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Easy Capture Video DVR USB 2.0 Video Adaptor With Audio Cable. How To Connect a VCR to a Computer. Video cassette tapes used to be the norm in recording videos and watching home videos.

How To Connect a VCR to a Computer

However, these have been superseded by optical discs, particularly DVDs and the even newer BluRay technology. Optical discs are a much better way of storage, because they don’t rely on magnetism, unlike VCR tapes, which can be prone to magnetic fields. Refining Edge-Lit Holiday Cards. Henschel V-8 steam locomotive. This is a fascinating piece of railroad steam engine history and loaded with tons of physics.

Henschel V-8 steam locomotive

Why did the Henschel V-8 steam locomotive disappear? It looks like a good idea. Researching the material leads me to believe it was specifically designed for setting speed records, but the ultimate death blow was the advent of cheaper, more efficient train engines--the diesels. Video: The IBM Selectric Typewriter & its mechanical digital to analogue converter. Using slow motion video Bill Hammack shows how the mechanical digital-to-analogue converter of IBM's revolutionary "golf ball" typewriter works.

Video: The IBM Selectric Typewriter & its mechanical digital to analogue converter

I marvel at IBM's Selectric Typewriter. I still recall clearly the day my parents brought one home! I thought at the time "that's a magnificant machine" and, you know, I still do. It paved the way for computer printers because the Selectric had an early version of a digital to analogue converter. Great geek reads for snowy days. The Spudgun Technology Center - Your Source for Spudgun Parts, information, and more! Best Websites. The internet is a big place, with a lot of content.

Best Websites

Over one billion websites at the time of writing. With the web constantly changing, it’s hard to keep track of which sites have the best content and resources. To help make things easier, we’ve compiled this enormous list of the best websites on the internet, split into their relevant categories. The websites on this list are those that we consider to be the best: genuinely useful, top-of-the-line sites (not apps) where you’ll find what you need. We update this list regularly, so check back occasionally, and be sure to tell your friends! Categories: Movies | Music | News | Shopping | Productivity | Learning | Social | Search | Online Privacy | Browsing | Finance | Books | Software | Files Movies Netflix Currently around a third of all internet packets sent are Netflix packets.

Hulu TV streaming service Hulu isn’t appreciated as much as it should be. Amazon Prime Instant Video Rotten Tomatoes Movie tickets are expensive. IMDb YouTube Movies. Internet Hall of Fame. Hacking QR codes. QR codes are becoming quite popular, especially in advertising.

Hacking QR codes

Photo by infovore But QR codes have a security flaw – it’s not too difficult to turn one QR code into another with just a bit of OHP film and some Tippex. Obviously I don’t support vandalism so I’ll be using this fake Google poster that I made as an example. You will need: A mobile phone with a QR code scanning application. Scan your target QR code and use the free QR code generator to generate a copy of the original code. Victims of the 1854 Fire and Explosion in Gateshead. Nuts and Volts. Low-tech Magazine.

No Tech Magazine. Word clock from cheapo photo frame. Some time ago, I picked up an LCD photo frame that was on clearance, however it’s screen quality turned out to be quite unsuitable for actually showing photos.

Word clock from cheapo photo frame

I wasn’t sure what to do with it, but I thought it would be a shame to waste the thing, so I decided to turn it into a ridiculous clock. The idea is pretty straightforward, I just built a circuit to hit the ‘next’ button every minute, then generated 720 photos to store on it, one for each minute in a 12-hour cycle. I chose to write out the time in words, however really anything could be used and displayed.

Build instructions after the break. Building the clock To build the clock, you will need an extra LCD photo frame, an Arduino microcontroller (the Bare Bones Board Arduino clone is shown here, but I ended up using a Really Bare Bones Board), a 4N25 optocoupler, a 100 ohm (or so) resistor, and some wire. Kipkay Videos. Wind Lantern. Step #1: Prepare aluminum rod PrevNext Put on your safety glasses and cut an 18" length of the aluminum rod with a hacksaw.

Wind Lantern

Use a deburring tool or file on the inside and outside of the end of the rod to smooth it and avoid cutting yourself.Make sure your aluminum rod fits through the flanged sleeve bearings, thrust bearing and washers, and the shaft collars. …still messing with forces I don’t understand – the formula. NEWSFLASH : Just when I thought this story was done with – I just tried adding a sprinkle of salt to the (already) potent mix of Hydrogen Peroxide and Muriatic Acid – Dang!

…still messing with forces I don’t understand – the formula.

It etched the whole board in under a minute… Wow! Definitely some kind of catalyst. Resulting solution is bright green (CuCl2?) , not the usual blue. Now back to the regularly scheduled program… Urban Legends Reference Pages.