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A Math-Free Guide to the Math of Alice in Wonderland. It always surprises me whenever someone says that Alice in Wonderland/Through the looking glass was the result of a drug trip.

A Math-Free Guide to the Math of Alice in Wonderland

(More interesting still, most people who say that are usually only familiar with the many, many movie and television versions of the stories. All of which cut out or completely change a huge amount from the books.) However, when you read the books and see how much math, social satire and just creative use of language is in them you realize that a ton of thought when into the stories.

This was not the result of an opium haze. And a slight correction; "Time had been the fourth member of their party, but had gotten fed up and walked out. " Time was never at the Tea Party. This well-known Egyptian symbol is actually an early math problem. Julia und Mandelbrot Mengen. Der französische Mathematiker Gaston Julia untersuchte im Jahre 1919 das Verhalten der Folge mit Gleichung zn+1 = zn2 + i.

Julia und Mandelbrot Mengen

Für z1 wählte er Werte aus der komplexen Ebene aus. Während bei einer Anzahl von Werten z1 um den Ursprung der Gauss'schen Ebene zn für n gegen unendlich einem Grenzwert zustrebte oder beschränkt blieb, gab es einen Bereich ausserhalb, welcher divergierte. Es dauerte jedoch bis in die siebziger Jahre des letzten Jahrhunderts, bis die Bedeutung der Julia-Mengen erfasst wurde. Julias Formel lässt sich verallgemeinern. Blog Archive » My Prime Factorization Sweater. I wore my Prime Factorization Sweater to KidlitCon09, and it shows up in all my pictures, so I think it’s time for me to explain it.

Blog Archive » My Prime Factorization Sweater

This is the sweater that proves that I am a Certified Math Nut. Okay, here’s how it works. Math Rules. In his new book, In Pursuit of the Unknown: 17 Equations That Changed the World, Ian Stewart recounts one of the worst jokes in the history of science.

Math Rules

You can develop your own setup from first principles once you know the punch line: “The squaw on the hippopotamus is equal to the sum of the squaws on the other two hides.” Never mind how Native Americans were in possession of a hippopotamus—the important thing is that the Pythagorean theorem is so well known that comedy writers consider it fair game even if that game couldn’t possibly be found on the correct continent. Stewart, who formerly wrote the Mathematical Recreations column for Scientific American, takes the reader on an engaging tour of vital math for a modern world. I highly recommend Stewart’s wonderfully accessible book and now share with you some additional equations not in its pages but of importance to me, personally.

Greek numerals. History[edit] The Minoan and Mycenæan civilizations' Linear A and Linear B alphabets used a different system, called Aegean numerals, which included specialized symbols for numbers: 𐄇 = 1, 𐄐 = 10, 𐄙 = 100, 𐄢 = 1000, and 𐄫 = 10000.[1] Attic numerals, which were later adopted as the basis for Roman numerals, were the first alphabetic set.

Greek numerals

They were acrophonic, derived (after the initial one) from the first letters of the names of the numbers represented. They ran = 1000, and = 10000. 50, 500, 5000, and 50000 were represented minuscule powers of ten written in the top right corner inside the letter , and. History Topics. Nerd Paradise : Divisibility Rules for Arbitrary Divisors. It's rather obvious when a number is divisible by 2 or 5, and some of you probably know how to tell if a number is divisible by 3, but it is possible to figure out the division 'rule' for any number.

Nerd Paradise : Divisibility Rules for Arbitrary Divisors

Here are the rules for 2 through 11... The last digit is divisible by 2. Elements of Abstract and Linear Algebra by Edwin H. Connell. Url?sa=t&rct=j&q=wolfram%20mathworld&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCQQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fmathworld.wolfram. Url?sa=t&rct=j&q=mathematical%20atlas&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCMQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.math-atlas.

MathPages. From Wolfram MathWorld. Math for Artists: Exponents and Radicals. Mathematical References - RF Cafe. Blog : Twisted Architecture. I didn’t set out to tie knots in Norman Foster’s Hearst Tower or wrinkle his Gherkin, but I got carried away.

Blog : Twisted Architecture

It’s one of the occupational hazards of working with Mathematica. It started with an innocent experiment in lofting, a technique also known as “skinning” that originated in boat-building. I wanted to explore some three-dimensional forms, and a basic lofting function seemed like a quick ticket to results. I dashed off the function Loft, which takes a stack of three-dimensional contours and covers it with a skin of polygons. Loft uses Mathematica‘s GraphicsComplex primitive to factor out the geometries of the polygons from their topologies. I tried out Loft by embedding it in a Manipulate, and was happily on my way discovering some interesting new forms. Banach-Tarski Paradox. Did you know that it is possible to cut a solid ball into 5 pieces, and by re-assembling them, using rigid motions only, form TWO solid balls, EACH THE SAME SIZE AND SHAPE as the original?

Banach-Tarski Paradox

This theorem is known as the Banach-Tarski paradox. Wonders of Math - The Game of Life. What is the Game of Life?

Wonders of Math - The Game of Life

By Paul Callahan. Number Theory Index.


How Mathematics Can Make Smart People Dumb - Ben O'Neill. Mathematics can sometimes make smart people dumb.

How Mathematics Can Make Smart People Dumb - Ben O'Neill

Golden Number.