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Piety within Progression

Piety within Progression

Recyclebank Get closer to nature by living in an underground home built from sustainable materials I’ve always wanted to live in an underground dwelling because it’s the closest I’ll ever get to living like a Hobbit, and it seems like the perfect place to go in case zombies attack. Most importantly, underground homes are very eco-friendly and are built directly into the earth, which means they take up less construction material and produce less waste. Plus, they just look cool! Here are 4 underground homes that get my “thumbs up” for being truly green and innovative: 1. This earthen home designed by KWK Promes has a grass roof that absorbs water and helps to regulate temperature inside the home. 2. Designed by Dutch architecture firm SeaRCH and Christian Müller Architects, this beautiful underground home located in a Swiss village has rooms that wrap around an interior courtyard, and they all get flooded with natural light. 3. This low impact woodland home was built in Wales by Simon Dale. 4.

Weird and Wacky Furniture By Straight Line Designs EmailEmail Straight Line Designs is a one-of-a-kind workshop that has been operating out of Vancouver, British Columbia for the past 25 years. In addition to installations, sculptures and private commissions, designer Judson Beaumont and his staff of eight full-time craftspeople have designed and constructed a variety of wacky cartoon-style furniture and projects for public institutions and children’s exhibitions throughout North America and abroad. Focused on quality and custom design, Judson’s studio stays far away from mass production and is as imaginative as children themselves. Website: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.Daddy Long Legs

Leviathan: graphic novel of a gigantic cruise ship lost at sea for 20 years The great cruise ship Leviathan launched from England in 1928. The mile-long luxury liner is a floating city, complete with tall concrete buildings (in the Art Deco style of the Chrysler Building), parks, a railway, a zoo, and 28,000 passengers. Its intended destination was New York, but at some point in the the journey the ship got lost at sea. For the last 20 years, Leviathan has floated silently in curiously lifeless water "with no sign of land, nor even sun or stars. By day, the sky is a sick, bilious yellow. At night, a black suffocating blanket. The passengers haven't exactly gotten comfortable with the situation, but they have adapted into a micro-society that allows them to survive. To find the killer, Detective Sergeant Lament has to go below deck, where the steerage passengers are imprisoned. The creative duo behind this graphic novel are writer Ian Edginton and artist D'Israeli. Leviathan, by Ian Edginton and D'Israeli

Gavin Mackey's Pokemon Redesigns Will Haunt Your Nightmares [Art Somewhere between the original, manga-looking Pokémon that we all know and love and the bigger, shinier fantasy re-imaginings that we’ve also seen, lies Gavin Mackey’s vision for the super-powered critters. In Mackey’s art, they take an insidious turn toward resembling Renée French subjects or that creepy baby in David Lynch’s Eraserhead.Mackey was taking requests. Unfortunately for you late-comers, his commissions, taken through his deviantART account, seem to be closed for the time being. He still has his finished pieces posted in his gallery there, however. He’s made a Gastly, Bulbasaur and Charmander, as well as SpongeBob SquarePants’ pal Patrick Star and Yoda.

This is What Happens When You Give Thousands of Stickers to Thousands of Kids This December, in a surprisingly simple yet ridiculously amazing installation for the Queensland Gallery of Modern Ar, artist Yayoi Kusama constructed a large domestic environment, painting every wall, chair, table, piano, and household decoration a brilliant white, effectively serving as a giant white canvas. Over the course of two weeks, the museum’s smallest visitors were given thousands upon thousands of colored dot stickers and were invited to collaborate in the transformation of the space, turning the house into a vibrantly mottled explosion of color. How great is this? Given the opportunity my son could probably cover the entire piano alone in about fifteen minutes. The installation, entitled The Obliteration Room, is part of Kusama’s Look Now, See Forever exhibition that runs through March 12. If you liked this you’ll also enjoy Roman Ondak’s Room of Heights and Karina Smigla-Bobinski’s helium-filled kinetic drawing sculpture.

