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Types of combustion champer

Types of combustion champer

hemispherical chamber wedge chamber bath tube chamber squish bang four valve combustion chamber CombustionChambers 1

hemispherical chamber= small surface area reducing heat loss during combustion, larger valves allowing the engine to breathe, better gas flows, allows spark plug to be central.

bath tub=simple method valve train, reducing costs ,

wedge= better thermal efficiency compared to bath tub design, less complex valve train compared to hemi design. by jakecook Sep 30

Hemispherical combustion chamber small surface area reducing heat loss during combustion larger valves makes the engine breath better which means better gas flow. More complex to work on more components making the engine run more wieght in the engine more thermal efficient using less fuel. SQUISH creation of swirling air fuel ratio away from then cylinder walls and towards the spark plug. Hemi allows the spark pug to be located centrally in the combustion chamber.

Bathtub design simple valve train reducing cost of pruduction

Wedge design smaller surface area compared to the bathtub design by kieran1423 Sep 30
