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The Unz Review: A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media. Quartz. Smithsonian Institution. Open Library. Internet Archive. International Journal of Food Studies. The International Journal of Food Studies (IJFS), a journal of the ISEKI_Food Association, is an international peer-reviewed open-access journal featuring scientific articles on the world of Food in Education, Research and Industry.

International Journal of Food Studies

This journal is a forum created specifically to improve the dissemination of Food Science and Technology knowledge between Education, Research and Industry stakeholders. Core topics range from raw materials, through food processing, including its effect on the environment, to food safety, nutrition and consumer acceptance. To enrich this forum the journal is also open to other food-related topics such as food policy and food anthropology. Original contributions relevant to the following topics will be considered for publication: Moody's Analytics: Economic Analysis, Historical & Forecast Data, Alternative Scenarios, Forecasting and Credit Risk Management. Wikinews, the free news source. Alternative News and Information. The Real News Network - Independent News, Blogs and Editorials.

PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. National Politics. Hacker News. The Hacker News: Hacking and Security News. Fact-Based, In-Depth News. BBC - Homepage.