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Social Cohesion and Inequality

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Google’s New Union Is Already Addressing Political Issues. Petit peuple et bon vaccin (Le Monde diplomatique, novembre 2020) Le podcast du « Diplo », épisode 9 Au sommaire de cet épisode : un parfum de stade, des médias américains euphoriques après la victoire de Joe Biden et « Big Pharma » contre la médecine.

Petit peuple et bon vaccin (Le Monde diplomatique, novembre 2020)

Un parfum de stadeTeen Spirit of Shankly Feuilleter les 28 pages du numéro de novembre, c’est s’intéresser au Karabakh, où les Arméniens viennent de subir une défaite cuisante, aux conséquences de ce que le Fonds monétaire international nomme le « grand confinement » dans le tiers-monde ou à la puissante flotte de pêche chinoise… Mais c’est aussi ressentir une vibration. Extrait de 50 secondes. Identifiez-vous pour écouter l'intégralité de cet article. C’est un moment de communion célèbre dans le monde entier. Quentin Guillon consacre un reportage au célèbre club de Liverpool, page 19 et donne à entendre l’accent « scouse » : celui de Joe Blott, qui dirige le Spirit of Shankly, le plus important groupe de supporteurs, et celui de Bill Shankly (1913-1981) lui-même. Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, « terroriste » un jour, terroriste toujours ?, par Pierre Carles (Le Monde diplomatique, août 2020) Fin mars 2020, afin de désengorger des prisons françaises à un moment où la pandémie de Covid-19 risque d’y faire des ravages, la ministre de la justice Nicole Belloubet ordonne la libération de 13 500 détenus dans les deux mois qui suivent.

Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, « terroriste » un jour, terroriste toujours ?, par Pierre Carles (Le Monde diplomatique, août 2020)

Il s’agit surtout de personnes ayant purgé l’essentiel de leur peine. Au moment où Mme Belloubet prend cette décision, la maison d’arrêt de Lannemezan (Hautes-Pyrénées) héberge M. Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, un militant communiste libanais, qui a combattu l’occupation de son pays par Israël en 1978. Il a achevé sa peine incompressible depuis le 27 octobre 1999. L’homme est donc libérable depuis… le siècle dernier (1). Côte d’Ivoire : à peine réélu président, Alassane Ouattara durcit le ton face à l’opposition. Ce n’est pas dans les habitudes du quartier.

Côte d’Ivoire : à peine réélu président, Alassane Ouattara durcit le ton face à l’opposition

A Cocody-Ambassades, les demeures sont vastes et belles, les pelouses bien taillées, les véhicules onéreux et les habitants riches ou prestigieux. Voire les deux. Elections américaines : ce qu’il faut savoir sur les grands électeurs, qui élisent directement le président des Etats-Unis. Le 3 novembre, les électeurs américains sont appelés à voter, indirectement, pour le futur président américain.

Elections américaines : ce qu’il faut savoir sur les grands électeurs, qui élisent directement le président des Etats-Unis

Formellement, ce sont en fait les 538 grands électeurs, élus Etat par Etat, qui conduiront, le 19 décembre, à l’élection du prochain président des Etats-Unis. Attentats terroristes : la machine infernale, par Serge Halimi (Le Monde diplomatique, novembre 2020) Déjà confrontée à des angoisses sanitaires, écologiques, économiques et sociales, la société française encaisse une volée de coups supplémentaires sous forme d’attentats terroristes.

Attentats terroristes : la machine infernale, par Serge Halimi (Le Monde diplomatique, novembre 2020)

On veut alors la mobiliser pour la « guerre ». Une de plus. Winning Trust for a Vaccine Means Confronting Medical Racism. De la définition européenne de l’Etat de droit. Analyse.

De la définition européenne de l’Etat de droit

Le mot est devenu synonyme de divisions et d’incompréhensions en Europe. L’article 2 du traité sur l’Union européenne a beau affirmer que cette Union est « fondée » sur « les valeurs de l’Etat de droit », ce dernier est bafoué, que ce soit ouvertement en Hongrie ou en Pologne, ou bien faute de volonté politique d’établir des institutions fonctionnelles, comme en Bulgarie ou à Malte.

Mis en cause, ces pays n’hésitent plus à qualifier en retour l’Etat de droit de simple « slogan à la mode », de « concept qui n’existe pas sur le plan légal » ou « trop vague pour être mesuré ». L’absence d’instruments juridiques à la disposition des institutions européennes pour sanctionner ces reculs démocratiques leur offre une protection commode. Après des années de débats, l’heure de trancher est pourtant venue. Article réservé à nos abonnés Lire aussi Après 90 heures de négociations, les Européens adoptent un plan de relance historique. Addressing Racism, Word by Word. Already a member?

Addressing Racism, Word by Word

Sign in Not a member? Sign up today. COVID-19 is increasing multiple kinds of inequality. As well as a public health crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on poverty levels and inequality.

