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Why aren’t universities creating engaging mobile platforms for students? For the last three years, I have been the CEO of the education technology company, Rafter.

Why aren’t universities creating engaging mobile platforms for students?

Combined with my experience as an executive in the mobile space at Intellisync, this has provided me with some unique insights into the mobile generation gap and what colleges specifically can do to embrace mobile on campus. Professors once saw the mobile phone as the enemy to productive learning, with students tuning out of lectures to text and call each other. But this massive invasion of smartphones and tablets also provides opportunities for new educational possibilities. Universities leading the way with education technology. Georgia Institute for Technology's Center for 21st Century Universities (C21U) is a self-described living laboratory for fundamental change in higher education.

Universities leading the way with education technology

Its mission: to foster and accelerate the innovation, validation, adoption and deployment of disruptive ideas-particularly those involving technology in the service of teaching and learning, industry wide. Accelerate is just the right word. When it comes to change, we are reaching warp speed. Sebastian Thrun's Udacity courses in building a search engine and programming a robotic car have attracted thousands (including me). Apart from teaching, Thrun has set himself the goal of democratising education; education should be free. 20 tips and resources for using learning technology in higher education. Allison Littlejohn, director of the Caledonian Academy, Glasgow Caledonian University Blended learning should transform learning, not just replicate teaching: Companies want graduates who can source, filter and use existing knowledge to create new knowledge, and the university is key to equipping students with these skills.

20 tips and resources for using learning technology in higher education

Universities Using New Technologies. Find out how universities around the world are making use of some of the latest technologies, from smartphone apps to interactive lecture theatres.

Universities Using New Technologies

Nowadays, technology is an integral part of student university life. But while some universities stick to the standard elements – intranet, email, searchable library catalogue – others are rather more innovative in their approach. Mobile phone apps to make student life easier and safer Northeastern State University in the US recently announced the launch of the GuardianSentral smartphone app, for students at its three campuses. The application, which can be downloaded free of charge by iPhone and Android users, is designed to help students feel safer around campus. There are also ‘Check-in’ and ‘Follow me’ options. While it might seem a bit strange being ‘followed’ by campus security services, the GPS tracking is only activated if a student turns the application on! VERKKO-TUTOR: Opiskelun taidot uusissa oppimisympäristöissä.

Teknologia kouluissa – uhka vai mahdollisuus? Teknologian käyttö osana opetusta ja kouluissa on selkeästi hyvin ajankohtainen aihe.

Teknologia kouluissa – uhka vai mahdollisuus?

Mekin löysimme itsemme viime viikolla keskeltä interaktiivista Minerva-toria, jossa on heiteltäviä mikrofoneja, iPadeja ja älykkäitä tauluja. Myös blogien pitäminen on osoitus teknologian lisääntymisestä koulutuksen parissa; tämä ei ole tänä syksynä ainoa kurssini, jonka osana opiskelijoiden pitää pitää blogia. Kuulisin mielelläni muidenkin kokemuksia siitä, miten teknologia näkyy kursseillanne. Ryhmässämme lähdimme heittelemään ajatuksia ilmoille siitä, mitä teknologia ja koulutus tuovat meille mieleen. Väitös: Mobiiliteknologia voi tukea erityisesti lapsiperheellisten opiskelua - 2013 - Lapin yliopisto - University of Lapland - Lapplands universitet. Kasvatustieteen maisteri Hanna Vuojärvi tarkastelee väitöskirjassaan yliopisto-opiskelijoiden kokemuksia ja näkemyksiä mobiilin teknologian hyödyntämisestä opiskelussa ja arjessa.

Väitös: Mobiiliteknologia voi tukea erityisesti lapsiperheellisten opiskelua - 2013 - Lapin yliopisto - University of Lapland - Lapplands universitet

Monitieteinen tutkimus yhdistelee oppimistutkimuksen, opetusteknologian ja tietojenkäsittelytieteen näkökulmia. Samalla Vuojärvi luo teoreettisen viitekehyksen henkilökohtaisille ja mobiileille oppimisympäristöille ja niiden merkitykselle yliopisto-opiskelijoiden opiskelussa. Vuojärvi toteutti tutkimuksensa Lapin yliopistossa, missä tarjottiin uusille opiskelijoille vuosien 2004 ja 2009 välisenä aikana mahdollisuus hankkia käyttöönsä kannettava tietokone yliopiston osaksi kustantamana. How to Integrate Technology. When technology integration in the classroom is seamless and thoughtful, students not only become more engaged, they begin to take more control over their own learning, too.

How to Integrate Technology

Effective tech integration changes classroom dynamics, encouraging student-centered project-based learning. Think about how you are using technology with your students. Are they employing technology daily in the classroom, using a variety of tools to complete assignments and create projects that show a deep understanding of content? If your answer is "No," is it because you lack enough access to technology? Is it because you don't feel ready? This article contains the following sections: Handhelds Go to Class: Teacher Josh Barron and one of his students go through the strange-looking rite of "beaming" information to each other.

Getting Started The first step in successful tech integration is recognizing the change that may need to happen inside of yourself and in your approach to teaching. Back to Top. The 5 Steps of Effective Technology Integration - Getting Smart by Dave Guymon - edchat, EdTech, education. In schools, districts, and departments of education alike, a trend toward integrating technology into the education process is on the rise.

The 5 Steps of Effective Technology Integration - Getting Smart by Dave Guymon - edchat, EdTech, education

One could argue that it always has been. But with the proliferation of Internet access in school buildings and the ubiquity of mobile computing devices, educators are taking note and beginning to consider new ways they can include these tools into their classroom instruction. The formalized field of educational technology is still in its infancy. As a result, professional development and training practices are still being refined. As they are teachers in many school districts are choosing to lead their own technology integration through experimental applications with their students and curriculum. Saunamaki Ari. Kouluttajan rakennustyömaa. Koulutussuunnittelu.