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L'émancipation n'est pas une marchandise. Par Christophe Cailleaux et Amélie Hart-Hutasse, enseignant.e.s.

L'émancipation n'est pas une marchandise

Ce texte est une version largement remaniée et mise à jour d'un précédent billet portant le même titre. The Marshmallow Test: What Does It Really Measure? Ultimately, the new study finds limited support for the idea that being able to delay gratification leads to better outcomes. Instead, it suggests that the capacity to hold out for a second marshmallow is shaped in large part by a child’s social and economic background—and, in turn, that that background, not the ability to delay gratification, is what’s behind kids’ long-term success. The marshmallow test isn’t the only experimental study that has recently failed to hold up under closer scrutiny. Some scholars and journalists have gone so far as to suggest that psychology is in the midst of a “replication crisis.” In the case of this new study, specifically, the failure to confirm old assumptions pointed to an important truth: that circumstances matter more in shaping children’s lives than Mischel and his colleagues seemed to appreciate.

There’s plenty of other research that sheds further light on the class dimension of the marshmallow test. Portugal : un redressement économique et social qui prend Bruxelles à contre-pied. Il y a un an, en juillet 2016, la Commission européenne entamait une procédure pour "déficit excessif" contre le gouvernement de Lisbonne.

Portugal : un redressement économique et social qui prend Bruxelles à contre-pied

Le Portugal risquait une amende, selon Bruxelles, puisque il était censé ramener son déficit à 2,5 % de son PIB en 2015 au lieu des 4,4 % annoncés. La procédure a été abandonnée un mois plus tard. YouTube’s top creators are burning out and breaking down en masse. Foster families who ignore race are participating in a pernicious form of racism. Derek Owusu draws on personal experiences to argue that there needs to be more education about the needs of black children when being fostered I was eight years old when I first realised I was black.

Foster families who ignore race are participating in a pernicious form of racism

Before that, all I saw myself as was a ‘different kind of person’. No colour attached, but of course, visibly different to my peers. I was in foster care for the first eight years of my life–the formative years that, according to the Jesuit maxim, make you the man you will grow into. So by the time I left Suffolk for North London in 1997, damage was already done that would be difficult to correct. Late discoveries about identity are very common among black children raised in foster care by white families. We Sat Down With the ‘Arrested Development’ Cast. It Got Raw. L’inquiétude monte face à l’impact des écrans sur les plus jeunes. Les professionnels de l’enfance s’alarment des troubles du développement chez les plus exposés précocement.

L’inquiétude monte face à l’impact des écrans sur les plus jeunes

Bon nombre de professionnels de l’enfance s’inquiètent de la place des écrans et de leur impact, et ce dès le plus jeune âge. Elisabeth Baton-Hervé, chercheuse indépendan­te, formatrice à l’éducation à l’image et aux médias, a voulu en savoir plus et a mené depuis 2014 une cinquantaine d’entretiens avec ces professionnels de terrain sur cette question, dans douze départements.

Elle a présenté des premiers résultats lors de la troisième édition du colloque « Les impacts des écrans sur la jeunesse : un enjeu majeur de santé publique », organisé par l’Association pour l’éducation à la réduction du temps écran (Alerte) et Edupax (une association québécoise qui organise les journées sans écran dans les écoles), qui s’est tenu ­samedi 5 mai à la mairie du 19e arrondissement, à Paris. Réalité et fiction confondues Les conséquences ? Before Zedd Found Maren Morris, 12 Female Singers Tried ‘The Middle’ The hit single “The Middle,” by Zedd and featuring Maren Morris, is currently on its third week at No. 1 on pop radio – a giant feat for any song but especially so for one that was written well over a year prior and had been recorded by no fewer than 12 top female singers.

Before Zedd Found Maren Morris, 12 Female Singers Tried ‘The Middle’

Dua Lipa: ‘Pop has to be fun. You can’t get upset about every little thing’ There are plenty of reasons to be startled by the young musician Dua Lipa.

Dua Lipa: ‘Pop has to be fun. You can’t get upset about every little thing’

Her cynical, defiantly un-sunny pop anthem New Rules was an improbable song-of-the-summer last July. Streamed online more than 1bn times since, it has helped establish this 22-year-old Londoner as pop’s beach-storming new conquistador – a winner of two Brit awards in February, and the first female artist to be nominated for five. Lipa has an unusual name and history (she comes from a family of Kosovan academics, parted in the 1990s by war), a room-stilling presence (she stands 6ft-plus in heels), and a talent for hanging together pop-music contradictions, specialising in floor-filling bangers that are somehow both jaded and buoyant, universal and intimate. She’s interesting in a number of ways, all of which I want to explore when I meet her one morning in London, towards the end of her Observer cover shoot. With Latest Syria Threats, Trump Continues to Be More Confrontational Toward Russia Than Obama Was. The civil war in Syria began in 2011 and escalated for five years during the Obama presidency, yet Barack Obama — despite demands from leaders of both parties and think tanks across the spectrum — never once bombed Syrian government targets.