COVID-19 is increasing multiple kinds of inequality

Women, alongside the poor, elderly, disabled and migrant populations, have borne the brunt of the fallout from the pandemic. Minorities have been hit harder and are recovering more slowly from the downturn. Around the world, responses to the first and second waves of the COVID-19 pandemic are understandably focused on reducing infections and fatalities. There are also redoubled efforts to avoid the negative economic consequences of the outbreak, especially in relation to jobs, productivity and growth. But the pandemic is an economic wrecking ball, with intergenerational consequences. Documents : Burden falls on black workers. Cohesion policy invested EUR 23 Billion during the first semester of 2020 - Regional Policy. Additional tools.

Cohesion policy invested EUR 23 Billion during the first semester of 2020 - Regional Policy

US police used British anti-riot gear at Black Lives Matter protests. US law enforcement officers used British anti-riot gear to strike protesters during their controversial policing of Black Lives Matter demonstrations, despite assurances from the Conservative government that no UK-made equipment was used to repress peaceful protest.

US police used British anti-riot gear at Black Lives Matter protests

Officers deployed at demonstrations in Washington DC hit protesters and in one case a journalist using shields made by the British-based firm DMS Plastics. Video and photographs suggest, and a lawsuit alleges, that officers charged at protesters, rather than acting in self-defence. Health and safety at work is a fundamental right - International Trade Union Confederation. Despite a pledge in the ILO’s Centenary Declaration adopted last year that all workers should have adequate health and safety protection, the trade union call for the ILO to move ahead on the issue is being blocked at the organisation’s Governing Body meeting in November.

ITUC General Secretary, Sharan Burrow, said: “Some 2.3 million people die each year due to workplace illness and accidents and the current pandemic will only add to this appalling loss of human life. Many millions more have been injured or have long-term illnesses from their work. "The right to protection from deadly work processes, noxious chemicals and other hazards must be recognised as a fundamental right, along with freedom of association and collective bargaining and protection from discrimination, forced labour and child labour. Great Britain: one of the first decisions condemning a company management to pay a penalty for failing to respect a European Works Council’s rights to information and consultation - Planet Labor. Home » Legal developments » National legislation » Great Britain: one of the first decisions condemning a company management to pay a penalty for failing to respect a European Works Council’s rights to information and consultation Great Britain: one of the first decisions condemning a company management to pay a penalty for failing to respect a European Works Council’s rights to information and consultation Planet Labor, 7 October 2020, n°12166 -

EU’s new migration pact to request ‘mandatory solidarity’ from member states. The European Commission proposed to member states on Wednesday (23 September) to share responsibility for asylum seekers under a “mandatory solidarity” mechanism. With the new migration pact, it hopes to avert a replay of the 2015 migration crisis by giving the countries a choice between taking in migrants or helping to send them back home.

The key point of the EU’s New Pact on Migration and Asylum is that member states would have to either accept asylum seekers, take charge of sending back those who are refused asylum, or offer financial assistance on the ground to front line EU states. The new proposal, according to the Commission, is meant to “strike a new balance between responsibility and solidarity” and make solidarity with EU front line states – especially Greece, Italy or Malta – compulsory when they are “under pressure” from arrivals. The Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson, immediately hinted that agreeing on the pact among the EU27 would not be plain sailing.

Spain: Supreme Court recognises delivery platform rider as an employee - Planet Labor. Spain: Supreme Court recognises delivery platform rider as an employee Planet Labor, 5 October 2020, n°12161 - In the case of a delivery rider operating via the Glovo platform, the Spanish Supreme Court ruled on 25 September that the rider is not a self-employed worker nor an economically dependent self-employed person (an intermediate status recognised under Spanish law) but rather an employee of the delivery platform. View of Automating Surveillance. Amazon Deletes Job Posts Seeking Analysts to Track ‘Labor Organizing Threats’ Dirty Data, Bad Predictions: How Civil Rights Violations Impact Police Data, Predictive Policing Systems, and Justice - NYU Law Review. Law enforcement agencies are increasingly using predictive policing systems to forecast criminal activity and allocate police resources. Yet in numerous jurisdictions, these systems are built on data produced during documented periods of flawed, racially biased, and sometimes unlawful practices and policies (“dirty policing”).

These policing practices and policies shape the environment and the methodology by which data is created, which raises the risk of creating inaccurate, skewed, or systemically biased data (“dirty data”). If predictive policing systems are informed by such data, they cannot escape the legacies of the unlawful or biased policing practices that they are built on. Nor do current claims by predictive policing vendors provide sufficient assurances that their systems adequately mitigate or segregate this data.

Litigatingalgorithms 2019 us. Discriminatingsystems. Suzhou introduced a new social scoring system, but it was too Orwellian, even for China – AlgorithmWatch. By Qian Sun A city of 10 million in eastern China upgraded its Covid-tracking app to introduce a new “civility” score. It had to backtrack after a public outcry. Suzhou is a city with a population of 10 million, located 100 km west of Shanghai. It is well known for its classic Chinese gardens and, since last week, one of the most Orwellian social scoring experiments to date.

