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HIT Consultant Media - Insightful coverage of healthcare innovation. Kinect Installation Lets Visitors Control A Living Human Cell [Video] Living Cell is an interactive installation created by design agency Clever Franke for the research group Eriba Institute.

Kinect Installation Lets Visitors Control A Living Human Cell [Video]

The data visualisation work allows you to physically step inside a cell, walk around its organelles and influence its processes. Visitors can discover information about specific parts of the cell by walking into the cell and touching the part of interest. John Pugh: Will Ingestible Micro Computers Be The Doctors Of The Future? Imagine if on your next doctors visit, instead of going through all the examinations, your doctor simply handed you a pill and sent you on your way.

John Pugh: Will Ingestible Micro Computers Be The Doctors Of The Future?

They may look like normal pills, oblong and a little smaller than a daily vitamin, however they are in fact fully functional ingestible computers, which travel your system and transmit back data. It sounds like something straight out of science fiction, but is it really that far off? Proteus Digital Health of Redwood City, California, has created a ‘smart pill’ system that helps patients and caregivers monitor dosages. ID My Pill for iPhone : Automatic Prescription Drug Identification. 3D Dissection Table Helps Students Explore Rare Medical Cases [Video]

The Anatomage Table is the world’s first life-sized 3D interactive virtual dissection table, allowing people to interact with high resolution anatomical models and perform detailed dissections by using a virtual scalpel.

3D Dissection Table Helps Students Explore Rare Medical Cases [Video]

The table features an interactive multitouch screen that allows users to turn, grasp and cut life-sized anatomical models and view the organ structures inside. Digital images can be rotated in any direction, organs can be isolated and view modes can switch back and forth between photorealistic, X-ray and opaque hard tissue options. Helping users make sense of what they are seeing from varying angles, an annotation feature identifies organs and anatomical details with labels that move with the body as it is turned around and cut. 15 Predictions in Healthcare, Technology and Innovation for 2013. Just like last year, now it’s time to publish my predictions for the new year regarding healthcare, medical technology and innovation.

15 Predictions in Healthcare, Technology and Innovation for 2013

It seems year by year many of these predictions prove to be right which makes me glad. I hope the same thing will happen to these predictions. Flexible mobile phones will be released: Flexible glass makes such developments possible. Medical professionals will love these as they are literally unbreakable. The PC era is clearly over. Fewer health-related mobile app downloads: Last year a decline in the number of downloaded smartphone apps was reported, but don’t worry, that’s a positive step. Tiny Wireless Implant Tests Blood Chemistry, Sends To Doctor. If you need a reminder this morning that we totally live in the future already, here it is.

Tiny Wireless Implant Tests Blood Chemistry, Sends To Doctor

Swiss researchers have unveiled a 14 millimeter long implantable lab on a chip that can monitor blood chemistry in patients and use wireless signals to alert their doctors if anything looks amiss. It’s still in the early stages of development, but if it’s successful, the device could one day be used to monitor the progress of patients with chronic diseases, keep tabs on the results of chemotherapy in cancer patients, and even as an early warning system for heart attacks and strokes.

2012: Top 10 Health Innovations of the Week

2013 Top 5 Health Innovations of the Week. Hospital Device Shows Patients Tomorrow’s Weather. 11 Innovations in Healthcare Case Management. Monday, July 23rd, 2012 This post was written by Jackie Lyons According to respondents from HIN's third annual healthcare case management survey, successful case management efforts focus on transition coaching, discharge planning, reward programs and a patient-centered approach to case management.

11 Innovations in Healthcare Case Management

Despite the challenges of staffing and operating a successful case management company brought on by healthcare reform and the changing industry, respondents contributed innovative interventions that improve health and reduce costs in the populations they serve. Eleven case management program interventions that proved to be successful are: 1. Working with local community collaboratives for transition coaching. Integrating Health Technology Into Everyday Devices. Imagine if the next time you checked yourself out in the mirror, your reflection talked back, but rather than telling you how good your new haircut looked or offering style advice, it gave you a health assessment instead.

Integrating Health Technology Into Everyday Devices

Your daily primping and preening could take on an entirely new level of import in our lives, serving as a first line in our bid to catch potential health flags before they become serious, and with current technologies, this reality isn’t too far off. Ming-Zher Poh, an electrical engineer in the Affective Computing Group at the MIT Media Lab, spends his time designing intelligent tools that empower individuals to take the management of their wellness into their own hands. Mobile health applications Marketing & Public Relations Firm – Verasoni Worldwide. I am pleased to present the Verasoni Worldwide’s AhHa!

Mobile health applications Marketing & Public Relations Firm – Verasoni Worldwide

Insights Mobile Health Applications: 2012 Study. The study is a snapshot of what people are doing with healthcare related mobile applications, what platforms they are using and it also examines the popularity of healthcare application downloads by categories and specific applications themselves. There is no shortage to the aspirations of the Mobile Health Applications market (mHealth) in the United States and around the world. Healthcare players from life sciences companies, pharmaceuticals, hospitals, insurers and beyond are scrambling to make sense of the opportunities that 4G mobile applications can deliver for their business enterprise and for improving patient health.