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JISC Digital Literacies programme: A history of Digital Literacy in UK & EU #JISCDigLit — Digital Fingerprint. Sarah Payton & Tabetha Newman The EU describes it as digital competency. Lots of debate about what it is, but if we’re talking policy at institutions, it’s important to know what you are seeking to implement. Recommended books: Great (simple) definition of digital literacies: Arguments against “digital natives”: Students often get disheartened when they search the web. Students need to move beyond practitioner training, and into being strong independent learners, who are confident to go off and try for themselves. We have to accept that ‘new’ is here to stay, and that we will no longer be ‘masters’.

Assessment needs to change, to ensure that students will NEED to remix the information that’s available, rather than the “digital parrot” [my words!] Mentioned in the chat: Majority of support available is processes. European Union – recognized the need for more training for a knowledge economy (rather than a production economy), see. Hypocrisy in the Profession of Education. June 12, 2012 by tomwhitby Whenever I think of a teacher, I also think of a scholar. It has always been apparent to me that if one is to be an effective teacher, one must continually learn. Of course that is not always a path that individuals are able follow as a straight line. Often things, or situations get in the way over the course of a lifetime and many stray from that path for the sake of time, money, or most often family. I attended a retirement party recently for some retiring colleagues, and I engaged in several conversations with a number of teachers who were attending the party about various education topics.

I was most surprised on the lack of depth of knowledge on the part of most of these teachers about topics they should at least have had at the very least an opinion. I brought up topics like authentic learning; project based learning, the flipped classroom, and connected educators. I clearly understand that teachers are under attack, both locally and nationally. 2011-Horizon-Report-K12.pdf.

21st Century Learning…blah blah blah. Cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by mrsdkrebs Right now you probably hear as many people talk about how annoyed they are with the term “21st Century Learning” as you will hear people talking about the importance of it. I will have to admit, I am in the “annoyed” camp. We often talk about these ideals of what “21st Century Learning” will look like but I think we can start with something much simpler.

We should start asking, “How do we ourselves best engage in our own learning?” I was reminded of this the other day while at a conference and the presenter started the session by saying, “I would like to start by asking everyone to put away their mobile devices.” How many educators could sit through 4-6 hours of lectures daily, with worksheets, for 180-200 days of the year? The more I go to conferences, I often see many people skipping sessions to talk and connect the material. Now I really do not believe that you can just switch schools to this more “adult” way of learning overnight. 40 Future Uses for Educational Technology [Infographic] Educators spend entire careers writing lesson plans and curricula to better prepare students for challenges they’ve yet to encounter.

With the rapid advancement of technology, the nature of these challenges changes almost daily. The U.S. Department of Labor reports that 65 percent of grade-school students will end up in jobs that haven’t been invented yet. So, what exactly will the jobs of the future look like? And what must schools do to keep pace? Teachers Are Poor Consumers of Learning. July 24, 2012 by tomwhitby There are only a few explanations that many educators offer up as reasons not to learn and use any technology as tools for learning. One of the most popular excuses, frequently cited by educators, is that there is not enough time to learn all of the stuff that is out there. It certainly is true that there are a huge number of things to learn out there that are linked to technology.

When thought about as a complete package, it most definitely can be overwhelming, and I wholeheartedly agree with that. Where I disagree however, is in thinking about all of this technology stuff as a complete unit that must be learned all at once. There are logical and necessary ways to break things down to learn smaller snippets of things on a need-to-know basis in order to build into a larger framework of information. In sales people are taught that if you can answer a customer’s objection to a product, you are more likely to make the sale. Like this: Like Loading... Google launches YouTube curriculum to educate students on digital citizenship (video)

Google has developed an interactive curriculum on YouTube to support teachers in educating students on how to be safe, engaged and confident model netizens. The initiative is aimed at students aged 13 to 17 and will help them to develop digital literacy skills on YouTube that would be applicable across the web. A list of 10 lessons has been devised, in which students can learn about YouTube’s policies, how to report content, how to protect their own privacy, and how to be responsible YouTube community members and, in the broader picture, digital citizens.

