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Newsela | Nonfiction Literacy and Current Events. Browse Hundreds of Old Newspapers in the Google News Newspaper Archive. Frontiers for Young Minds. Home | First News. Spotlight: Rocks and Minerals. If you look at pictures of Earth from space, you can see what a rocky planet we live on. The continents are vast shields of stone, with mountains covering one-fifth of the land area.

The oceans are dotted with islands—and the dark seas conceal rocky bottoms. There are only four terrestrial (rocky) planets in our solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. (The other four—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune—are not solid, but made mostly of gas.) NASA’s Curiosity rover scoops up rock samples on Mars. Earth is an astonishing 4.6 billion years old.

Stromboli is a volcano off the coast of Italy that erupts—a lot. In recent years, the flowing lava from Kilauea volcano in Hawaii has destroyed 180 houses and 8 miles of highway—while adding 500 acres of rocky new shoreline to the island. To understand how rocks form and the Earth’s geology, you need to know that our planet’s surface is broken up into sections called “plates.” The process of mountain building also takes millions of years. World Geography Games - Let's play and learn about the world. The Whiz Times » We make the world Simple, Safe, Fun.The Whiz Times » We make the world Simple, Safe, Fun. Cooking With Solar Energy - A Hands-on Project for Students. Teachers and Educators Guide to the best content on Planetpals and how to use it in the classroom. Free Earth Day Everyday School Activities Lesson Plans Ideas Downloads Green School. 5 Good Places for Kids to Learn About the News.

When I was a student in Mrs. Simmons's second grade classroom one of the things that I looked forward to every week was the arrival of the Scholastic Weekly Reader . I loved read the stories about news from other parts of the world (I guess I was destined to become a social studies teacher). Today, students don't have to wait for the Scholastic Weekly Reader to appear in their teacher's mailbox. Here are five student-friendly news sites to use in your current events lesson plans. Go Go News is a news website designed for elementary school students. Teaching Kids News is a news site developed for use in elementary school and middle school classrooms. Youngzine is an online source of news, sports, and entertainment stories for elementary school students. CNN Student News is an excellent resource for middle school and high school current events lessons.

One of my favorite features on the BBC New website is the Day in the Day in Pictures . Our Little Earth | Current events for kids; World news for kids. First News Children's Newspaper - Official Site > Home. DOGO News - Kids news articles! Kids current events; plus kids news on science, sports, and more! Watch a collection of 2012 education reports from John Merrow and Learning Matters. Below is every piece we produced for PBS NewsHour in 2012. We also produced other videos directly for the web in 2012; you can watch those here. Our relationship with NewsHour dates back many years, and while we produce documentaries and other content for different sources (such as The Education of Michelle Rhee for Frontline on January 8, 2013), year-over-year the primary distributor of our education reporting is PBS’ award-winning nightly news show.

These pieces are listed in chronological order from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. Our work is made possible, as is all PBS reporting, by generous support from viewers like you. If you’d like to contribute towards our efforts in 2013, please click here. To participate in the education discussion day-to-day, check our Facebook (and “like” us) and keep coming back to the site. If you have ideas for pieces we should be focusing on in 2013, let us know. Thank you for a great year of telling stories. February 23, 2012.

Our incredible earth. BrainPOP Jr. - K-3 Educational Movies, Quizzes, Lessons, and More! News and Information for Geology & Earth Science. Rocks and Minerals Web Sites, Educational Resources for K-16. Geology For Kids - By Geology For Kids - By Geology Topics for Students. Geology for Kids - Middle School Science. Science". Everything Fossils...Fossil Information for Education, Collecting and Fun! Kidipede. Reduce, reuse, recycle. Fun Green Sites for Kids. Fun Green Sites for Kids. Keeping the Planet Green & Reduce Reuse Recycle - FREE Presentations in PowerPoint format, Free Interactives and Games. Bigfoot - test your ecological footprint. The Story of Stuff Project.