47 (More) Brilliant Advertisements [High Quality Photos Last week we gave you 35 Brilliant Advertisements and the story blew up on the web. Hundreds of Repins on Pinterest, 78K shares on StumbleUpon, great action on Facebook & Twitter. All in all it was an awesome story so we decided to pull together 47 more brilliant advertisements for you to enjoy. From The Web Leave a comment comments Tags: brilliant ads

Animals Illuminated by the Sun The time of sunset is defined in astronomy as the moment when the trailing edge of the Sun’s disk disappears below the horizon in the west. There are few things in nature as photogenic as the sky at sunset, especially animals. The rich bright gold, pink and orange colors make unusually beautiful pictures of animals illuminated by the sun. Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Pictogram music posters Brief: Create artworks incorporating Ray-Ban Aviators, to be published on Ray-Ban's official Facebook page. These pictogram portraits were a part of Ray-Ban's 'Aviator Family' campaign (#AviatorFamily). Graphic Design2014 Client: Ray-BanBrief: Create artworks that somehow depict iconic people and famous characters that have been wearing Ray-Ban Aviators. The portraits were to be displayed in the Sunglass Hut store in Covent Garden, London, from March to April 2014. Artworks by Viktor Hertz © 2014 Photos by Ray-Ban © 2014Advertising, Graphic Design, Illustration2014 Official poster for Uppsala International Short Film Festival 2013. My contribution to the "Mind Blowing Color Competition".Digital Imaging, Graphic Design2010

7 Classic Disney Movies Based On R-Rated Stories Left on his own, Tarzan receives a telegram that reveals him as the rightful heir to Clayton's estate and all the property that comes with it (which includes Jane, because women are things). Instead of saying the word, kicking Clayton out of his own house and claiming Jane for tax purposes, he chooses to stay silent, thinking that Jane is happy being with Clayton. And... that's it. He simply sacrifices his happiness for Jane's misery. The Disney Happy Ending: Children learn an important lesson in the actions of the celibate antagonist, Frollo: If you are sexually frustrated by a wayward gypsy, just set her on fire and everything will work itself out. There's no way he doesn't have a boner right now. Meanwhile, Quasimodo the hunchback watches from his bell tower, held back by chains but also by his crippling lack of self worth. The Original Ending: Like Kipling, Victor Hugo wasn't big on that Hollywood bullshit. ...Nobody. Romance! Do you have an idea in mind that would make a great article?

A4 Papercuts Ogni scultura cartacea realizzata dall’artista Peter Callesen ha un unico punto di partenza: un candido e standardizzato foglio formato A4. Quello che accade dopo il “trattamento Callesen” lo potete vedere con i vostri occhi. Uccelli in procinto di spiccare il volo, scheletri che prendono vita… “The negative and absent 2 dimensional space left by the cut, points out the contrast to the 3 dimensional reality it creates, even though the figures still stick to their origin without the possibility of escaping“. Chapeau. [Via] Comments comments Rare Behind-The-Scenes Photos | Hitchcock : Kubrick : Reservoir Dogs : Edward Scissorhands : A Nightmare On Elm Street 3 – Dream Warriors : A Clockwork Orange : Taxi Driver : Dead Alive : Fight Club : Ghostbusters : Star Wars : Zardoz : Kagemusha : Hitchcock, James Gregory, and Vincent Price! <A HREF=" Movie Poster Shop

Adonna Khare and her Pencil Minimalist Movie Posters Make You Think About Life Sometimes things in life like movies really have the possibility to make you think about things in a new light. Saving Private Ryan did that for me, even though I was in the Air Force, it made me realize the reality of fighting a war against an experienced army. The minimalist approach has the ability to make even the smallest things that you may have not noticed the first time seem like the most important things in the movie. Daniel Keane over at has created a ton of cool posters making movies into minimalist pieces. The battle of Thermopylae is one of the turning points in the history of the western world. 300 Spartains led an army of 7,000 men to defend a small pass from an invading Persian army that consisted of anywhere between 100,000 and 500,000 soldiers. (image) Ace Ventura Alllllrighty then! Jurassic Park To think that life itself can be carried around in something as small as a canister of shaving cream makes one think about how delicate we really are. Star Trek

HandTut By Ron Lemen The hands, along with the face should recieve careful attention. for one thing, aside from the head, they are usually the only other exposed part of the body. Secondly, they are equally as expressive in gesture, emotion and action. Because of the complexity of joints, masses and planes, along with their expressive nature, the hands can, and usually are, the hardest thing to learn on the entire human form. The first thing that most artists in training do wrong is they make the hands too small. I hope the importance of figure drawing is really starting to sink in now. Back to the point- Composing the hand The hand has two masses, that of the thumb part, and that of the hand proper, or, the rest of the hand. The center of the body of the hand is slightly below the body of the arm. The thumb side of the hand is larger than the side of the little finger. It is important to know the joints and their degree of limitation and movement. 1. 2. 3. 4. Hope this helps out a bit.