Each lesson comes with guidelines for teachers and ready-made slides for presentation. There’s also a YouTube Curriculum channel where videos related to the project will be posted. Elaine Burke. Wrong Focus: Teacher-Centered Classrooms and Technology. There is a buzz around me these days about how EdTech is failing to live up to its promise fueled primarily by the In Classrooms of Future, Stagnant Scores. What is surprising to most when they share this piece with me or ask me my opinion about the failures of EdTech is my response. For the most part, I agree that it is failing but that failure has more to do with us than with the technology. Why? We continue to focus on the value of EdTech by what the teachers do with it NOT what the students do with it.We continue to focus on the value of EdTech by what happens to high stakes, standardized test scores. Teacher-Centered Classrooms/Technology When the focus of technology is on the teacher and teaching not learners and learning, it is easy to see EdTech as a failure: a waste of time, money, and resources.

Is it any wonder we find ourselves unable to fulfill the promise we’ve preached about EdTech? Look at the front of the classroom from the students’ perspective. Now flip it. Paper. Really? Transliteracy- QR Codes and Art  Transliteracy is defined on Wikipedia as The ability to read, write and interact across a range of platforms, tools and media from signing and orality through handwriting, print, TV, radio and film, to digital social networks. The modern meaning of the term combines literacy with the prefix trans-, which means “across; through”, so a transliterate person is one who is literate across multiple media. Ryan Nadel, in an interview on Spotlight on Digital Media and Learning, defines transliteracy even further: “The most fundamental notion of transliteracy is the ability to adapt.

It’s creating a literacy and fluidity between mediums that’s not tied to space or modality.” I agree with Ryan: Transliteracy is closely related to “fluency“: Let me share a transliterate learning opportunity with you that I created (Art, iPads, QR codes, Language Arts and Digital Storytelling) in collaboration with our Art teacher, Mrs. Related My World of Reading- Part I 9. In "Books" Designing New Literacies 17. 18. Five-Minute Film Festival: Flipped Classrooms. I really enjoyed Mary Beth Hertz's excellent blog published earlier this week, "The Flipped Classroom: Pro and Con" -- one of the most concise and balanced views I've read on the buzz-wordy concept of flipping the classroom. Advocates say that "flipped classrooms" help overburdened teachers differentiate their instruction to reach more learners, provide an avenue into more hands-on and student-driven learning during classtime, and shift the teacher's role from "sage on the stage" to learning coach and facilitator.

Critics say it's just a fad, relies too heavily on rote instruction, and doesn't go far enough in making the needed changes for teaching and learning reform. I've rounded up this list of videos so you can learn more about the challenges and benefits of flipped classrooms. Video Playlist: Flipping the Classroom Keep watching the player below to see the entire playlist, or view this playlist on YouTube. More Flipped Class Resources Flipping the Classroom Guides and PD. Social Media For Administrators (Blog Posts) Cc licensed ( BY NC ) flickr photo shared by Ken Whytock I recently decided to compile some of the blog posts that I have written regarding social media and administrators on my own blog site. I have created a “page” for these articles that I will continue to update as I write posts that may be helpful, but I just wanted to share this as a blog post to those people who may subscribe to this through an RSS feed or email subscription.

There are so many good articles out there but I wanted to compile the ones I have written to help to continuously develop my own portfolio of work. Please see the articles with brief descriptions below: As I have done a lot of work with school administrators on why they should be using social media and some practical ways to use it within their schools, I wanted to compile some articles together that will help schools/organizations move forward. They will be listed under two categories; the why and the how. The Why The How. Slides. The Flipped Classroom: Pro and Con. In 2012, I attended the ISTE conference in San Diego, CA. While I was only there for about 36 hours, it was easy for me to pick up on one of the hottest topics for the three-day event.

The "flipped classroom" was being discussed in social lounges, in conference sessions, on the exhibit floor, on the hashtag and even at dinner. People wanted to know what it was, what it wasn't, how it's done and why it works. Others wanted to sing its praises and often included a vignette about how it works in their classroom and how it transformed learning for their students. Still others railed that the model is nothing transformative at all and that it still emphasizes sage-on-the-stage direct instruction rather than student-centered learning. What It Is The authors go on to explain that the model is a mixture of direct instruction and constructivism, that it makes it easier for students who may have missed class to keep up because they can watch the videos at any time. What It Isn't Why It Works. Innovate My School - Innovation and inspiration for teachers.

