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#Berkeley #ICantBreathe #EricGarner dec6 and follow-up 2014

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#BlackLivesMatter celebrates #BlackChristmas at #MallOfAmerica. Millions March NYC (Time Lapse) Rage Against the Rage Against the Machine. Jon Stewart slams Fox News’ hypocritical coverage of police brutality protests. Ferguson Protest in Berkeley. Golden Bear Cafe - Google Maps. Cal Refuses to Pay Berkeley Minimum Wage. Throughout California, local governments have been implementing municipal minimum wage ordinances that raise the pay of hundreds of thousands of low-wage workers — but these laws are already running up against jurisdictional limits, leaving thousands of workers behind.

Cal Refuses to Pay Berkeley Minimum Wage

For example, the City of Berkeley's decision to increase its minimum wage to $10 an hour this year and to $12.53 an hour by 2016 is being ignored by the city's largest employer: the University of California. On October 1, Berkeley's minimum wage rose from the state-mandated level of $9 per hour to $10 per hour under the new city law. But UC Berkeley is paying several hundred student employees between $9 and $9.50 per hour, or about 5 to 10 percent below the city's required minimum wage. These students are employed through the campus' work-study program and work for UC Berkeley. All of the jobs appear to be for campus security monitors and academic center assistants. Black students stage protest at Golden Bear Cafe against police killings. About 75 black UC Berkeley students peacefully commandeered the Golden Bear Cafe and demonstrated outside its doors for four and a half hours Thursday — organized to last the same amount of time the body of 18-year-old Michael Brown was left on a Ferguson, Missouri, street after he was killed by a white police officer.

Black students stage protest at Golden Bear Cafe against police killings

By 11:45 a.m., protesters had swiftly cleared out employees and customers from the campus cafe. The students, many of whom are members of the Black Student Union, then formed a human chain around the building, sealing off access. The choice of the cafe as backdrop for their protest, organizers said, was to interrupt “business as usual” — specifically, the business of a revenue-generating arm of UC Berkeley. “It’s about, ‘You want to eat?’ Well, we want to be recognized,” said UC Berkeley junior Ariel Hollie, a coordinator and executive assistant in the African American Student Development Office. “I have to do this. Ariel D. Black students protest at Golden Bear Cafe against police killings. Black UC Berkeley News, Arts, Health Culture, and Events.

We, the Black students of UC Berkeley, are staging a building wide shut down of the Golden Bear Café from 12-4:30 pm to express our outrage at the murders of our brothers Michael Brown and Eric Garner by the police and to signify the fact that Michael’s body was left lifeless and unattended on the street for 4.5 hours.

Black UC Berkeley News, Arts, Health Culture, and Events

We are carrying out this shut down to stand in full solidarity with the Black people of Ferguson, New York and Black people across the United States in our struggle against police brutality. The long history of Police brutality and the murder of Black people by the police have been well documented and are etched in the memories of our families.

We condemn, in the strongest possible terms, the grand jury’s decisions not to indict officers Wilson and Pantaleo and we understand these decisions to be a further indictment of the American so-called justice system. In Solidarity and Struggle, Black Student Union at UC Berkeley Comments comments Comments are closed. BLAKE sur Twitter : "The face of the movement in #Berkeley is the Black Student Union that took over the Golden Bear Cafe on Thursday.

People getting hurt

Anonymous @OpBerkeley. CHP - HQ (California Highway Patrol) Day 1: social media timeline dec6,2014. Day 2: social media - heap not much. Day 3: shutdown Interstate 80 & Amtrack - social media coverage. Day 4. Day 5 High School Student WALKOUT #BlackLivesMatter & Thiel /NSA. Day 6 - storm. Day 7 - #ferguson2cal #MillionsMarchOak. Student media coverage. Mary Magdalene on Livestream. Berkeley #justice on USTREAM: . Citizen Journalist. Police targeting livestreamers , journalists. MSM coverage. Tear Gas, Looting, And Violence Plague Protest In Berkeley, California - BuzzFeed News. Youtube's day 1. McDonald's windows smashed in Berkeley protests 12/7/14. Fires in the street - Berkeley protests - 12/7/14.

AT&T store vandalized in Berkeley protest 12/7/14. Berkeley March, Justice for Mike Brown + Eric Garner, Dec 8, 2014. High tuition strike in UC Berkeley day3?
