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Visual Calculus

Visual Calculus
Related:  Calculus and Analysis

Purplemath Home Common Compound Library A searchable database of over 800 common compound names, formulas, structures, and properties. Companion Notes Hyperlinked notes and guides for first semester general chemistry. Construction Kits Flash-based kits for building chemical formulas, names, equations, and problem solutions. Articles Featured articles, books, and tutorials. Toolbox Interactive graphing, popup tables, and calculators. Tutorials Index of self-guided tutorials, quizzes, and drills on specific topics. - THE CALCULUS PAGE . Mathematics Archives Calculus Resources On-Line Welcome to the Calculus Resources On-line area of the Mathematics Archives. This area contains information and links to numerous Internet resources, which could be used for teaching and learning of calculus. If you would like to suggest adding information to this area, or have comments or questions, please contact Przemyslaw Bogacki, the calculus moderator. Here is the contents of the Calculus Resources On-line area: Mathematics Archives software collection contains numerous shareware and freeware programs useful for teaching and learning of calculus. Initiatives, Projects and Programs These are alphabetized by institution's name (pilot sites are listed under the original developer institution). Appalachian State University, Business Calculus A new Business Calculus course has been developed with the focus on business problems which can be efficiently resolved by the appropriate use of mathematics and technology working hand-in-hand. Carleton University Cornell University Duke University

OCW Course Index 5 TED Talks on Science That Will Blow Your Mind Andrew Maynard is a scientist and emerging technology adviser. He blogs at 2020 Science and tweets as @2020science. Some of the most entertaining, informative and mind-blowing science videos on the web come from TED – the Technology, Entertainment, Design conference. Challenged to give the “talk of their lives,” the world’s top scientists and science communicators have been dazzling audiences – many of whom are thought leaders, trend-setters and entertainers - for years now. Most of the best talks are now freely available on the internet, but sifting through hundreds of video clips to find the real gems can be hard going. To make things easier, here are five of my favorite TED Talks on science. - Was I engaged within the first few seconds? 1. What on earth do coral, complex mathematics and the craft of crochet have in common? 2. Four billion years of evolution have led to organisms that can reproduce, survive the harshest environments, and convert simple chemicals into complex ones. 3.

Homework and Study Help - Free help with your algebra, biology, environmental science, American government, US history, physics and religion homework Can I take a course at HippoCampus for credit? How do I enroll in a course at HippoCampus? Are there any fees to take your courses? How do I make a comment or ask a question? How do I get individual help with my homework assignment? What are the preferred texts? How can I use HippoCampus in my classroom? How can I use HippoCampus in my home school? Can I use the resources you have available for my homeschoolers? Do you know of any wet lab resources to accompany HippoCampus content? Is there a script, app, or something that can be used to track student use of HippoCampus? Can I share my HippoCampus content with my fellow teachers? Can I download the video? Can I change the size of the video window? Why won't the Environmental Science animations play? What if my page scroll bars or "submit" button are not showing? I can't find closed captioning. Where does the content from your site come from? There is an error in the multimedia presentation. How do I report a course errata item? No. AP Course Ledger

Highlights of Calculus Supports de cours -- Data Mining, Data Science et Big Data Analytics Cette page recense les supports utilisés pour mes enseignements de Machine Learning, Data Mining et de Data Science au sein du Département Informatique et Statistique (DIS) de l'Université Lyon 2, principalement en Master 2 Statistique et Informatique pour la Science des donnéEs (SISE), formation en data science, dans le cadre du traitement statistique des données et de la valorisation des big data. Je suis très attentif à la synergie forte entre l'informatique et les statistiques dans ce diplôme, ce sont là les piliers essentiels du métier de data scientist. Attention, pour la majorité, il s'agit de « slides » imprimés en PDF, donc très peu formalisés, ils mettent avant tout l'accent sur le fil directeur du domaine étudié et recensent les points importants. Cette page est bien entendu ouverte à tous les statisticiens, data miner et data scientist, étudiants ou pas, de l'Université Lyon 2 ou d'ailleurs. Nous vous remercions par avance. Ricco Rakotomalala – Université Lyon 2

Devlin's Angle 10 Books that will Substitute A Computer Science Degree | Techoozie Exponential and Logarithmic functions Exponential functions Definition Take a > 0 and not equal to 1 . Then, the function defined by f : R -> R : x -> ax is called an exponential function with base a. Graph and properties Let f(x) = an exponential function with a > 1. From the graphs we see that The domain is R The range is the set of strictly positive real numbers The function is continuous in its domain The function is increasing if a > 1 and decreasing if 0 < a < 1 The x-axis is a horizontal asymptote Examples: y = 3x ; y = 0.5x ; y = 100.2x-1 Logarithmic functions Definition and basic properties Take a > 0 and not equal to 1 . are either increasing or decreasing, the inverse functions are defined. loga(x) log10(x) is written as log(x) So, From this we see that the domain of the logarithmic function is the set of strictly positive real numbers, and the range is R. log2(8) = 3 ; log3(sqrt(3)) = 0.5 ; log(0.01) = -2 From the definition it follows immediately that Example: log(102x+1) = 2x+1 Graph log2(x) ; log(2x+4) ; log0.5(x) Thus,
