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How-To Paint Laminate Furniture. I recently shared my newly styled bookshelves, but before I added all the colorful books and stylish accessories, I gave the bookcases a much needed makeover.

How-To Paint Laminate Furniture

Since painting the space deep blue, the once faux-wood bookcases got lost in the dark hue of the walls, and they were ready for a transformation. A crisp, fresh coat of white was the perfect solution to make a statement. I purchased these two bookcases from Walmart about 2 years ago. Each were around $100 and were not the best of quality (duh, look at the pricetag). Anyway, they fit the bill at the moment, but recently the shelves started to bow. Before starting the process of painting the laminate, I did a little research on the process and the first article I saw was Lindsay’s post when she transformed her TV cabinet.

Here’s the bookcase before… To begin, I gave each bookcase a good sanding with my orbital sander (hands down, my favorite power tool). Then the next key step was to prime all the surfaces. Sidetrack Steps… Whitewashed Bricks Tutorial. Images and text by Gabrielle.

Whitewashed Bricks Tutorial

I’ve got another Treehouse report for you today, all about our fireplace bricks and how I whitewashed them. Plus, I worked in a little story about the bricks in my childhood home as well (find it when you click through). When I started to consider whitewashing the bricks, I looked up as many tutorials as I could find. This one and this one seemed to have the most clear instructions, and both mentioned using leftover white wall paint they had on hand. They both showed examples of more paint coverage than I was looking for, but I figured I could just dilute the paint more and get less coverage. As I read further, some commenters recommended using lime, or other natural paint products that would let the brick “breathe”.

10 Sites to Play with Colors and Create Color Palettes. If you are a web designer, or want to be one or you simply like to match different colors to see how they look; play around with these online color palette generators.

10 Sites to Play with Colors and Create Color Palettes

A color palette in its simplest definition is a range of colors that’s used to make a graphic or a colored work visually consistent. Take the example of our own website which has been designed with a color combination that’s uniform across the site. An example of a specific palette is the web safe color palette (a set of 216 colors) that makes them appear the same across browsers and OS. ColoRotate ColoRotate helps to mix and match colors in 3D. COLOURlovers Call this a community for color lovers. Kuler One of our readers suggested the Adobe tool in our How to Search for the Perfect Color Scheme post. Color Scheme Designer Color Scheme Designer is an online color tool that makes it real easy to design the color scheme of your website or blog. Colr Toucan The color palette editor is one of Aviary’s online tools.

Butterflies And Moths Like You've Never Seen Them Before. How To Paint Paneling & Make Over A Room. Back when I talked about our summer goals for 2009, I mentioned that I had found the time to paint the paneling in the kitchen.

How To Paint Paneling & Make Over A Room

Apparently, I was unable to find the time to show you, as I painted the paneling in August, wrote about it in November, and am just now getting around to post the pictures. So hate me. I do try to have a life outside of this blog. :-) Along with cork walls, carpeted ceilings and bricked bathrooms, we inherited a doozy of a kitchen when we bought our castle. When you walked in to the kitchen, it was a little like walking into the inside of a tree trunk with a honeybee’s nest inside. I soon learned that a lot of that honey tone came from years and years of nicotine residue that had built up on the walls, ceiling and cabinets. Anyways. Fast forward about six months or so, and we spent a weekend rearranging some things in the kitchen. This setup worked really well for us for a few months while we debated whether or not to paint the paneling.