Help wanted: Sites that connect classrooms across the globe? The Real Reason Change Isn't Happening #iste12. Teachers know where they're going -- they're just afraid of what will happen when they get there "The biggest barrier to tech integration is professional development. Simply giving teachers iPads won't change anything," I overhear someone saying in the Blogger's Cafe. "I agree. But it has to be rooted in educational theory," a woman responds. Another woman adds, "I think a lot of them are still not motivated. I stay quiet, while I try to organize a workflow for students using multiple devices in my classroom next year.

True. But we also need permission. We need permission to take risks and fail. I remember a few years back when I developed differentiated professional development. However, in my second round of training, only the social studies teachers volunteered to work on job-embedded, tech-integrated, project-based learning. The social studies teachers weren't afraid, because they had no quarterly benchmark tests. I found the same trend to be true in coaching teachers last year. What I Wish I’d Done Before Deploying iPads to 735 Middle Schoolers, Part 2 | Terice T. Schneider's Digital Home.

We planned. We met to go over the plans. We talked. We planned some more. We made Wikis, created websites, and put it all our plans on spreadsheets and documents. What we didn’t do was address some of the simple day-to-day things that we never thought would be an issue. When offering professional development to teachers on integrating iPads, give them training on a management system like Texas’s Project Share from Epsilen (which is releasing an App soon), Edmodo, or Schoology or even eBackPack. Teachers also want to know how to deliver content to their students. Everyone agreed that the better way to do this would have been to choose one, train how to use it and stick with it for a year.

Finally, give your teachers clear expectations, not only of the iPad use in the classroom, but of how classroom management should look. We had an expectation that the iPads would be used multiple times a week if not daily. Some tips we used for classroom management are: “Apples UP!” APPitic - 1,800+ EDUapps. Friday Institute for Educational Innovation - White Paper Series. Hiller Spires and Melissa Bartlett June 2012 Since technological advances are driving much of the change that we see in information and communication, researchers and educators are attempting to answer two important questions: What does it mean to be literate in the 21st century?

How do we design instruction that enables educators to cultivate digital literacies for themselves as well as their students? This white paper addresses the redefinition of literacy skills that enable students to be successful in today’s digital world and the implications this redefinition holds for their teachers. Digital literacy should be positioned as an entitlement for students that supports their full participation in a society in which social, cultural, political, and financial life are increasingly mediated by digital literacies (California Technology Assistance Project, 2008). View pdf Click here to view similar resources. For information about the New Literacies Collaborative, visit What's Your Social Media Summer Project? School of the Future.

There are a number of accounts and forecasts by established educational speakers on how the future of school may develop, some accounts embracing computers and technology in all classrooms, others suggesting little change at all. But I wondered what children thought about ICT in schools and how important it is to them? So I decided to ask them! The aim of this investigation was to find out what children thought school might be like in ten years time and the role they thought ICT might have or that they would like in schools. Ten years in educational terms is not such a long time, but, as one child put it: "I'll be really old then... The first stage of this investigation was to find a way which allowed children to explore and refine their ideas.

How Does Digital Literacy differ from Traditional Literacy and Which Comes First? « Effective Social & Digital Media Storytelling Blog. Digital Literacy - ICT Planning. ICT in the Early Years. It's the Pedagogy, Stupid: Lessons from an iPad Lending Program. Etherpad Foundation › Live Document Collaboration. IP glossary. The Digital and Electronics Revolution Timeline memories from The People History Site. Learning to Learn in a Digital Age. Moore’s Law Inspires Intel Innovation.

Digital Education Revolution. Incorporating Innovation into Strategic Planning that Will Enrich Learning. How to Teach Internet Safety in K-6. 21st Century Fluency Project. Digital literacy campaign. The 33 Digital Skills Every 21st Century Teacher should Have. Design Your Digital Classroom. Doug Belshaw (dajbelshaw. Digital Literacy Dover. Digital Learning Now. Cat's Pyjamas. Home Page. Digital literacy across the curriculum. Blog | The Magic of Learning. How To Integrate Multimedia For Effective Learning.

Classroom 2.0. ACTF - Home. Digital Literacy Learning Activities for the Early Phase. : : m e t r o m a g a z i n e : : SCIL – Lead the change. eLearning Articles.