With Latest Syria Threats, Trump Continues to Be More Confrontational Toward Russia Than Obama Was

Although the CIA under Obama spent $1 billion per year to covertly train and fund Bashar al-Assad’s enemies, it was never close to enough to topple him: just enough to keep the war going. But Obama never bombed Assad or his military assets: a decision which, to this day, is scorned across official Washington. Hillary Clinton blasted Obama’s refusal to do more to stop Assad, and in 2017, she actively encouraged Donald Trump to bomb Assad and take out his air force. To this day, Obama regards his refusal to bomb Assad as one of his best moments; about this, Obama told The Atlantic in 2016: “I’m very proud of this moment.” Over the past several days, Trump has made very clear that he intends to order another bombing campaign against Assad.

Russia Says It Has “Irrefutable Evidence” U.K. Staged Chemical Attack in Syria. Let’s See It. Russian officials said on Friday that their government can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that a suspected chemical attack on a rebel-held enclave in Syria last week was a hoax staged by British spies.

Russia Says It Has “Irrefutable Evidence” U.K. Staged Chemical Attack in Syria. Let’s See It.

The defense and foreign ministry officials declined, however, to say what the evidence was, or expose it to public scrutiny. That matters because Russian officials have a history of making false or misleading claims about attacks in Syria based on internet conspiracy theories or hoaxes. Volunteer rescue workers and antigovernment activists in Syria said that more than 40 people were killed in a chemical attack in Douma, east of Damascus, on Saturday, and shared images of the dead and wounded on social networks.

With the United States and Britain considering military strikes on the forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to deter the use of chemical weapons, Russia seemed to go all-out on Friday to shield its Syrian ally. Top 6 des pires récupérations commerciales du féminisme #feminismwashing. Je l’ai souvent écrit ici, le féminisme devient bankable et même si c’est globalement une bonne nouvelle, on peut néanmoins pointer la récupération marketing émanant de marques souvent loin d’être exemplaires sur le sujet.

Top 6 des pires récupérations commerciales du féminisme #feminismwashing

Et qui profitent de l’aubaine pour vendre tout et n’importe quoi à partir du moment où c’est estampillé féministe par leurs soins. Why I embrace the term Latinx. When I first saw the word Latinx – best described as a gender-neutral term to describe US residents of Latin American descent – in print it seemed strange, alien, and unfit for proper pronunciation.

Why I embrace the term Latinx

But rather than perceiving it as my enemy, I came to embrace its enticing, futurist charms. The term Latinx arises from a perceived inadequacies of the labels “Hispanic” and “Latino”, which emerged in the civil rights era, around the same time that the term “Negro” gave way to “black”, and then “African American”. Why People Are Using The Term 'Latinx'

« Les dents, pipi et au lit » : et si l'on arrêtait de glorifier des personnages masculins odieux et inconscients ? Le concept de « first lady »​ dans le rap ne serait-il plus qu'une vaste hypocrisie ? The Clintons Had Slaves. But the prison labor system is also rotten to the core… Contrary to popular understanding, the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution did not prohibit slavery. The text makes it clear: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. The nifty little loophole of that word “except” means that slavery isn’t actually banned outright; someone simply has to be convicted of a crime in order to be enslaved. How A24 is Disrupting Hollywood.

Eddie Guy The story behind the studio that brought you “Moonlight” and “It Comes At Night”, as told by Barry Jenkins, Sofia Coppola, James Franco, Robert Pattinson, and the founders of A24 themselves. There are more glamorous things to be, in Hollywood, than an independent distribution company. For instance, an actress. Or a director. Or a screenwriter. En France, il y a un marché pour les films avec des acteurs noirs. Publicis, un pouvoir, par Marie Bénilde (Le Monde diplomatique, juin 2004) Quel rapport entre une bouteille de Coca-Cola, une Carte bleue Visa, un produit pharmaceutique Pfizer, un hypermarché Carrefour, un film Walt Disney, une campagne de recrutement de l’armée américaine, une stratégie d’implantation de Philip Morris en Chine ?

Marie Dasylva, coach de vie en entreprise pour femmes racisées.