suite ?

Senate Votes to Block EU Plan for Plane Emissions. 10 states to sue Obama admin for dragging feet on climate rules. Stephen Harper’s energy minister denies climate change science. World’s energy nearly as dirty today as it was 20 years ago. L'énergie mondiale n'est pas plus propre qu'en 1990, avertit l'AIE. Indiana lawmakers, who are also coal company execs, help coal industry. Activists to Interior: Stop letting coal companies rape our land, atmosphere, and treasury. The brutal logic of climate change, international shipping edition.

The Intersection Between Hydraulic Fracturing and Climate Change: 6 min video. The Keystone XL Tar Sands Climate Threat. Audition sur le changement climatique de Jean-Marc Jancovici, à l'Assemblée Nationale [CC] [SD] Jean Jouzel : « Notre climat se joue maintenant » A Doha, le match nul des négociations climatiques. Stop Dooming the Rest of Us, Climate Change Deniers. Public Opinion Has Moved on Climate Change. Will Obama Follow—or Fiddle? Climate Change Study Indicates Amount Of Heat-Trapping Pollution Rose By 3 Percent Worldwide Last Year. Qui détient le détonateur de la bombe climatique ? Greenhouse gas levels higher than ever and still climbing. Swift action needed to tackle widening emissions gap: U.N. Climate Reports Forecast Dire Future, Even If Action Is Taken. Climate Change News - Ban Ki-moon could oversee climate target debate. The 5 Most Dangerous Climate Change Myths. Cargo ships carry a lot of climate baggage. Bridget Kyoto : les avantages du réchauffement.

Thanks to shrinking sea ice, National Geographic puts global warming on the map. Obama says he’s ready to lead on climate. Earth Wavers On The Edge Of Dangerous Tipping Point. Et nos enfants nous appelleront "barbares" Climat: 10 défis et 10 questions pour François Hollande et le gouvernement. U.S. wants poor and rich countries alike to cut emissions under next climate treaty.