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The Overloaded Bike sur Twitter : "#bike #TheOverloadedBike #India #photooftheday... Bikes of burden: London Green Cycles is offering a clean, green and cheap way to transport goods - Green Living - Environment - The Independent. Opened this spring, after a year spent trading from the owner's kitchen, the shop is the country's first dedicated cargo-bike store.

Bikes of burden: London Green Cycles is offering a clean, green and cheap way to transport goods - Green Living - Environment - The Independent

Essentially bikes with big boxes or platforms on the front, they offer a clean, green and cheap alternative to the traditional means of transporting goods, or, as is often the case, children. Last week London Green Cycles announced partnerships with four London boroughs to encourage more businesses to trial them, with Hackney, Brentford, Camden and Lambeth all seeing the potential of the bikes to transform the city. Thanks to schemes such as the EU-funded CycleLogistics project, which has been working to raise the profile of cargo bikes across cities in Europe, they are becoming an increasingly frequent sight on the road.

In Copenhagen, it is estimated one in four families with two children own one, while everyone from the Danish postal service to family run businesses make use of them. Since opening, business has been brisk. It's true. Ӂ Solenne Cucchi ӂ sur Twitter : Have you ever tried the #kickbike? It seems really funny!! #bike... Kickbike potkulauta – scooter & Kickspark potkukelkka – sled. SolenneCucchi : Mon Velo ("my bike") by Georges... SolenneCucchi : When would @Paris Metro will... SolenneCucchi : #bikes bikes bikes... SolenneCucchi : Great funny #bike to cycle... SolenneCucchi : Everyone just has a #bike in... SolenneCucchi : So many #bikes in Berlin!! Instagram. SolenneCucchi : What a nice day to have a ride... SolenneCucchi : Amateurs de #velo ne ratez... La Vélodyssée, nouvelle voie royale pour traverser la France.

London's $1.4 Billion Biking Project. Last week the city of London announced one of the largest cycling transportation development budgets in the history of the bicycle.

London's $1.4 Billion Biking Project

The city’s Mayor, Borris Johnson, committed nearly £1 Billion ($1.4 Billion USD) to building up London’s bicycle infrastructure over the next decade. When completed the cycling network will qualify as one of the world’s largest public works projects. To grasp the enormity of London’s $1.4 billion bicycle investment, Janette Sadik-Khan, the sitting Commissioner of New York’s Department of Transportation (DOT) has a budget of roughly $2 billion at her disposal… that’s her entire transportation budget. The entire New York City cycling development budget over the past five years is in the neighborhood of $2 million, or about 0.009% of what London’s budget will be in 2015 alone.

The proposal is enormous. But largely, Americans aren’t taking notice, and neither is the American media rushing to task. Le vélo qui va faire un carton ! Encore un projet qui donne des raisons d’être optimistes !

Le vélo qui va faire un carton !

Poursuivons notre tour du monde des projets d’avenir avec le vélo en carton d’Izhar Gafni. Las ciudades con buena infraestructura para bicicletas son más atractivas para los negocios. Puente exclusivo para bicicletas en Minneapolis Varias ciudades de EE.UU se dieron cuenta de que tener buena infraestructura para bicicletas podía generar mejores empleos y traer ejecutivos talentosos.

Las ciudades con buena infraestructura para bicicletas son más atractivas para los negocios

El Alcalde de Minneapolis declaró hace algún tiempo que el andar en bicicleta era parte de su estrategia para atraer y retener empresas. ”Queremos que los jóvenes talentos que vienen aquí, se queden. Y bueno, el ciclismo es una de las maneras menos costosas para enviar ese mensaje”. Bikeonomics: The Economics of Riding Your Bike. WASHINGTON DC, October 11, 2012- Step out on a weekday at 8:45 am on the intersection of U and 15th streets in NorthWest DC, and there are dozens of bicycle riders on the bike lane, waiting for their dedicated traffic light to change.

Bikeonomics: The Economics of Riding Your Bike

Some are dressed in suits, others more casually. Some people are riding expensive looking bikes, some ride more run-of-the-mill bikes, and there are more than a few red Capital Bikeshare bikes. DC, like many other US cities, has made a substantial investment in bicycle infrastructure in recent years and its residents and businesses have responded with enthusiasm. This is probably because individuals, commercial establishments, companies, and local governments have begun to recognize that cycling makes economic sense. More people riding bicycles economically benefits individuals, businesses, and governments. Invisible Bicycle Helmet (She's Wearing One) - Larry Fedoruk. Invisible Bicycle Helmet (She's Wearing One) It's called Hovding, a real IKEA sounding name and it actually comes from two Swedish design students named Anna Haupt and Terese Alstin.

Invisible Bicycle Helmet (She's Wearing One) - Larry Fedoruk

They began noodling the idea at the same time Sweden's law on bicycle helmets for children under 15 came in. Legislators wanted the law to also apply to adults. This idea started out as an industrial design master thesis at Lund University in the spring of 2005. Anna and Terese won the Venture Cup competition in 2006 with their idea and have spent the time raising capital and perfecting their invention.

A Dazzling Animation of London's Bicycle Commuters - Commute. What is this thing, a new species of bioluminescent blob dredged up from the Mariana Trench?

A Dazzling Animation of London's Bicycle Commuters - Commute

Actually, it's us – a visualization of how humans travel by bicycle around central London. The entrancing video was created by Jo Wood, a professor of visual analytics at City University who writes papers with names like "Interactive visual exploration of a large spatio-temporal dataset: Reflections on a geovisualization mashup. " Clearly, he knows his stuff. Wood's animation shows a year of rides among users of the bike-sharing program Barclays Cycle Hire. The program today involves 570 stations and about 8,000 bikes, so Wood's data set was huge, encompassing some 5 million journeys that occurred in the year after Barclays launched in 2010.

Smart City Bike by Yo-Hwan Kim. Smarter Ride The Smart City Cycle takes into consideration that you may have to carry some luggage with you when you head out.

Smart City Bike by Yo-Hwan Kim

It could be as simple as groceries or toys for your children. The rear wheel of the cycle hosts extendable compartments that can hold your goodies for you. If required, then the storage extension can be completely removed as well. Either ways, it’s a modular cycle that suits your daily commuting needs. Get on Your Bikes and Ride.