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Pest Control, Weeds & Plant Health

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Diatomaceous Earth (food grade): Bug Killer You Can Eat! Insect Treatments. Using Milk as a Natural, Homemade Pesticide - Organic Gardening. Spraying your plants with milk won't drive bugs away from your garden, but the dairy product can be used to culture Bacillus thuriugiensis Berliner, a well-known bacterial pesticide sold under such brand names as Dipel, Thuricide and Biotrol.

Using Milk as a Natural, Homemade Pesticide - Organic Gardening

The agent is quite effective in controlling — among a number of insect problems — infestations of loopers, which are those pesky little worms (they're actually moth larvae) that attack broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and other members of the cole family. Once eaten, the bacteria paralyze the larvae's intestinal tracts and bring about their death in two to four days.Before you spray your garden with thuringiensis, though, be aware that this bacterial-warfare weapon is fatal to the caterpillars of all Lepidoptera (an order of insects that includes many lovely, and relatively harmless, moths and butterflies) . . . so please don't employ the remedy in cases where simply handpicking the loopers off your plants will do the job.

Using Milk as a Pesticide. How To Battle Pests And Insects Naturally With Hot Pepper and Garlic Spray (Recipes Included) Gardening And More: Mosquito Repellent Plants. Mosquito Repellent Plants As summer fast approaches, I would like to suggest plants that will repel mosquitoes in your landscape and how to use these plants to enjoy the outdoors during summer.

Gardening And More: Mosquito Repellent Plants

In addition to the plants that repel mosquitoes I would like to suggest additional, eco-friendly ways to keep mosquitoes from your outdoor living spaces. The picture on the left is Ageratum. Some areas of the southeast have had drought busting rainstorms and even with the tremendous amounts of rainfall, these areas are still considered to be under drought conditions. The plants that I am suggesting will repel mosquitoes from your outdoor living space. Natural pest control. Insect Hotels. Insect Hotels Provide a home to pollinators and pest controllers.

Insect Hotels

Tidy gardens, lawns and lack of dead wood, mean less and less habitat for wild bees, spiders and ladybugs. A wildlife stack can harbor numerous beneficial insects and amphibians. This habitat was made up entirely of recycled materials, the support is made up of old pallets. Image copyright: Cheshire Wildlife Trust, Wildlife stack. Bug hotel in Oakham, UK at the Lyndon Nature Reserve, built by Paul Stammers and Michelle Househam. Solitary bees like sun. Insect hotel in Hamburg, Germany. Natural slug control. Beneficial Insects - Help and Tips from the Carolina Bug Farm. Natural Pest Management.

Cera Trap: controlling Med fruit fly. Guide to Sick Plants, pH and Pest troubles! Marijuana Garden Saver: AKA The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles!

Guide to Sick Plants, pH and Pest troubles!

I have put a lot of work into this for those who need it when I'm not around This thread has been updated 7/15/2010 All updates are in RED. Scroll down to the bottom for most of the updated stuff. If you need help please DO NOT post in this thread. Plant Diseases. Homemade Weed Killer Recipes. Read and rate the best solutions below by giving them a "thumbs up".

Homemade Weed Killer Recipes

Here are questions related to Homemade Weed Killer Recipes . Homemade Weed Killers. Got Weeds? Use Vinegar, Not Roundup. NEED PROOF THAT VINEGAR IS A WEED-TERMINATOR?

Got Weeds? Use Vinegar, Not Roundup

Just look at the weeds growing along a pea-gravel path in my Herb Garden. How to Get Rid of Cutter Ants. Crape myrtle tree stripped by leaf cutter ants. image by Jim Gober Overview Few insects are as destructive and mysterious as the leaf cutter ant (Atta cephalotes.)

How to Get Rid of Cutter Ants

The ants live in underground colonies and forge trails as long as 800 feet to target vegetation that they cut and carry back to their underground hives. Once there, they use the cut vegetation to create a compost that is the medium to grow a fungus that is their only food. The 7 Deadly Homemade Weed Killers. “And the weeds of the garden shall be visited upon the gardener.”

The 7 Deadly Homemade Weed Killers

I can certainly think of the 7+ weedy sins of the garden but knowing how to cleanse my garden of these weeds is even better. Especially if it can be done cheaply and with household items. 35 Pest and Disease Remedies. Before you begin...

35 Pest and Disease Remedies

My friend and garden assistant, Peggy, tells me that of all the yards she helps tend, mine is the healthiest (although it is not necessarily the tidiest). I credit that health to myriad factors. Every speck of my growing areas (even potted plants) is covered with rich organic matter like aged compost, worm castings, or shredded leaves. I grow a diverse array of plants—bulbs, annuals, perennials, shrubs, and trees—to create a well-integrated yet multifaceted garden that attracts scores of beneficial inhabitants such as insects, lizards, toads, frogs, snakes, and birds.

Before adding any plant to my garden, I make sure that it is healthy and thriving and is planted in an area that suits its needs. Use of Baking Soda as a Fungicide. 5 Easy to Grow Mosquito-Repelling Plants. As the outdoor season approaches, many homeowners and outdoor enthusiasts look for ways to control mosquitoes.

5 Easy to Grow Mosquito-Repelling Plants

7 Natural Uses For Baking Soda In The Garden. Share Baking soda is a vital part of green cleaning and has so many uses in the house, but what about the garden. Here are 7 ways to use it in the garden. 1. Bugs for Bugs. Beneficial Insects - Help and Tips from the Carolina Bug Farm.