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Organizing: Jewelry

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4 Part Series: How To Organize Jewelry Storage. Creative DIY Jewelry Organizers. Easy Jewelry Organizer. Here's a super easy idea for a jewelry organizer.

Easy Jewelry Organizer

What you need: - frames - cork tiles (the ones I used are actual cork floor tiles I got from work, but you can purchase cork tiles @ Target in the office supply section by the bulletin boards) - T-pins or other push pins - metal ruler or straight edge - utility knife Remove backing and glass from frame. If you aren't crazy about the look of the cork, simply cover the cork with a piece of fabric before inserting into frame. My jewelry organizers are hanging up in my closet. Designerdi's Necklace Nook. Branch Necklace Holder Tutorial. 25 Beautiful DIY Ways to Store Jewelry. By Jaime Morrison Curtis | Jewelry and organization were two words that didn’t get along with me very well.

25 Beautiful DIY Ways to Store Jewelry

I really tried to be better about it, but it was always too easy to set earrings on the counter, a bracelet on the craft table and toss a necklace in my purse. Hidden Jewelry Box & Picture. Grace mentioned to me that jewelry storage is a hot topic for a lot of readers, so i set to work brainstorming some possibilities!

Hidden Jewelry Box & Picture

I realized that there are basically two camps: people who like their jewelry on display (neatly of course), and people who like to hide it away (also neatly). so i am going to do two diys for jewelry storage that can satisfy both camps. the first is an attempt at hidden storage, which in this case is a mega top-secret, ninja-spy, behind-the-painting deal. i’ve always loved the idea of secret hiding places in fat old books, under rugs, and behind old paintings. this is pretty easy to rig up, especially if you have an old painting with a nice wood frame, but really any picture with a relatively wide wood frame will do fine. if you feel like you have too much jewelry to fit, this can also be a great way to store keys and mail by the entryway. or you could pair it with a nice leather bound book with a secret cutout container. have fun! – kate materials: 15. saw.

Make A Hanging Jewelry Box. Window Frame Jewelry Storage & Display. In January 2011 I blogged about just another trash-to-treasure project: I turned a ratty old window frame into a jewelry display / storage piece.

Window Frame Jewelry Storage & Display

It was featured on some blogs, like Brooklyn Limestone and Apartment Therapy, but I had no idea that it would basically go viral on Pinterest. I’ll admit it was pretty neat to be someone who inspired a DIY project trend, rather than a follower, for once. So for the last 1.5 years I’ve used my jewelry window frame, and I’ve loved it. But in using it I found ways I wanted to tweak the design. I was given the perfect opportunity to make a “new and improved” old frame after our wedding, using the frame that we turned into an escort card display piece.

(Please note that part of this was done before the wedding, to turn it into an escort card display. New & Improved Window Frame Jewelry Display Tutorial: Clean, sand, and paint the frame.Cut thin plywood boards to fit each window pane space. Cutlery Tray for Jewelry! I LOVE Jewelry, real jewelry, costume jewelry, all of it . . . almost as much as I love shoes!

Cutlery Tray for Jewelry!

I have a small jewelry box for my "real" jewelry. As much as I'd love to fill a wall with gold and diamond jewelry, we can't afford that :( so as far as my real items go, I only own the classics. A small pair of diamond studs, a pair of peal earrings, a pearl necklace, a cocktail ring, a couple of white gold bands, and of coarse my wedding band and engagement ring!! Jewelry Organizer: Lettertype Tray. UPDATE PART 2: My Jewelry Organizer won the Elmer's Spring Creation Contest.

Jewelry Organizer: Lettertype Tray

I'm absolutely thrilled. Aside from receiving a visa gift card for winning, I also had the privilege of drawing 3 more winners from the comments via to each receive an Elmer's DIY kit. The winners were: April, Barbara (VinoLuci), and Bestie. UPDATED: This giveaway has closed. The winners as drawn by are wendyp, JulieB and Miranda Taylor.

Earring Display. Hey, everybody.

Earring Display

Here's another view of Spain. Less picturesque scenery, more...roasting flesh. It was Seville's annual Medieval Marketplace! Huzzah! Besides lots of charred meat, there was food and jewelery and art and dancing and lepers. Make A Hanging Necklace Holder. Shabby Chic Dangly Earring Display. This fun little shabby chic earring stand, made from an altered picture frame, is a great way to hang and display all your beautiful, dangling earrings.

Shabby Chic Dangly Earring Display

I had the idea for this project after we talked about my love affair with dangly earrings and how to display them. DIY Jewelry Organizer With Plastic Canvas. Home » $5 and Under, cheap crafts, Headline, Tutorials 28 January 2014 3,328 views 4 Comments by morena When I saw these sweet unfinished wood hearts in the Valentine section at Michael's, I bought them without knowing what I'd do with them.

DIY Jewelry Organizer With Plastic Canvas

I really don't need anymore frames, but I could use a lot of help getting organized. That's when I decided to turn it into an earring holder. Project estimate: