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Beautiful web type — the best typefaces from the Google web fonts directory. Among the numerous faults of those who pass their lives recklessly and without due reflexion, my good friend Liberalis, I should say that there is hardly any one so hurtful to society as this, that we neither know how to bestow or how to receive a benefit.

Beautiful web type — the best typefaces from the Google web fonts directory

It follows from this that benefits are badly invested, and become bad debts: in these cases it is too late to complain of their not being returned, for they were thrown away when we bestowed them. Nor need we wonder that while the greatest vices are common, none is more common than ingratitude: for this I see is brought about by various causes. The first of these is, that we do not choose worthy persons upon whom to bestow our bounty, but although when we are about to lend money we first make a careful enquiry into the means and habits of life of our debtor, and avoid sowing seed in a worn-out or unfruitful soil, yet without any discrimination we scatter our benefits at random rather than bestow them.

AngularJS–Part 12, Multi language support. Our application is a product used by many global companies and thus we support multiple languages like English, French, Spanish, German and more.

AngularJS–Part 12, Multi language support

The question is now, how does AngularJS help us to provide our product in all the necessary languages? It turns out that Angular itself does only have limited support for globalization and localization (also called internationalization and localization). But a quick research on the web quickly leads to the following three implementations helping with translating texts into different languages depending on the locale of the user. Here are the links I am sure there exist other implementations out there but for our purposes the first approach which is based on the Gettext format is the favorite one due to the fact that we do not have to use keywords as placeholders for texts but can just use plain English texts in code, and the rich ecosystem around it.

AngularJS–Part 12, Multi language support. Using html templates in angular's ng-switch. Angularjs - How can I make angular.js post data as form data instead of a request payload? Get Moving With Angular 1.2 Animation and Animate.css. Motion is quickly becoming one of the most important emerging techniques in building a quality user experience on the web.

Get Moving With Angular 1.2 Animation and Animate.css

Angular 1.2, currently in release candidate form, provides an overhaul of Angular's animation system and makes it spectacularly easy to bring your interface to life. Of course, hand keying animations can be time consuming especially when you're trying to prototype something in quick order. Luckily, Animate.css provides a library of ready-to-go animations that can be dropped in quickly and easily. Angularjs - angular ui-bootstrap typeahead callback on selectMatch. Angularjs - How to tie angular-ui's typeahead with a server via $http for server side optimization.

What you need to know about Angular SEO. Search engines, such as Google and Bing are engineered to crawl static web pages, not javascript-heavy, client-side apps.

What you need to know about Angular SEO

This is typical of a search engine which does not render javascript when the search bot is crawling over web pages. This is because our javascript-heavy apps need a javascript engine to run, like PhantomJS or v8, for instance. Web crawlers typically load a web page without using a javascript interpreter. Html5 - How do search engines deal with AngularJS applications. Jose Raya : AngularJS SEO. This is a report of my research on the state of the art of AngularJS SEO as of January 2014.

Jose Raya : AngularJS SEO

Problem: Search bots do not execute the javascript and, thus, all they see is the empty template for the application. AngularJS Tips and Tricks Using ngResource. ← Monoids for Programmers: A Scala Example | .NET Entity Framework: Using Database Migration to Seed a Database → AngularJS is a JavaScript framework that can help you write web applications quickly using less code.

AngularJS Tips and Tricks Using ngResource

AngularJS is not a library, rather it is an entirely different way of thinking about writing web applications. As such, AngularJS has certain opinions about how you should be using it. Whereas in the vanilla JavaScript world, you are given a blank canvas on which to paint, AngularJS provides structure, organization and patterns to work with. Random tricks when using AngularJS. If you don’t know AngularJS, it is a very good Javascript library that allows you to easily build web applications.

Random tricks when using AngularJS

Here are some random useful tricks that I found for AngularJS users. Ternary operator in expressions When you write an expression, like {{ id }}, you can’t use the ternary operator . But you can use the && and || operators. These two lines are identical provided that b always equals true: Google maps for AngularJS. Jquery - How to disable mouse scroll-wheel scaling with Google Maps API. Detect history back using angular. AngularJS - ngSwitch and ngClick not working in ngRepeat. Can one controller call another in AngularJS. AngularJS tips and tricks. Are you working with AngularJS?

AngularJS tips and tricks

Have you tried using the “documentation”? Have you banged your head into your keyboard trying to find out how seemingly simple methods works? Yeah, I’ve been there. A ternary in angular templates ( angularjs ) Brian Ford. The AngularJS documentation is great for getting started and for looking up specific API calls.

Brian Ford

However, it doesn't really tell you how to organize and manage your app as it grows to tens or hundreds of thousands of lines of code. I've collected here some of my observations and best practices for how to manage your sprawling application. First we'll take a look at organization, then move on to some tips on improving performance, and conclude with a brief summary on tools, servers, and build processes. AngularJS Tips and Tricks [UPDATED] ☢

These tips were developed in AngularJs v0.10.5 v1.0.1.

AngularJS Tips and Tricks [UPDATED] ☢

I'll keep updating this post, so check back often! I've compared a LOT of different javascript frameworks for my company's rewrite, and finally settled on AngularJS because of how rapidly I'm able to produce prototypes. In my opinion, although it's very alpha and fairly lacking on the graphical side, it's excellent for CRUD applications (meaning forms, tables and reports).

I'm still trying to lean towards emphasizing reusable widgets and directives instead of just custom-coding everything for your own app. How to access an array in AngularJS controller populated by $resource get() AngularJS ui-router doesn't work with nested views. Angularjs using $routeProvider without ng-view. Some Lessons Learnt from Messing with Django and AngularJS. AngularJS Tips and Tricks [UPDATED] ☢

These tips were developed in AngularJs v0.10.5 v1.0.1. I'll keep updating this post, so check back often! I've compared a LOT of different javascript frameworks for my company's rewrite, and finally settled on AngularJS because of how rapidly I'm able to produce prototypes. In my opinion, although it's very alpha and fairly lacking on the graphical side, it's excellent for CRUD applications (meaning forms, tables and reports). I'm still trying to lean towards emphasizing reusable widgets and directives instead of just custom-coding everything for your own app. If you are still on the fence take a look at TodoMVC for an excellent unbaised comparison. Most of these tips have been moved to AngularUI - Go check it out!

The companion suite to AngularJS, a collection of work by many AngularJS users with a plethora of useful utilities. Table of Contents Serializing the Form No. If every form control on your page does not have an ng-model then you're doing it wrong. Seriously. Useful $scope Methods. Brian Ford. AngularJS is like the missing Batarang on your utility belt of web development awesomeness. It gives you two-way data binding that's both easy to use and fast, a powerful directive system that lets you use create reusable custom components, plus a lot more.

Express is an excellent webserver for Node.js that provides routing, middleware, and sessions. Incidentally, the two work quite well together! In this tutorial, I'm going to walk through writing a simple blog app with Angular and Express. For this, I'm assuming basic knowledge of Angular and Node. If you'd rather skip to the end and see the finished product, you can grab the finished product from Github, or take a look at a live demo here. How to handle anchor hash linking in AngularJS. Brian's Python Dev Blog. 7 - Routing & Multiple Views. Loading... Enough of building an app with three phones in a hard-coded dataset! Let's fetch a larger dataset from our server using one of Angular's built-in services called $http. Mapping AngularJS Routes Onto URL Parameters And Client-Side Events. Some Lessons Learnt from Messing with Django and AngularJS. AngularJS with Django - Conflicting template tags.

Aura. Animation in AngularJS by Gias Kay Lee. In Meetup #2 Gias Kay Lee. Full-Spectrum Testing with AngularJS and Testacular. Learn how to fully test your AngularJS application with Testacular One of the major areas of AngularJS development which needs to be covered in better detail is how to test your application . But wait, how do you do that?