Waste. Recycling Game - Recycling Word Search Game - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - Ozzoom - Planet Ozkids - Games, Puzzles and Crosswords. Ozzoom > Word Search Games > Recycling Recycling Word Search Game Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Taking care of the environment is very important to all of us. You can make a difference! Many materials you use everyday can be reused and recycled. By reducing, reusing and recycling you can help protect our natural resources. Names of materials that can be recycled are hidden in this fun Word Search Game. When you find a hidden word, click on the first letter of the word and drag to the last letter of the word. You can start all over again by clicking on the "Restart" button and make a new game. Did you know Recycling one glass bottle saves enough electricity to light a 100-watt bulb for four hours? There is lots more information you can find out about Recycling: Back to Word Search Puzzle Games. Recycling for Kids. These days it is recognised that it is important that children know how to help the environment by recycling, and schools do a really good job!

Consequently children are often the instigators and policemen of recycling in the home. If they are not, are if you think the children you know need a little nudge in the right direction, you can find plenty of inspiration on our Recycling pages! Teach kids the three R's: Reduce - reduce the amount of things you buy and use and you will have less to throw awayReuse - keep using the same things as many times as you canRecycle - find new ways to use old things If you are doing a project on recycling or just want to get your children thinking about the...

Help remind children to recycle, or designate your recycling stations, with these fun recycling... Have fun saving the "junk" around your house to use in our recycling crafts. If you enjoy origami, why not try these models which recycle newspaper and magazine pages into... You Might Also Enjoy Earth Day. Ollie Recycles UK: Home - Recycling for Kids Reduce Re-use Recycle. Environmental & Earth Science. Recycling around the world. The UK government is trying to encourage more people to recycle their waste and reduce the UK's waste mountain. Figures suggest 60% of all household waste could be recycled or composted, but the largest nation in the UK, England, appears to be reusing only 17.7%. Here BBC correspondents provide a snapshot of how the UK's European neighbours and other countries approach recycling of everyday rubbish. SWITZERLAND: Imogen Foulkes Switzerland is proud of its recycling efforts, and with good reason. Glass and paper are just some of the things the average Swiss refuses to simply throw away.

There are bottle banks at every supermarket, with separate slots for clear, green and brown glass. Then there is green waste. Aluminium and tin can be taken to local depots, batteries handed over at the supermarket, and old oil or other chemicals deposited at special sites. But the Swiss do not recycle just because they care about the environment. So the less you throw out, the less you pay. The reason? Children's rights. UNICEF UK | Children's charity | Protecting children's rights. CBBC Newsround - Home. Ryan's Well Foundation | Home. Archives: Behind the News. Pennies for Peace. Oxfam Education: Resources index | Children's Rights.

Children of War - fighting, dying, surviving. Ited Nations Cyberschoolbus. Oxfam's Cool Planet - for children. Town planning. Homepage Dresden. Atlas of Germany. The introductions of the country, dependency and region entries are in the native languages and in English. The other introductions are in English. General maps Geographical distinctions Maps of divisions This section holds maps of the administrative divisions. History maps This section holds a short summary of the history of the area of present-day Germany, illustrated with maps, including historical maps of former countries and empires that included present-day Germany. Early History The Germanic tribes The Romans and the Germanic tribes The Franks The Holy Roman Empire Kleinstaaterei The confederations German Empire German colonialism Weimar Republic Nazi Germany Germany after the Nazis Divided Germany United Germany: Federal Republic of Germany Linguistic maps Religion maps Other maps 1.

See also Atlas of German Länder Satellite maps Notes and references Entries available in the atlas. MapMaker Page Maps. OpenStreetMap. Geospy. Link to Learning. Google Maps. On The Move. ENCHANTED LEARNING HOME PAGE. DRESDEN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL: PYP LIBRARY FROM A DIStance. Media. Behind the News. Kid Reporters. Newsademic - a children's newspaper and home school educational resource. Homepage. National Geographic Young Explorer (Student Magazine) - April 2012. CBBC Newsround - Home.