EU’s new migration pact to request ‘mandatory solidarity’ from member states. Spain: the government presents its remote working reform - Planet Labor. Sous le télétravail, les "bullshit jobs" - Metis. Le travail à distance sera-t-il le révélateur (au sens photographique) des « bullshit jobs » décrits par David Graeber, qui vient de disparaître. Son livre avait frappé par la dénonciation de ces « boulots à la con », mais la lecture très riche qu’en fait Denis Mailllard montre bien d’autres facettes et éclaire de manière saisissante les évolutions du travail en cours avec la crise sanitaire. David Graeber est anthropologue, militant anarchiste, vétéran de Occupy Wall Street et auteur en 2013 d’un article qui l’a rendu célèbre : « On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs ». Dans ce texte de quelques pages, il évoquait le cas de tous ces salariés de l’industrie des services (ressources humaines, management, finance, droit des affaires, marketing, communication, relations publiques, mais aussi forces armées et administration) nourrissant le sentiment que leur travail est inutile.

Matteo Salvini’s risky call. How Trump’s Supreme Court pick could reshape law on abortion and guns. Europe’s Global Test - The Day After. The coronavirus pandemic could give birth to a more autonomous and strategic EU. But the bloc must resolve its internal tensions and find its place in an increasingly fragmented world. It took a virus to bring Europe out of its recent interregnum—a time when, as Antonio Gramsci wrote in his Prison Notebooks, “the old is dying and the new cannot be born.” EPRS BRI(2020)652061 EN. EPRS BRI(2020)652064 EN. EPRS BRI(2020)652069 EN. State of Europe 2020: the festival of politics and ideas to transform Europe - Friends of Europe. This year State of Europe moves online for a full week of activities as The festival of politics and ideas to transform Europe. From Monday 12 October until Thursday 15 October 2020, we will be exploring the host of opportunities within Europe’s reach.

We’ll discuss financing a sustainable transition, implementing a bold EU industrial strategy, and rethinking the health system. We’ll also work to understand the implications of EU-Africa -China and -US relations, as well as address stakeholder capitalism and a new approach to growth, the digitalisation of the whole economy; and the impact of the EU’s demographics across these areas.

How do local, national, EU and international institutions charter a course through a new orthodoxy of transparency, accountability and a desire amongst citizens for a new kind of leadership? It’s time not only to tackle this question, but to come up with solutions to it. Lutte contre la pauvreté en Europe. Depuis les années 1970, l’Union européenne élabore définitions et données sur la pauvreté.

Les États membres ont réussi à progressivement se mettre d’accord sur des principes pour mesurer et agir. Dans les années 2000, la stratégie de Lisbonne a donné une impulsion, avec l’ambition explicite d’aller vers l’élimination de la pauvreté. Dans les années 2010, la stratégie UE 2020 a fixé un objectif chiffré de réduction du nombre de pauvres (moins 20 millions).

L’heure des premiers bilans et des perspectives, en période de crise sanitaire et économique majeure, permet de revenir sur ces indicateurs et sur les instruments d’intervention. Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals. Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. History. The European social dialogue. The history of a social innovation (1985-2003) Rough waters: European trade unions in a time of crises. The world(s) of work in transition. Benchmarking Working Europe 2019. Benchmarking Working Europe, the annual stock-take of European economic, labour market and social affairs is published today by the European Trade Union Institute. This year’s report calls for action to stimulate investment, as well as reforms to fiscal rules to allow policy to play a more active role in stabilising economies and securing sustainable growth.

Above all, inequality and insecurity must be tackled through reversing deregulation and reviving collective bargaining. Benchmarking also flags up the longer term challenges of the four ‘megatrends’ of climate and demographic change, digitalisation and globalisation. Published annually since 2001, Benchmarking Working Europe puts worker’s concerns firmly at the centre of its analysis and policy proposals. Convergence to fair wage growth? Evidence from European countries on the link between productivity and real compensation growth, 1970–2017.

Regulating uncertainty: variable work schedules and zero-hour work in EU employment policy. This policy brief considers what is the scope for addressing the challenges linked to irregular work schedules in EU social and employment policy. From minimum to living wages – lessons from different European practices. Digital labour in central and eastern Europe: evidence from the ETUI Internet and Platform Work Survey. Posting of workers before national courts. Social policy in the European Union 1999-2019: the long and winding road. European multinational companies and trade unions in eastern and east-central Europe. The ITUC Global Rights Index exposes the failings of the world’s economic model – a New Social Contract can help us build a new one - Equal Times. What global corporations are doing to fight systemic racism. COVID-19: Protecting workers in the workplace: Play fair for equal pay. This is the state of inequality in Europe.

Are Increasing Inequalities Threatening Democracy in Europe? - Carnegie Europe - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Privilege or necessity? The working lives of people with multiple jobs. Discrimination against men at work: Experiences in five countries. Inequality. No plan for a return to the office for millions of staff. Government 'failing to prioritise tackling racism', says watchdog boss. The new class divide – how Covid-19 exposed and exacerbated workplace inequality in the UK. The new class divide – how Covid-19 exposed and exacerbated workplace inequality in the UK.

What COVID-19 is teaching us about inequality and the sustainability of our health systems. Coronavirus vs. inequality. Inequality: the IFS Deaton Review.